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Suicide Squad 2016


Shout by Alaa
BlockedParent2017-05-01T16:24:58Z— updated 2017-09-26T17:19:12Z

didn't watch the movie yet?? ..better you don't.

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I hate when movies try to make me like the bad guys. And how many characters do you want to develop? Because in 2 hours I only got some kinda good insight of Harley and Deadshot! It was as if Katana e Cap. Boomerang weren't even there!!
I hated every each and one of them, except maybe for El Diablo but GUESS WHAT HAPPENS TO THE ONLY GOOD CHARACTER IN THE MOVIE: he dies. Will Smith was good, but Deadshot is really a piece of shit of a character and his love for his daughter doesn't make me like him more. Also I can't understad why he would get so attached to Harley, who acted as a "drunk stripper" all the time...
Also Harley loves Joker and they are MADLY in love, yes, we got that, Jesus! Get on with the plot!

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Shout by Jason Stathopulos
BlockedParent2017-01-06T13:18:49Z— updated 2017-01-08T17:24:05Z

This is an entertaining film just don't expect a story or good editing they are a disaster

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I'm sorry but Jared Leto's "Joker",for me, ruined what would otherwise have been a pretty cool movie. Let's not do that again Warner Bros......

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Bad on so many levels. Total dissapointment. Like series of MTV flicks with no composition, soundtracks everywhere, story no where, characters total crap. If there were no Will and Margot I would probably leave theatre! Sad day for DC comics!

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A movie for people who hate movies.

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Shout by Kaito

This was bad. I don’t mind plot holes or lacking depth as long as this can be a fun ride, but even in this regard it was a huge disappointment and ended up being subpar at best. The actors have no charisma. The dialogue is awful. Especially the Japanese woman was extremely cringe talking anime-like Japanese and acting so unconvincingly eccentric. I guess because Ayer is even worse at writing Japanese dialogue than English she suffered more from this movie's shortcomings.
The end fight was garbage, I guess them bonding a bit is kinda cute but you really can’t care that much when you have all these surface-level characters without any depth. I liked Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, though. Her relationship with Joker was also not bad, Jared Leto overall didn’t deliver as Joker, his performance is weird at best, but in this regard, he also played the part well enough.

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3 stars but only for will smith, the music and margot robbie.

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Wanted to watch this movie for such a long time and now I regret watching it at all. The story was flat and you could anticipate almost every move. Some things as always with kind of super heroes didn't make sense at all. Acting was not too engaging and neither were the special effects. Really disappointing so I should have listened the the reviews…

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This movie tries so hard to be Guardians of the Galaxy. Its got the music but just not the fun. Will Smith and Margot Robbie are both good. Cara Delevingne and Jared Leto are both bad.

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This is everything that is wrong in cinema.

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My head is literally in pain from this film...I'm left feeling empty. If you asked me what I just witnessed in these past 2 hours, I honestly couldn't describe what took place. The entire thing felt like a bunch of messy jump-cut, foggy action sequences stacked up on top of eachother with NO character substance or plot to hold it together. The writing was terrible and insanely cliche, there was no depth, and absolutley nothing to be taken from watching this. Oh and in addition - the use of that soundtrack - terrible, sad such a good song like Heathens is even a part of the franchise. Wish they had spent more money building the storyline and chracters (WHO HAD PROMISE WITH THE RIGHT WRITING) than promoting the shell it became...

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I'm very glad I didn't fall for the hype when this was released because this was one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. The "Squad" is loaded with what are supposed to be villains, but for some reason they are set up as if they are just misunderstood or at the very least dysfunctional.

Deadshot and Harley Quinn are ill-equipped to handle an Earth-ending bad-gal witch and her tentacled brother and their blue lazer-thingy death machine that turns normal people into an army of blackhead covered guys. There was never a time when I wasn't wondering, no...yelling out loud..."CALL WONDER WOMAN!!! WHERE'S BATMAN!?!? TEXT THE FLASH!!!!" Why would you fight these harbingers of doom with a guy that throws boomerangs? Or a tiny woman who carries a baseball bat and wears short-shorts.

