Shouts about...

Red Sparrow 2018

They took our jobs! Dayyy turka durka derrrrrrrrr!!!

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i had to stop after 30 minutes. It didnt catch me at all..

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If you've read the book.....don't expect the movie to match up, otherwise, it's a good enough spy flick.

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It's fine, but it's too long and they try to take too many turns to mess things up. Jennifer Lawrence and Joel Edgerton well

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I'm surprised at the number of positive to almost glowing reviews. While the end is a great twist, I'm not sure it makes up for the rest of the film. Far too long, and the terrible accents were incredibly disappointing and distracting (perhaps, hire an actor that actually speaks the language and can act?!). I never bought Jennifer Lawrence as a spy/ballerina/deadly weapon of the state, it just never felt plausible. With so many incredible movies out, unless you're a die-hard Lawrence fan or Russian-moviephile, don't go out of your way to watch this one.

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Not a horrible movie, but definitely not a good one. The first half or so was kinda hard to get through and the other half was kinda hard to follow. Besides that the poor accents are a real turn off. Overall I didn’t have a terrible time, but won’t watch it again.

(And if you’re sensitive to torture scenes, like myself, maybe don’t watch it in a theater.)

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Boring at the beginning, hard to follow at the end, and for sure not the best play of Jennifer Lawrence too. I think the director really liked to see her naked too.

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Red Sparrow is like commuting to work: it takes a long time to get where you already know you're going--and it feels even longer. What I wouldn't have given for an unforeseen turn.

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This violent and gritty spy thriller features a wonderful Jennifer Lawrence with a faulty Russian accent. The chemistry between her and co-star Taron Edgerton is almost non-existent. After a promising beginning the films starts losing steam in the middle part before picking up speed again for the end. Even though the story makes a good attempt at being dark and inventive it gets nothing done before the final twist. I did expect more from director Francis Lawrence, now it feels just generic and bland.

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Out side of the twist at the end, and some incredible intense/uncomfortable scenes, it was a very bloated movie, and I couldn't get over the accents. Why do we have an Australian playing an American, and an American, an Irish, and an Brit playing Russians?

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The Plot Was Slow!!! The Movie Was Too Long I expected Ms. Lawrence to Be a Bad Ass she showed up the Plot unfortunately Did Not Average Movie At Best with a nice Twist

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Good movie. But way over long. Very slow moving, some good twists towards the end. Have to concentrate, but worth it.

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That was a lot more graphic than I was expecting, but damn... it is way too long. That's not its only problem though, as the story is convoluted and hard to follow. It starts off really intriguing though, and Lawrence is great in it, so it's too bad the potential was wasted.

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Finally a good spy thriller. Just that he's not playing in the 70's is a negative point for me.
The brutality and nudity fit perfectly into the story.

I will watch this movie several times.

Best wishes from Switzerland

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Good solid thriller. I like Jennifer Lawrence. I think she is a chameleon and this role proves it. Great cast, superb twists and turns, with a few fake outs (in what I thought were the culminating scenes of the film, something went sideways, and I thought, "Shoot! They just crashed the logic of the whole plot!. But I was fooled. I was wrong in what I thought had happened, and the final twist was entirely unexpected, leaving me rather impressed with the writing). I give this a 7 (good) out of 10. Nudity and sexuality. [Espionage Thriller]

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Shout by Deleted

Love the movie. Dont expect much action. But i loved the story and the music.

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In the beginning I had very low expectations, but later it surprised me, it turned out to be more complex than I originally thought. It made sense, and I didn't predict the ending. Would recommend, though it was not an amazing movie.

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This was so much better than other reviews suggested. No, this movie is not too long. No, it isn't confusing.

Red Sparrow is almost perfectly developing the character of the protagonist, in an extreme but not unrealistic plot. There constantly is drama, conflict and (potential) betrayal.
This was a wonderful experience, which you should celebrate by paying full attention. It's not some action/agent flick you can watch on the side, to celebrate explosions and killing sprees.

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This will always be the unofficial Black Widow movie for me. I loved how smart and manipulate Jennifer had to be, lacking super strength that all lead actresses get nowadays.

