Shouts about...

Sully 2016

:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Hanks does a good job as Sully, playing the calm and collected pilot who did the impossible by saving 155 people with a water landing

my rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit.

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Sully is a great retelling of the remarkable true story of Captain "Sully" Sullenberger and the "Miracle on the Hudson" emergency landing of US Airways Flight 1549. Tom Hanks delivers a brilliant performance as Sullenberger, bringing to life the pilot's calm and composed demeanor in the face of danger. The supporting cast also delivers excellent performances, contributing to the film's authenticity and emotional impact. The film recreates the events of the emergency landing, using both visual and audio techniques to immerse you in the chaos and tension of the situation. Overall, a detailed and accurate account of the events that took place, including the aftermath and the investigation that followed.

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The film was a bit short, but all aspects I felt were covered enough and in enough detail to show the importance they had. The combination of beginning with the trials/investigation to the flashback of the flight to the trial was nicely laid out as it showed the evolution of Sully being accused of night following procedures and that there were other options to him staying calm and thinking on his feet to add aspects into the trial to show the truth that what he did was a heroic decision. The element of how a whole community can come together in a crisis was such a beautiful aspect.

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Hanks works great a such paradocuments. By the way, nicely shown looking for a scapegoat... ;>

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Shout by Deleted

Movie's good, I just think Tom Hanks is a bit overrated imo.

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The movie is overall good and very enjoyable, but the jumping back and forth with time was a little bit messy and could have been more visually differentiated.

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Top class, as expected.

'Sully' is great. Tom Hanks absolutely nails it as the titular character, he is undoubtedly the perfect cast for the role. An outstanding actor, as we all know. The plot is told in a way that I personally enjoyed, I liked seeing the different snippets of time.

Though no-one is on the same level as Hanks in this, there are a few other good performers. Aaron Eckhart (Jeff) does well, while there are less important roles for people like Anna Gunn (Elizabeth) and Michael Rapaport (Pete). I have no issues with the casting, that's for sure.

It's a crazy true story, mad that it happened way back in 2009 - feels more recent, strangely. I assume it uses the usual creative license that practically every film does, which I'm fine with. It delivers as a quality film, which is all I truly care about.

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I cannot understand why the fuck I need to see this movie.Clint wasted his time...not that he did a bad job but who cares

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"I've had 40 years in the air but in the end, I'm going to be judged by 208 seconds.”

The story of "Sully" may not be an exciting one on paper, but it's take on heroism and false judgment is quite compelling. Tom Hanks & Aaron Eckhart both deliver a powerful performance that was so down to earth. I don't think the movie would've worked without those two. They literally carry this movie and the best scenes come from them.

Clint Eastwood manages to take a basic story and make into something effectively thrilling. Even if I don't agree with everything decision (film making wise) Eastwood made in this movie, but his heart and mind was in the right place.

The movie has it's flaws. Like the 9/11 imagery and dream sequences wasn't really needed. It felt force and kinda thrown in at the least minute, because of how short the movie is. And that's really it for issues.

I think it's worth checking out for Tom Hanks and Aaron Eckhart outstanding performances, which might be their best.

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Not quite as enamoured with it as everyone else, I fear. It seemed to me that if he truly spent as much time doubting himself as the movie suggests then I'm not sure he was so much a hero as a very lucky person. Also I'm surprised that the film didn't play up another 911 scenario. Surely if I was a New Yorker that saw yet another plane flying through the city at those altitudes it would have been my first thought yet not one mention of the comparison? Odd.

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It is incredible what this man did and how he was treated after. I don’t know how much of this is actually true but the story is amazing and the acting is as well.

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Men like Sully are a dying breed

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If you want to go to the movies and enjoy yourself, this is one outstanding film. Because of the serious nature much of the glamor was greatly reduced. Hank played his role almost without emotion but because of his interpersonal skills (the real Sully) this works out perfectively. The joy and the expiration of how something like this could take place was truly outstanding.

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Shout by Deleted

Very good movie.
Sully is a true hero. ❤️
Great acting by Tom Hanks
I’m glad it all worked out in the end.

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This would be a piece of Capraesque corn if it weren't true. Sully is a real American hero, and it is a miracle everybody remained unscathed. However, the film is too slight, no matter how worthy the subject matter. Still emotive, despite my griping.

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Sully is a true Hero ♥

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Who else but Hanks to play the lead ? Who else but Eastwood to make this movie ?

I do not think the structure lets the movie down. On the contrary I think it is one of its strong points. Had they shown the events in a chronological order the impact of what had happened would have been lost towards the end. I also liked Sullys dreams as they show how he as an individual dealt with all of it. It wasn´t confusing or distracting.

