Terminators: Recycled was the same program run the same way after a soft reboot. Still, it was fun to see Linda Hamilton again and Mackenzie Davis is so good that I hope there's a sequel just to see her continue to be the action hero I never knew I needed.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-10-31T14:30:00Z— updated 2022-01-11T20:29:40Z

Rule of thumb: if a movie has 6 (or more) credited people working on the script, chances are it wasn’t conceived by a writer, but a boardroom.
Having said that, I’ve seen worse executions of the Force Awakens format.
The script’s junk, but the production isn’t awful. The first action scene is actually well done, visuals and score are alright, and Mackenzie Davis and Arnold are great in it.


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Great to see Linda Hamilton again. Mackenzie Davis is a smokin hot badass. Arnie is Arnie, always fun to see. That said this was a stinker. Third best sure....but a stinker.

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This movie was just... stupid! I mean, if you like CGI action scenes, then go ahead and watch it... but if you like smart plot with good acting and good one liners then don't watch this mess... 4 out of 10...

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Wokeness aside (and it takes big effort already), the film is very unoriginal, with poor casting choices. A sequel I did not really want, that bored me to death. Oh, and then there is the wokeness...

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Tasteless remake of a once good movie.

Rewriting the timeline just to offer a "different" future ... where the only difference is the name of the AI wiping humanity, from the iconic Skynet to an unknown Legion...

And the movie lacks in something very important, some might call it the backbone of every movie: a story.
You litterally just see people running from a new and improved and obviously totally invincible Terminator for the whole movie, nothing else beside one or two flashback to the future which are kind of useless...
Linda Hamilton is a total badass... until she takes off her glasses, and magically become an old, tired and annoyed woman. Schwarzie is there... to remind us it is a sequel and not a pure reboot, i guess.

The movie remains watchable and somehow enjoyable if you're very nostalgic or if you never saw T2: Judgment Day.

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Very disappointing, bad idea, bad acting this movie is the dark fate of the terminator franchise,

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The worst delirium I've ever seen. The bunch of non-related action episodes sauced with nonsense dialogues. The whole film is a big joke, it tries to be like T2 but it can't. Starting from fighting scenes and ending with dialogs; everything copies T2 but very cheap and disgustingly. This creation really lacks integrity. Grandpa T-800, it just ridiculous! He's making curtains while Sara killing terminators now and then like it's child's play. What were they thinking?! I don't believe in characters, they are all flat and awfully performed. Why making an interesting NEW plot when you can take finished one and tune it a little so it can fit new visions. In the end, it's all about strong women that don't afraid of terminators. That's the main idea.

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Awful VFX and lame Rev 9 Terminator ruins what could otherwise have been a fun retread. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, and Mackenzie Davis all did a great job, but they had no chance of saving this atrocious screenplay. When T9 preforms his first big jump in the factory, it looks like Spider-Man from 2002. And seriously, the Terminators coming out of the water?! Was this footage left over from the original movie? My wife wisely chose not to go, and of the dozens of movies that I’ve seen without her, this is the one that she would have hated the most.

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Shout by Agent24

Good film and sick action sequences but overall the story was a bit disappointing. I feel like that killing off John Connor kind of destroys the legacy of Terminator 2 and that's a shame. Nevertheless it is an entertaining movie and it was awesome to see Linda Hamilton in her signature role again. Also Mackenzie Davis did a fantastic job.

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I do not like that they feminize all past movies, and now they did it also with terminator...
The story line is very thin, i can explain the movie in 1 sentence. Skynet has been replaced by legion, John by Dani and same movie as T2."

I liked the special effects, i do not like the new type of robot... but if you like an action movie without a lot of story go watch this movie.

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A super fun watch if you go into it with no expectations...there's no makin you whiney lil childrenz happy anyways.. so take a toke..push play..and stfu

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The terminator is a shameless copy of of Alex Mercer in the Prototype pc game. Also is filmed and use the same face all the time.
A really bad movie.

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How come John Connor in 1998 looks exactly the same as he did in 1995 ? He was 10 in T2, so would have been 13 in '98. He even has the same haircut !

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Yeah, really miss SCC too. Canceled way to early.

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It was not what I expected from this movie, James Cameron, made a copy of Terminator 2 but Mexicanized. I, a loyal Terminator fan, got out of the salamde cinema :pensive::see_no_evil:

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pretty rubbish it's been done to death nothing to see here,move on.