Every one of these characters bored the hell out of me, and I haven't even mentioned Amanda Waller and Sergeant Ames. And I was actually embarrassed for whoever thought Jared Leto's Joker was a good idea.

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It's just completely awful in every aspect, sound, imagem, art direction, character development, worldbuilding, visual effects, editing, rhythm, pace.
It's do awful and bland that it has nothing that is able to entertain me.

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FUCKING HORRIBLE MOVIE - every single female character just had to be "sexy" and have no substance. Same with the male characters too but they weren't there just to be sexy. The plot was horrible and actually made no sense with so many gaps.

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I don't understand how the actors were able to dictate the dialogues of this film. Because they are, in majority, just terrible. I honestly feel bad for them. Viola David, Will Smith and Margot Robbie deserved more than this shit.

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Me reading reviews: nah, it can't be that bad

Me after watching it: It really is THAT bad.

(not giving it a 1/10 because some scenes were so bad that they actually made me laugh.)

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This was a terrible movie. It seemed half of the movie was spent introducing new characters. There were some great songs but they were played almost back to back, making it feel like a slideshow. Would not recommend watching.

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Terrible movie indeed:
-Worst Joker I've ever seen.
-Soundtrack makes no sense, it's like a DJ keeps playing songs even though we tell him to stop.
-The tone is all over the place.
-Jokes are weak and cringey.

Goddamn this movie is so stupid.

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Shout by Deleted

Probably the worst movie i watched in a while.

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WOW! WHAT RUBBISH!!! Seriously, this is one of the worst action hero movies I have ever seen... nope, it is THE worst. An abysmal insult to the intelligence of an average person. Every move is totally predictable. It is filled with cliches and has absolutely nothing one could say in it's favour. The roles played by the villan heroes were all cardboard cut-outs and you felt you could write their next line before they even spoke it, it was THAT BAD. Avoid this rubbish.

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Shout by drtrotusk
BlockedParent2016-10-27T18:24:02Z— updated 2019-10-21T12:06:45Z

Why does it have to be so bad? So much potential (as always with these movies), but the end result is just the same predictable, infantile crap.

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Fucking awful...Jarod Leto is BAD as in an awful Joker, Will Smith...are you really this desperate
DC, HAVE NOTHING EXCEPT BATMAN.....the story is weak and actually stupid, as a comic nerd, i felt this film was insulting...the only bright spot was Harley Quinn, give her own film. This film is worse than Catwoman....and that was drek

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The misogyny! Also, nothing about the characters or the story made sense. Script and editing completely failed. Viola Davis being bad-ass and Margo Robbie dealing zany one-liners won't make up for this.

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This movie lacks character development and it also makes this incarnation of the Joker a total dirtbag in the process.

What I meant by that was that Jared Leto's performance is just god awful and I'd prefer to see that movie just burn itself in a bonfire.

Warner Bros. made a huge mistake in the DCEU (DC Extended Universe) along with Batman v Superman, Justice League etc.

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No tiene ningún sentido la película. Los personajes son totalmente planos y no son nada creibles. Una basura y una perdida de tiempo y dinero.

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Worst movie ever! Boo! Boo!

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This is probably the worst movie I have muscled through in recent years. Margot and Will did their best but this movie stands as a testament to how broken and sloppy DC adaptations often are since the early Batman (West) and Superman (Reeves).

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just bad, acting, plot and even editing. i mean what the hell with all that abrupt scene transtion.

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Can't watch anytime the joker's on screen. Terrible interpretation of the Joker in my opinion but great movie overall

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Awesome movie, all the actors are incredible

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Shout by Deleted

Oh dear Lord. That is the worst Joker character I have ever seen and he was hardly in it! Basically bad guys are temporary released from prison so they can fight a brother/sister witch team. This is NOT what I expected but it still fell so flat.