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Yeah one face Lawrence in a boring movie. So Not awesome.

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This brutal, complicated spy thriller kept me guessing. It's not the best in its genre, but it does have style, and despite the long running time, I never lost interest. Don't defect over to the haters on this page then; give it a go and let Lawrence hook her claws in you.

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I see why this film failed. While the idea was good, in execution, it didn't exactly work: The story is hard to follow, the sexuality is extreme and the violence goes overboard.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
0 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

5 out of 10

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Pretty good movie. Story never gets bogged down. 8/10

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My main problem with the movie is that it's way too long, it did not pull me in. When the charade finale played out I wasn't really paying attention any more so the ending was lost on me. Plus it has about every possible clichè about Russians you can imagine.
Jeremy Irons ans Ciaràn Hinds are wasted in their roles. I must say thought, that I think, J Lawrence did quite well.

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Boring if you don’t want to think, it’s not for people looking just fun

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helpp ,how to use it ???

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I loved the movie. Did not think it was slow. Loved the twist ending.

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It's an average movie at best. Acting is quite fine and the story has interesting twists, but altogether it feels a little bit too long and twisted that you actually enjoy it.

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Thought it might be a good movie - but it's not. It's a piece of Western Propaganda to help reunite the cold war with the old stereotypes and a few new kinks thrown in. NeoLiberal trash, where only Americans and/or NATO has the right way.

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The accents are awful and the acting is stale in some scenes.Worth a watch but not a rewatch.

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Red Sparrow holds the typical twists, turns and reveals of a spy thriller but the design and setting of the film works in its favour. Despite all actors going to the generic school for generic Russian accents, all the CIA and ‘Red Sparrow’ scenes were rather engaging, which is helped by great performances by all actors. However, the film is full of tonal shifts which most of the time do not work in its favour (making the film feel long) and the film is very tough to watch, especially in the way it portrays sexual violence which may be incredibly uncomfortable for many. Jennifer Lawrence gives an outstanding performance but the film can't seem to hide its gratuitous and uneasy nature.

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The movie not only had a slow start but didn't get any speed. But it was very good told and well played.

Don't expect any action sequences, there are none. Although there are some scenes which are quite graphic.

The visual style was great, you mostly felt inside a 70s spy thriller, only to sometimes see flat screen TVs or smart phones.

Overall I enjoyed the movie, but it could have been told a little bit faster. And I didn't really like the accents although they surely added to the flair of the movie.

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The start of the movie was very slow but the part where Dominika learns how to manipulate was interesting. The second part of the movie went incredibly fast. Making me feel like I missed a few things. The most interesting part of this movie is Jennifer Lawrence her character Dominika Egorova. You never really know what she's thinking and what she is going to do next. Making the ending a great surprise.

The Russian accents weren't really doing it for me but apart from that, the acting was good. Joel Edgerton his character Nate Nash was such a sweet man. I really enjoyed seeing him and Jennifer Lawrence working together.

I enjoyed it but I probably won't watch it again.
To end this review I'd like to say: I want Dominika her wardrobe.

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Shout by Deleted

Don't know how to feel about this movie - didn't love it but also didn't hate it. Much more graphic than expected and a bit too much gore in certain scenes for me personally. Interesting premise but it almost tries to do too much at once. Would have liked to see a little bit of action and not all talky-talky.

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A long and very slow burn spy thriller. The plot was a little confusing but at least it wasn't predictable. The acting was fine. Some of the accents were bad and distracting. Interesting enough to watch at least once.

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Shout by mercuriorosso
BlockedParent2018-03-03T00:48:30Z— updated 2018-06-08T23:54:43Z

An average action b-movie with a great leading actress.

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It's a slowish semi violent spy thriller.

Not massively different than assassin /le femme nikita or naked weapon. Just added Bourne seriousness.

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If there's ever a biopic about Putin, they should get Matthias Schoenaerts to play him! Holy hell, the resemblance is uncanny!