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Except for the initial scene, I liked it a lot, a lot of action well done, the protagonists well

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ok big fan of the Terminator Saga here and of course this was a disaster. But not in the very disaster mode. T2 was a masterpiece, this was suppose to continue from there, this was suppose to have Cameron back but guess what, was all marketing and lies. He did not direct the movie, he just was a name on the fourth line with "story by" and "characters based on", complete rip-off. The T2 legacy was destroyed by the out of no where and without any meaning if they have stopped Judgement date killing of John Connor

the whole PC was of course against the movie, the story was a copycat of T2 and the only thing that saved the movie was Arnold, seriously was Arnold. Without him the movie will be a complete dull and pointless, ok it was pointless but at least he saved face

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A solid action movie. The effects looked really good. The plot feels familiar. It's great to see more Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Mackenzie Davis is badass. The new terminator is super cool. This is nothing groundbreaking but better than the other sequels and a fun popcorn flick.

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I was realy excited to see Tim Miller's take on The Terminator franchise, and with Cameron Hamilton and Arnie all back, with the addition of Mackenzie Davis this was something to get really excited about, however just felt like a paint by numbers excercise, scenes were ticked off and no real thrill, if only Arnie had put on those glasses! I had a real feeling of 'What was the point' after leaving the cinema! This didnt try to do aything new at all, or add to the franchise.

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Obviously these new installations added to the franchise we’ve had are never going to live up to the original two but this one did give it a go try and better than most and the mission it was ordered to do wasn’t a fail with a few cheesy glitches, other than that it was a fun ride with plenty of good action blended with some cool effects, and a sound cast that work together as a good team.

Do I like the new write up for the plot, it’s a yes and no and do i want another film, no, order the mission to end there but it’s Hollywood (Skynet) it’s all about money.

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more of the same. i think terminator 2 set up a second to none script and they are all bad copy due to lack of ideas.

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It's like watching politically correct people beat a dead horse you used to like as a child.

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Same shit, just new actors and new effects. Should have ended long time ago.

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The Terminator series should have did after Judgement Day. After Terminator 2 the story was done and would have had a worthy end (if you can forgive the time travelling paradox that is). Instead, here we are, almost 30 years later and the series just keeps on digging itself deeper and deeper into a hole it can never get out of. The writers insist on milking this franchise dry, coming up with "new" storylines that make no sense end keep contradicting each other from one movie to the next. Rules that were established in the original 2 movies are either ignored or changed in the movies following it. And on top of all of this, visual effects from the later movies are sometimes worse than those produced 30 years ago.

I know, I haven't said much about this movie in particular, but the above basically applies to every Terminator movie starting with part 3 and every movie that came after that. Everyone that had hoped that this would finally be an old school Terminator movie; you will be disappointed. Not worth your time, nor will the next one be.

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Trying to imagine how the studio planned this one out: "so we've already had two gooey robots with blades for arms as the antagonists; we need something new. I know! A gooey robot with blades for arms that can duplicate itself and make saucy remarks. And what about the protector? We can't do a plain human or a reprogrammed robot again... cyborg it is! Now let's just throw in an Arnie, a Linda Hamilton, a few 'I'll be back' variants and the rest of the movie will just write itself."

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Shout by rhaeneris
BlockedParent2019-11-02T22:01:24Z— updated 2021-07-06T22:20:47Z

This is the best Terminator movie since Judgement Day. Although the plot is not the most original, it's miles better than any of the last three movies. The actors were good, the characters well-written. I was beside myself with excitement to see Linda Hamilton play Sarah Connor again. However I am decidedly not a fan of what they did to Sarah and John (especially when you consider Dani seems just an upgrade of John for a more woke modern spin on the character). I like the idea of returning the focus on Sarah as the main character (because it has always been her at the heart of the story), but it was not executed well enough. I hated seeing Sarah in so much pain and I hated the Connors being made obsolete. It feels disrespectful, makes all the suffering they went through meaningless and it soured my enjoyment of an otherwise good flick quite a bit. The Sarah Connor Chronicles remains my favourite version of the story post-Judgement Day.

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Dont waste your time in this one, it's worse than terminator genisys

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Considering that T1 and T2 are the top two movies in the series (I'll leave it to you to debate in which order), I would personally say that it is worthy of taking an honorable third-place. It turns out that the secret sauce that the post-T2 movies were lacking was the real star of the series: Linda Hamilton.
It's true that the movie totally disregards everything from T3:RotM onwards, but in all honesty, that's not a bad thing.

