Shouts about...

Movie 43 2013

A masterpiece. Completely different from other films and that's exactly what makes it so special. Full of stars who don't take themselves too seriously. 4 years and 19 directors later, a wonderful social and Hollywood satire has been created. Completely underrated

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Is it a coincidence that it's rating on imdb is 4.3

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Brett Davern (“From Triple Dog Final Destination 5 Awkward & Easy A”) Emma Stone (“From Superbad The Amazing Spider-Man 1-2 ICarly & Easy A”)

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I will die on the hill that this is one of the most entertaining movies ever. Is it a great “movie”? No. It’s the biggest cast ever, with a bunch of insensitive jokes that push the boundaries of what’s acceptable…and then ramp it up a little further. I have genuinely not laughed as hard at many other movies, yet this movie I laugh that hard from start to finish. I can also honestly make the statement that despite coming out in 2013, I have consistently thought about this movie in some way, every week since I first saw it a decade ago. If you are easily offended, this won’t be for you. If you can take a joke, and wanna shut your brain off for absurdity, this is a must see comedy.

Rating: 5/5 (:star:) - 10/10 - Must See

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If you're looking for a movie with lots of stars, or with lots of stars in a bad movie, or lots of stars in a very funny bad movie then this movie is for you. If you like out of the box comedy stylings, raunchy, disgusting, creepy, disturbing, then this movie is for you. I laughed at nearly every minute of this movie (my taste in comedy is a bit weird).

BTW - serious note - the description of this movie is wrong it should read:

A series of interconnected short films, as a kid searches the dark-web for the infamous Movie43 mentioned to him by his brother as an April-fools joke.

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Trash, the only Ok scene is the first scene (the testicle guy).

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You need the sense of humor of a child to laugh at a crapfest like this.

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Shout by Deleted

This is a stupid movie....

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100% the worst movie I have ever seen. I couldn't finish it. All it did was left me wondering why on earth so many A-listers signed on for this movie.

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You have to be mentally retarded to find this even remotely funny. That the studio didn't screen the movie to critics and that none of the cast wanted to promote it says it all. Absolute garbage...

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I thought this movie was pretty awesome and i can understand why some dont like it but i classifying this movie as a stoner movie and give it a 8,5 out of 10

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Don't listen to the bad reviews...It's a 10 just to see a ballsack graze Kate Winslet

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How did they get this cast to participate in such a trash movie?

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Shout by Wéjih M'zoughi
BlockedParent2017-04-16T15:51:17Z— updated 2018-02-07T12:00:24Z

Probably the worst movie I've seen, in every aspect, that is.

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Shout by Deleted

You say watch it are not

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I just wonder what the hell was in their minds to accept filming a movie like this. Terrible.

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I really didn't think an anthology flick SO star-studded could be SO bad.

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Makes you reconsider Twilight as a good movie.

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WTF did I just watched?

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Not too bad, not too good. A buch of short stories. Funny at some points. Childish/stupid humor.

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This movie makes absolutely no sense at all, but that's what makes it hilarious! XD
Honestly, it's disgusting. Oddly enough, that didn't stop me from enjoying it. Yet, some segments were 99% pure disgust and stupidity, and 1% funny.
Chloë's segment was the best one of all! XD

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Loved this movie, Laughed alot.....great cast

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Strangly entertaining. It made me laugh.

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I don't know, why this movie get golden razzie. It's great parody on mainstream thinks.

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Shout by Corentin Dandoy
BlockedParent2014-03-01T21:22:44Z— updated 2018-02-04T14:30:12Z

I never laughed so hard and so long !!! It's nearly impossible to rate because no other movie has ever try so hard to shock, disgust, outrage or just make bad jokes and somehow nails to makes you laugh. It doesn't count for nothing to cast as many stars in this independent comedy as in an Hollywood blockbuster. It's a wonderful idea to push the boundaries of what is considered as acceptable and I can't wait to see another movie that has the guts to do the same.

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Shout by Deleted

"Movie 43" is the "Citizen Kane" of awful.
- Richard Roeper

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This was hilarious! The parts between the clips are lame, but the actual clips are FUNNY! This is no oscar nomination movie, but if you don't care about crude humor, you will enjoy this one!

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The home schooling sketch was funny..thats about it

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Awful movie, but good laughs! Good movie to watch with group!

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This movie maked me laugh so hard! Its different and great!

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Shout by Deleted

Funny movie, liked it, some scenes more then others, but still funny

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This was horrible. Not even coming close to being funny at any time during the "movie". Save yourself the torture of watching this one.

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Awful. The trailer shows/sets up the better parts leaving 10 minutes absolute tops of funny material, the rest is just painful.

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Shout by Deleted

Pretty bad

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Sick movie, but i can´t remember when i laughed that much at a movie the last time.

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