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Tom Hanks is fantastic. I can say only this.

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Very good movie. I am an unconditional fan of Tom Hanks! Based on actual events (

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As usual, Tom Hanks was brilliant. He looked like Sully and behaved as I imagine he would behave. So that was a huge plus. But then, Hollywood seems like a cult movement of backflashers, they just had to add endless daydreaming. But not the two second ohh... what did you say? I was just spaced out. No. Numerous double diggit minutes of behaving like in a coma and spending in a drug kinda mix of flashbacks and imagination. Why? And who does that? Like, hears and sees nothing because in a flashback? I would seek professional help...

But I still gave it 7. Acting was just too good. Just the end was horrible. I won't say what happened but let's just say it turned within 5 seconds. Totally unbeleavable. But still a good movie ;)

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It is surprising that a movie can be made out of a very short event --- even if the event is a miraculous landing of a commercial airplane in the Hudson river. Yes, the skill of the pilot Mr. Sully deserves great praise. But somehow making a whole 2 hour movie out of 3 minutes results in a movie feeling rather light on plot. Despite this, the movie keeps the viewer interested --- even if not entirely glued to the screen.

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I really liked it too. I wasn't sure where it was going in the beginning but it all fell together nicely as the narrative progressed.

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I liked the scene of the plane crash

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To be honest, I didn't hear too much about this movie before it landed in my lap, but it surprised me positively none the less...

I'm all for true heroic stories as we have way too many movies about catastrophes, violence, and tragedy. Honestly...It's refreshing to watch a movie where no one died.

Sully have a few pacing problems, and the way the events were shown were a bit "odd" to me. however...It didn't subtract all that much from the story. The actors did a very good job and the script managed to capture the human drama in a very realistic way.

I have however a slight suspicion that the script exaggerated a tiny bit when it came to how zealous the NTSB people were when doing their job, but I get that Todd Komarnicki had a movie to write and took a few liberties.

Anyway...Sully was a nice breath of fresh air in a year that didn't bring us too many of these kinds of movies. Eastwood did it right this time. Recommended viewing!!!

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Good movie, the jumping in the time back and forth wasn't confusing at all (for me).

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Honestly this is the best of Clint Eastwood since Gran Torino and Changeling, Tom Hanks left me in awe can I lobby him for best actor Oscars?

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The good work of Tom Hanks and Clint Eastwood makes it stand out

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Perfect movie about real hero.

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A solid, dependable if by-the-numbers biopic with a good performance from Tom Hanks.

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Shout by Deleted

Sully is probably Clint Eastwood's best movie in 5 or 6 years. It gives the audience a lot more insight into the Miracle on the Hudson and the aftermath. The real issue with the movie is that the film doesn't reach the depth that Tom Hanks' performance as Sully does. Outside of that its a very well directed and well acted film.

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Shout by CinemanicBonkers
BlockedParent2016-12-06T23:24:24Z— updated 2016-12-08T09:49:09Z

well.. he can run, he can survive on an island with a football called Wilson, he can also survive in airport... now he can land a plane safely with 155 people on board... is there anything he can't do... who knows.. but he's still got it, an easy role for him thought.. pretty amazing true story... and great film adaptation... it landed a good for me XD

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The Grant torino advertising in Time square was accurate and ingenious

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From the first scene, which steals the beginning from Apollo 13, I couldn't stop comparing both films. Both based on true stories so unbelievable that you wouldn't be wrong in thinking they were from a movie script and both with Tom Hanks playing the commander of a ship.
But while Apollo 13 is a masterfully piece in how to maintain tension and drama when there's no Bad Guy and we all know the happy ending, Sully relies on the crutches of every other Hollywood trope and makes up villains out of ordinary people who did their job well and tries to insinuate a reveal that never really pans out.

There are some effective moments in seeing capable people passionate of their jobs helping others working like clockwork to save lives. But those few moments aren't enough to save this train wreck of a movie.

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This movie would have been so much better if it had been more chronological rather than so out of order. Did they not use test audiences before release?

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Shout by Deleted

Lets Go for request the ticket of Sully Full Movie here ➡ and get bonus free to watch.

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The structure was a mess. Any enjoyment I would have had in the movie is ruined by how poorly scripted it was.

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Just re-lived the flight crash experience!!! Woah mindblown!!!

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In just one word: Extraordinary

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Good movie but i think is Eastwood weaker try out of biographical films. I liked that it kept it short and to the point. Extraordinary story no doubt, i remember it like yesterday.

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