Interesting (if not depressing) down-to-earth spy thriller that drives home how espionage is actually either a no-win situation or a fool's errand, especially when it's about double or triple agents, since sooner or later it always devolves into a game of "give me something to show they can trust me" on both sides ad nauseam .

I was expecting a more complicated gambit for the ending: I thought Korchnoi (Jeremy Irons) was not actually the mole, but he was testing Dominika to see if she would give him in.

I wouldn't mind a movie sequel or TV series. The Americans has left a big hole.

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Red Sparrow is a fantastic spy thriller. Jennifer Lawrence's portrayal of her character is superb, and she does an excellent job of bringing her character to life. The film is both intense and engaging, with plenty of thrilling moments. A great watch if you're a fan of spy movies.

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I was waiting more from this one but it was descent with good directing.Lawrence is great too 6.3/10

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I don't really know how to rate this movie. At times it was indeed thrilling, clever and I enjoyed watching it. Unfortunately most of the time I was bored or in disbelief of how a famous ballet dancer would become a spy. A sex spy of all things.
Also why do they have to have sex with their cloths when they show A LOT of blood and brutal torture in other scenes? Who was that movie made for?

Because it did have its moments thanks to cinematography I don't want to say it was a bad movie, but it definitely wasn't a great one. Two and a half hours that could have been spent better.

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Shout by Roberto

To slow and could have been more. Much unnecessary details. Plot twist was good.

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Why is this mediocre film SOOOOO long?

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This was an excellent complicated spy thriller that had a very good ending that i didn't expect. Very good story, even though some people are complaining about how long it was for me i didn't event notice. Not so many action but interesting plot and psychological all the way.

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What an amazing performance by the leads and especially Jennifer Lawrence. I wasn't bored even for a second, despite the length of the movie. Also, the accents were spot on!

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Shout by Oakley
BlockedParent2019-07-09T19:19:06Z— updated 2020-01-22T10:15:40Z

J. Lawrence is the Red Sparrow, she is also reason for this movie to be even relevant. Movie is dark themed, maybe it was just me, but most of the movie I felt depressed, maybe this was one of the goal of it(?) hard to say.

As some of the user have already pointed it out, yes movie does start slow paced, but afterwards it takes up speed and then you have think a bit to follow it. But at the same time I have to admit, it all ends up at the end, everyhting that was done was done for one goal, and it was executed as planed. "of course it was, it's a movie"

In total I could give it a pat on it's shoulder for it's work, but I won't say that it's good or bad either.

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Yes, niece, yes, you have done well.

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Pity about the poor accents.

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I like to think everything that occurred after Dominika was assigned to Nathaniel was how she wanted it to happen, with some changes, obviously, due to the need to adapt/improvise. One can dream.

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Found it most common movie.

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A bit too 'political' (you know all that thing going on right now between countries mentioned in movie).
But you'll enjoy few scenes with 'almost' naked Jennifer L. (or of her stunts).

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Huge Spoilers. There is no way you can explain the main character's motivation. It's way unrealistic.

There is absolutely no justification or any motif for her to be working for the US. And this happens so fast and before she falls in love or anything.

There was only 2 believable scenarios. 1- She work as a double agent and always stay a Russian agent and work against CIA. That's what I thought they are doing but I guess they wanted a happy ending.

2- if they wanted to keep the happy ending the only explanation for her behavior would have been if her uncle was the mole and he arranged all this for both of them to work for the US. That's a lot more believable

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All good, but little too optymistic ending as for the reality of our world ;> ps. Wonder what Russians will thougt about the movie? ;)

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the second half of the movie becomes eternal

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Great Story based on facts, awesome presence for Jennifer Lawrence

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I just didn’t get this movie. It was way too long. I couldn’t follow the story.

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I really enjoyed this thriller, not only because I love Jennifer Lawrence, but because I enjoyed the story and action.

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litterally, ONE left tit. Worse version of Naked Weapon.

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I acknowledge Jennifer Lawrence has the look, she’s attractive if not straight beautiful on movies.
I still have doubts about her acting: is she’s good actress, just average or really sucks at performing her roles?
How would you grade her acting?
I’ll love hearing your opinion, please reply!

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