There's one particular scene that blew my mind, and left me wondering if they'd found some old unused footage from the previous movies.

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cant wait for this. great that they ignore everything past judgement Day.

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Jaw droppingly bad. I thought Genisys was a low point.

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1 The Terminator (1984) https://trakt.tv/movies/the-terminator-1984
2 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) https://trakt.tv/movies/terminator-2-judgment-day-1991
3 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) https://trakt.tv/movies/terminator-3-rise-of-the-machines-2003
4 Terminator Salvation (2009) https://trakt.tv/movies/terminator-salvation-2009
5 Terminator Genisys (2015) https://trakt.tv/movies/terminator-genisys-2015
6 Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) https://trakt.tv/movies/terminator-dark-fate-2019

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This was the first proper Terminator movie since Terminator 2 and felt for me like Terminator 3. I'm not a fan of Mackenzie Davis who always has that same cry face ever since Halt And Catch Fire which she cant seem to lock out of anymore - but, she was not bad in this movie. Great to see Linda Hamilton and Arnie together again.

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What a sour note for the Terminator series to go out on. While I must say this film is a significant improvement on Genesis it is still a hollow re-sequelboot of a franchise that should have ended after the second movie. While seeing Linda Hamilton again was cool that does not help the fact that this film is poorly written, barley memorable and a carbon copy of the previous films. I also will never understand why the decided to kill off John Connor and get rid of sky-net. This film is the final nail in the coffin for this franchise. Besides the shockingly good Terminator game that came out a couple years ago this franchise has been dead in the water since the 3rd or 4th movie. It hurts me to say this since I love both the first and second films so much but I hope this is a franchise that wont be back.

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A tale as old as time

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"You do that, it'll find you. You put a hundred cops between you and a Terminator, you'll get a hundred dead cops."
- Grace

Simply awful, this felt like rinse and repeat. Nothing new added to the franchise. other than an apparent regret of everything between T2 and Genesis.

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One movie too far. Loved all the other Terminator movies (less so #4), but this was one was stupid and completely unnecessary. Glad I didn't pay for this. Giving it a 5/10 is quite generous as I spent most of the movie rolling my eyes and wishing it was over.

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So... another Terminator movie, eh? Not sure who out there was clamoring for it, but whoever it was, they got it! T2 has always been a movie I've had a soft spot for, but it's really the only Terminator movie I really latched onto (note: I never saw Genysis, but it sure didn't look very good). That doesn't change after seeing Dark Fate. That being said, this was a pretty entertaining film, even if very, very, very much a retread of past Terminator stories and themes. The actions scenes are pretty well done, even though some of the CGI feels a little... rubbery. Lots of dumb choices are made, but you don't get much time to dwell on it as you're moved to the next action scene or exposition dump or (un)shocking plot "reveal". Still, it could be worse. This could have been a Michael Bay flick.

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I enjoyed this movie despite all the negative reviews. This felt like a good continuation from Terminator 2: Judgement Day. Sure there were some things that felt old and rehashed, but it was still fun to watch the new alternate reality unfold.

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Entertaining as all the others in the franchise, but the basic plot is the same, only with a few different actors and locations.

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Everything went better then expected but the main character (Dani) was quite forgettable

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James Cameron returns to bastardize his classic sci-fi thriller with the half-assed reboot Terminator: Dark Fate. Terminator 3 & 4 are wiped from continuity once again as the story of Sarah Connor is picked up, hunting down terminators sent from the future, when she comes across a young woman and her guardian who are running from a new type of terminator. Unfortunately the cast is pretty weak and doesn’t have the charisma of those from previous films. And Cameron’s ultra-liberal politics come through loud and clear; to the detriment of the film. However, the chases and fight scenes are incredibly exciting and action-packed, and the special effects are especially well-done. Yet while Terminator: Dark Fate is entertaining, it’s a piss-poor continuation of T2.

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Shout by PrisonMike
BlockedParent2020-01-18T08:25:08Z— updated 2021-02-21T01:39:34Z

This movie so proves that Mackenzie Davis is not a leading role actress.

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Really enjoyed this T movie. Good to see Arnie back and Grace was excellent. Well worth a watch.

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Fun and stylish, but appears more like a rehash of previous iteration of Terminator. You can see bits and pieces of older films remanufactured in this film, dressed up with contemporary zeitgeist - women protagonist, Latin American setting, and tacks on issues like borders. Fortunately the setup doesn't take the film away from its plot and it just seams nicely.

