Shouts about...

Spaceballs 1987

Not near as good as other Mel Brooks. Some light chuckles, but no hilarious moments like some found in Blazing Saddles or Young Frankenstein.

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Mel Brooks knocks it out of the park again.

May the Schwartz be with you.

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Spaceballs is a hilarious 80's movie that is a must-watch for fans of Mel Brooks' humor. The film is a great spoof of Star Wars and features several iconic scenes and memorable characters that have become a part of pop culture. The comedic timing and delivery of the actors are excellent, and the jokes are on point throughout the movie.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-10-19T09:02:10Z— updated 2023-04-01T15:07:10Z

Maturity means realizing this is better than most of the material it’s parodying.

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I knew it. I'm surrounded by assholes!
Keep firing, assholes!

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Still hysterical after all these years and all these watches.

So many one-liners and sight gags. Love the 'breaking the fourth wall' moments, and inside jokes that are missed the first few times you see it.

A must watch!

What the hell am I looking at? When does this happen in the movie?



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Spaceballs: The Movie Review. Spaceballs is a clever and hilarious parody film whose humor holds up extraordinarily well. When Princess Vespa is kidnaped by Spaceballs hoping to coerce her father into giving up his planet’s air supply he hires a mercenary named Lone Starr to save her. John Candy, Rick Moranis, Bill Pullman, and Mel Brooks lead an outstanding cast that delivers pure comedic gold. Everything from Alien to The Wizard of Oz is spoofed; though the main focus is on sci-fi films (Star Wars, Star Trek, Planet of the Apes). And, most of it’s done in a smart, organic way that doesn’t disrupt the flow of the main story. But what really makes the film work is the way that it breaks the fourth wall and talks directly to the audience, referencing itself; such as the running gag about merchandising (“Spaceballs: The Lunchbox, Spaceballs: The Breakfast Cereal, Spaceballs: The Flamethrower”). Brilliant! Delivering a hilarious adventure at ludicrous speed, Spaceballs is incredibly fun and full of laughs. May the Schwartz be with you!

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A classic remnant from the tail end of Mel Brooks's manic, pun-drenched peak. It may not be as smart as The Producers or as complete as Blazing Saddles, but it's every bit as funny as anything he's ever made and that's saying something. Its light-handed approach to storytelling, where the jokes come first and the plot developments are a distant second, is actually very similar to 1981's History of the World, Part I - which should be no surprise, as they're back-to-back in his sequential catalog.

Rick Moranis, Bill Pullman and John Candy really come to life in their roles as not-so-subtle parodies of Darth Vader, Han Solo and Chewbacca, respectively, with Moranis in particular somehow getting deep laughs out of lines so cheesy a Taco Bell nacho would flinch. As dumb comedies go it's a heavyweight champion, so infinitely quotable that my buddies and I had to enforce a strict "one Spaceballs reference per day" policy back in school to keep things from getting out of hand. Absurdly stupid fun.

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Always a good laugh and the best star wars spoof XD

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Classic Mel Brooks (Jews In Space!) with lots of great jokes, silly puns, and lines that are still being quoted to this day.

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A movie like Spaceballs certainly works better within its original timeframe. And that's what you have to keep in mind if you watch this for the first time today. Everyone who knows this from before, like myself, while probably not laughing as hard as we did the first time, will nevertheless still like it. Of course most of the jokes only work if you know your sci-fi cinema.

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Hilarious! Great comedy and parody to Star Wars.

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Loved it when I was a kid. Still good for old time sake but max once every 10 years :)

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I remember going to see this when it was released all those years ago... and boy does it make me feel old.

But it still makes me chuckle, I know the jokes are lame but they just work so well... ok, so a few of them fall flat. But overall it's a funny movie and I still giggle when I watch it.

But then I still giggle at Blazing Saddles too... I guess you're never too old for silly lame jokes.

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One of my all time favorite movies!

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Comb the desert!

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Shout by Deleted


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