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I liked it leaves a lot of room for D.C. To do more

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Rate this 3/10. Pretty awful really. Margot Robbie gets the points.

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No real substance with this one but it's an ok watch to pass the time.

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Not bad, not bad. With red wine not bad.

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While a couple of the actors seem to ride their reps Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, and Jared Leto more than held their own. Not sure why the extreme disparity between I and everyone else. Dig a little deeper and you'll see mankind playing God as usual.

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I am amused that in an age of technological splendor often muscling out the so-called star and any cohesive plot this phantasmagorical movie somehow actually let the acting and plot have their say-so: under-rated classic.

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Shout by Deleted

I really do not regret to saw this Film. But after 15 minutes they started to save the world and I didnt even know why. The only Carakter that helped me trough it was Harley Quinn . The Film was not that bad . I love every type of Dc . And this Film was o.k

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i feel bad for will smith. i didnt get a lot of it... idk if that's my fault or the movies. they rly made jared leto look like that and they couldn't give his gf pants

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You don't stand for shit, you ain't about shit. Here's to honor amongst thieves.

I can't believe it took me this long to watch this. Awesome style. Brilliant directing. Amazing script. Badass soundtrack. Wonderful cast. Entertaining from start to finish, not a single dull moment. I also loved how unpredictable it is. With your usual Superhero movies, you know the Heroes will always do the right thing, there's no wondering what if. Here with the "villains", it was the exact opposite, which was incredibly refreshing and exciting. Really really fun movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Great , Watch Free Full Movie 2016 , Visit Link :

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Shout by Deleted

Buffffffl The Best film of 2016 for me

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the witch girl is also fantastic

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Shout by Deleted

It's very boring, it starts well, but the interesting and fun dialogues end and there's a lot of bad mechanics between effects, action and dialogues. They fall into mediocrity and become boring and heavy. Very good actors, and well Marvel title, but the film gave no results

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Shout by Deleted

It was an explosively cheesy (in a good way) movie. Kudos to the Director for jamming in such a sense story into the given timeframe. The Joker though enjoyable was take it or leave it for me, and whats with the wierd shoulder jiggle Enchantress is doing when casting her spell? Overall good popcorn summer flick, I would've gone to the theatre to watch it but not sad that I didn't.

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Shout by Deleted


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Will Smith as deadshot honestly was the best part of the movie.. (not that everyone else suck.. well Leto did) He had the best lines. "Oh you must be one of those deaf hoes" lmao fave.

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Shout by Deleted

Lets Go for request the ticket of Suicide Squad Full Movie here ➡ and get bonus free to watch.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Galileo5
BlockedParent2016-08-21T01:23:18Z— updated 2016-09-21T05:56:54Z

DC needs to learn how to properly tell a story from beginning to end. This one was funny, had action, good actors, super special effects and likable characters... but plot and pacing were all over the place. It's still an okay movie, not a complete train wreck as some critics will want to make you believe. Still it could have been so much better if DC would focus on telling a story and a strong core, not only making it "look" great.

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Why can't Jared Leto be clean shaven for once?
Ok, that question aside, Harley Quinn was phenomenal!!!!!
The movie is not that good. The whole movie was carried on the back of Harley Quinn and her relationship with Joker. The rest of the characters were all backdrops. Joker was PERFECT, especially in the scene in which he surrounds himself in knives, bullets and guns.

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My biggest complaint to this movie is that backstory. There is hardly none, they show about 5 minutes for each character then all of a sudden you are suppose to like them and then there are some characters you get no backstory for but are suppose to like them. I feel like the character development was very poor. There were also some plot things I didn't like/understand but I still think the character development/back story was the worst trait of the movie.

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Shout by Deleted

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Shout by Deleted

I'm waiting till 5 august :)))

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Brand new trailer; this isn't just a little bit awesome at all is it?!

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