However, there are too many characters involved. Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor) takes the spotlight, perhaps too much that she overshadows the two new women protagonists played by Natalia Reyes and Mackenzie Davis. On the other hand, Arnold (Terminator) remains in the background for most of the film, and feels more like a token icon of the film. Despite starring new actors, the film feels more like a tribute to older ones (Linda and Arnold).

That said, the film doesn't rely on gimmicks or throwbacks like most sequels from iconic films do nowadays (Star Wars the biggest offender). The ending is neat, but just don't expect the film to be a spiritual sequel to the first two original Terminator.

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Growing up I was obsessed with the first two movies. Definitely too young to watch them but loved them all the same. When T3 rolled around I was so excited! But as we all know it was all downhill from there. Lena Headey's T:SCC was a brilliant alternative to the mess of the movie verse and I thought that was the best we were going to get in terms of 'proper' continuation. Enter: Dark Fate.

A solid addition to T2 in keeping with modern times. Linda Hamilton was a powerhouse to have back as that character. Just fantastic.
Mackenzie Davies stepped up as a real force to be reckoned with though! Brilliant dynamic between her and Reyes too.

Overall it was decent action with a heart at the core. What more could we want.

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Better save your money and wait for it to stream...

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After "Judgment Day" day, i think i have watched a good Terminator movie in Dark Fate. Good job Tim Miller! 7/10

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Just like the trailers hint. Terminator: Dark Fate isn’t much of an Arnold film. The movie is well carried by Linda Hamilton, Mackenzie Davis and Natalia Reyes though.
They make another unnecessary Terminator sequel surprisingly good. Rather making believe 3–5 never happened though. I’d like to think they are alternate timelines.
Arnold Schwarzenegger does shine when he is eventually shown though. Hamilton though steals the show about as much as she did in Terminator 2. By being pure badass.
Some might find the film over the top with feminism. If you just sit back and enjoy the ride it doesn’t really matter.
Even if the film is a bit repetitive with blowing up the bad terminator over and over and over again. The film packs a punch and is about as good as part 3.

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It's not a bad film; far from it. It's certainly better than anything terminator related post T2. But it's not a great film, partly because it throws in too many dumb one liners and cheesy throwbacks back to the original movies. The script is quite weak too. Still, there is some good action and the players are good, so while no classic, it's not a bad way to spend your time. That being said, this tired franchise does need to be terminated.

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It was everything I hoped for and MORE. I loved it. Mackenzie, Linda and Natalia make the most amazing trio.

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You never guessed it, but this is the third movie in the Terminator franchise that was meant to be the start for a new trilogy, meaning we now have a trilogy of failed trilogy attempts. And Cameron is working on another Terminator reboot, oh boy.

I liked it in cinemas enough to give it 3 stars but this time I didn't enjoy it as much. I'm maybe one of the few people who thought it was an interesting idea to kill John Connor. I also loved that they used T2 Edward Furlong. Seeing the trio of Sarah, John and the T-800 de-aged to the '90s was amazing and I thought the de-aging was done perfectly.

I think it would have been a better movie if John wasn't killed immediately, we would have had more '90s looking fun and his death would have been a bigger shock.

I also hate that the T-800 that killed John had a child and understood Sarah's pain??? And he is called CARL?!

Too bad this is probably the last time we have seen Linda Hamilton and Arnie together in a Terminator movie, could have been so much more.

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I really wanted to hate this movie. And I did.

What a crying shame that Arnold stooped to this and Linda Hamilton...I mean, has she done anything since Terminator ? Her I can understand but Arnold? What a shame.

As so many others have pointed out, this was nothing but an awful reboot of Terminator 2: Judgement Day with a really bad spin on it. I gave it one additional star rating ("Bad" instead of "Terrible") only because it had some really good CGI effects in a few scenes. The story was utter nonsense and the "woke" spin on it made it almost unwatchable.

Do not watch this. This is not part of the original Terminator franchise. It has the name and a couple of the faces but this movie is to the Terminator franchise what Resurrections was to The Matrix.

Absolutely awful.

PS: You know what? I changed my mind: This really was "Terrible"; not just "Bad". This movie just sucked.

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Pretty good action/sci-fi in its own right, and a good showing from the cast. The main thing working against it is the weight of the franchise, and even though they did a good job with the remixes, it's increasingly hard to keep on messing with timelines and get it right.

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The whole movie is one hundred percent been there, done that and took lots of pictures. There is no original new idea in there.

