Shouts about...

Percy 2020

You can sweep this movie away saying: Ah, it's just another one where the big, evil corp screws over the little guy. And you're not wrong. But those stories need to be made aware as it is still happening. I remembered what was going on back then in general but not every detail so I might check up on that. And that's what a good movie should do. Make you aware and look into it. Form an opinion. Don't buy anyone's version at face value.

As for the movie itself, it wasn't overly dramatic. Which I liked. Those movies sometimes have a tendency to do to much in terms of music and camera. This is just right. I would have liked to see a bit more of the courtroom, as the swing at the end, why the Supreme Court granted the appeal, gets lost. Sure, you could read this up but I think it should be contained in the movie. It would have only needed a couple of minutes more running time.

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Informative movie but the pacing made it feel like it was dragging in some places and rushing in others. The scene where Christina Ricci is trying to convince Percy that he turned the tide made me feel like she was trying to convince me too as the movie sorta went nowhere.

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Home Entertainment Release Date:
Friday, April 30, 2021

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Walken is excellent in this Percy vs Goliath tale. A true story and one with lessons for all of us, if we are willing to consider the messages being told.

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