Shouts about...

Race 2016


Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-03-27T19:12:53Z— updated 2017-04-02T21:25:48Z

To be honest I wasn´t interested much in this at first. I feared they would wrap the story of legendary Jesse Owens in the american hero blanket. The typical good vs. evil movie. Hollywood has had a tendency to overdo it at times. Instead they managed the balance between the sport and the political side and also showed that in America too there were issues concerning racism.
On the production side I liked the look of the movie very much. Visualy it was very good. The scenes in the Olympia Stadium in Berlin looked great.

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Wow. Just wow.

What a powerful story bought together so well - the adrenaline from some great sports scenes (and who doesn't enjoy that?), the disbelief / wonder of that kind of segregated society in modern times, the strength of some of the personal relationships (including the struggle Owens had to go through just to get to the Olympics), the people trying to stand up against the tyrannical government, and the political undertones of an impeding world war. It was a great story, a great script, some good acting (with a few real standouts) and some solid special effects (of the crowds, and the stadium).

Recommended for virtually everyone.

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A worthy and educational film, uplifting despite the troubling context.

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A good solid rendition of the Jesse Owens story. The casting is very good and so is the plot development. The impact of the politics in the US with the racial segregation and the Nazi regime in Germany impacting the games were equally focused on, and therefore all of the important aspects of those storylines were drawn out very well. The sports part about this story revolving around Jesse's relationship to his coach and the feats he accomplished were also very well presented. The emotional entertainment and importance of the film make this for a good solid watch.

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Interesting movie never seen it before

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Obviously this is a great story most of us heard back in grade school. The real question is why did it take until 2016 to make a movie about this?

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Anyone go to John Abbott College? Anyone recognize it?

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