I loved Linda Hamilton in the old movies but she looks like she's 80 years old here and doesn't sell the character any more. And I'm really tired of those undefeatable Terminators until the last minute plot twist.

And what kind of stupid writing is it that you basically have the means to end that Terminator all the time and don't use it ?

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6.5/10 - Quite a lot of action but ultimately a forgetable story, unfortunately. The "evil" terminator is portrayed well as a really frightening/scary (mainly to the fast movement) and basically unkillable machine. Technically it doesn't make a lot of sens, of course. It wasn't actually scary though because I didn't really care much about the characters and most of the time it seemed far to unlikely that the protagonists would already die. And the time traveling doesn't make it any better (I usually dislike time traveling in movies and TV shows but there are a few exceptions).

Anyway, lots of action, some fun, a few cool scenes, even a bit of love, and nice CGI but that's about it.

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Shout by tvJackson
BlockedParent2021-10-28T16:37:15Z— updated 2022-01-27T23:11:30Z

In the future, robots turn against man, but we don't learn know why they do. They just want to kill all the people alive. They also never explain how the robots are powered and why they never have to charge their batteries.

In the original Terminator, Arnold never needed to charge his batteries either. But, in today's world with mobile phones, we know batteries die. The robot just changes from liquid to metal to flesh and never drains of power. Is it solar powered? You can't have a machine that needs no power source. Unless God made it.

And who would build something with no off switch? Maybe in the past people didn't ask these questions, but the average person knows more about technology now and doesn't take everything at face value anymore.

Basically they show a robot that is all powerful and expect us to be afraid. I didn't feel the fear. I didn't buy it. I guess I should just start running and ask questions later! But Instead I turned it off.

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Welp, this is probably the 3rd or 4th least worst Terminator movie for me, which isn't saying much considering they keep making the exact same movie over and over expecting different results. It's pure insanity. T1, T2, and then tied in a far distant 3rd place are Salvation/Dark Fate. The others are a waste of time and space. This franchise is a disaster. Kill it, melt it down, leave it in a scrap yard. Stop. Please. Let it die.

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Just another boring st*pid feminist non sense film. Tired of inclusive politically correct movies

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I thought I was going to dislike this but it turned out to be a decent action movie with Arnold, Hamilton and Terminators. The movie would really have to stink to negate those characters and Terminator: Dark Fate only smells a little.

I'll never buy it unless it's part of some massive box set with the early films in it, but it was fine as a rental or freebie.

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It's not perfect, but I enjoyed it a lot more than all the other movies after T3. And I'm not sad Mackenzie Davis is appearing in more and more things.

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[7.5 of 10] An exciting sci-fi action flick. I really enjoyed Linda Hamilton in this role - give me more women in action movies who have lived life & take no shit. I am so here for it. Mackenzie Davis is a certified badass & an absolute pleasure to watch in this role. The dynamic between her & Natalia Reyes gave just enough soul to this film so it wasn't entirely popcorn fodder. I haven't seen all of the Terminator films so I can't say much regarding any potential rehashing of previous plots but I had a lot of fun watching this film coming in with no expectations but to see an action-filled sci-fi flick & I was not disappointed.

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Was this movie flawless, no. Was it charming, yes. Carl stole the show for me. His last line was perfection.

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Great comebacks, one of the best sequels and amazing new REV robots in a non stop action that only stop so that t800 talks about drapes and that he is now called Carl

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Ok so... I originally give it a 5 but after watching all the movies on the same week finishing with this one i gotta update it to 4

+1 Initial Action was good
+1 Car chase
+1 Linda F, Hamilton (and just because of her I will watch this again in the future)
+1 Terminators (yeah I’m easy I love the terminators and it’s always nice to see them even if it’s in movies as bad as this one)

We were hoping for original material but the whole movie just recycles all previous terminators sigh

The movie is bearable until half way though... on this second view I was like... o it’s not that bad if you pass the obvious mood killers at the beginning right? But nah second part of the movie was like “the worst parts of the other terminators movies meets Fast and Furious”

Anyway after a let down like this there is always T1 and T2 to cheer me up

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"Expect a big ping, brother. My whole body's a weapon."

We have been here over and over again; what could they possible do different? Bringing back Linda Hamilton was a good move and making the new terminator have some charm (thanks to Gabriel Luna) definitely helped. I would say near the end this movie felt a tad bit long, and the new direction is cool, but maybe we can give this series a rest.

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By far the 3rd best terminator movie that ends the trilogy in a perfect way. It captures the same vibe as the first 2 and finally proves that Sarah is actually the true hero of the terminator saga.

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Come for the Linda Hamilton. Stay for the Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger synergy that hasn't died even all these years later. Leave before the corpse of anything good starts decomposing in the film.

The key issue is STAR POWERing the way through the movie's credibility. Linda and Arnold get all the best lines, but they're supposed to be secondary characters. A vehicle for these two characters is great and all, but had it been rewritten to focus on them, it would have been much better than what we ended up with. Instead they're used to constantly draw attention AWAY from the chief protagonist and antagonist. The focal disruption denies the narrative any impetus when "oh, someone who isn't Linda or Arnold died? Shame, that." happens.

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I know there are mixed reviews on this and it’s basically a remake of the first, which people don’t like.

But, hey it’s a money maker and they’re introducing it to a new generation. It was fantastic to have Linda Hamilton & Arnie back, but they can’t continue forever, nor can the John Connor story; the latter has been done so many times, and his story has played out.

Forgetting your love for the originals, it was still an enjoyable film and now they’ve a new direction to go to keep the iconic Terminator going.

Probably not a popular opinion I’ve shared, but they want to make money.

Not my favourite out of all the terminator films, as I’m not a fan of the changes either. But things change, like it or not.

I loved it because Arnie my hero was in it, and I can’t give it any less than 7, even at that I feel guilty lol.

Bye Arnie :muscle_tone2::wave:

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Terrible movie but at least Grace was in love with Dani. Really cute.

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Shout by vicky


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Shout by Deleted

Its more good then terminator genesys.

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Better than the previous one, but still relying heavily on nostalgia. At least they had the balls to kill Arnold

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I have loved the terminator series over the years. I enjoyed this one..but not as much. I found towards the late middle on, I was just wanting it to end. Sarah Conner complete bad ass that looked phenomenal!

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Is this produced by Netflix? This was painful to watch.

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The action sequences that used CGI (most) were pretty bad, I've played video games with better physics.
Story wise, it's just T1+T2 mashup with a modern day take, the only parts that were actually interesting were those played by Arnold and Linda, everyone else's script was pretty lame. The character arcs of Dani and Grace aren't very compelling in the way they're presented. The T-800 in T2 was a better guardian angel than the augmented human this movie's future generation sent back in time. Maybe the director wanted to justify the highly neurotic "super soldier", very counterproductive and by my calculations had a 0% chance of saving Dani on her own.

For me this takes the 5th place in the Terminator franchise, here's my rank:

  • Terminator 2: Judgment Day
  • The Terminator
  • Terminator Salvation
  • Terminator Genisys
  • Terminator: Dark Fate
  • Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

I know, Genesys, but somehow I still liked that one better.

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I was not expecting much from this movie but it surprised me that it turned out fairly decent. I've come to expect the convoluted retconning so that wasn't surprising but I think it was handled fairly well and it wasn't as cheesy as some of the others which was also nice. A solid action movie.

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Great reset for the Terminator universe.

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If only they did had used the correct camera angle I wouldn't have been so pissed off and felt that they did injustice to the T101.

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Better than previous terminator movie

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Shout by Bernard
BlockedParent2020-01-17T19:35:40Z— updated 2022-04-16T04:13:04Z

Mackenzie Davis saved this movie, good to see linda Hamilton....we missed you :)

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Really enjoyed this T movie. Good to see Arnie back and Grace was excellent. Well worth a watch.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’:

  1. Linda Hamilton killed it, yet again, as Sarah Connor. Who knew she could get even more badass? Seeing her with Arnold again was magic.
  2. THAT is how you do a climactic final battle. ALL the fight scenes were actually pretty damn awesome. Bravo.
  3. “I won’t be back.” That hurt, Arnold.

Extra Note: This was the best Terminator film since T2, hands down.

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There should have a line for Legend CARL.
Carl to Reve-9: Respect your father.

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Arnold my man. :heart: :black_heart:

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What the Script (fuck)? I was wondering why this movie didn't create that much buzz, u couldn't hire a better script writer? U just fucking replaced John with Dani and T-800 with Grace. Goddamn, no wonder this lost 130 million, that said the action sequences were fucking amazing, but as we can clearly see, A SCI-FI ACTION MOVIE IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT A GREAT PLOT (which is fucking original and not recycled) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Don't take me wrongly by the rating I gave it, but I just think it should have been a more original than what it was when you think about the past movies of the same franchise. I liked the movie, but it could have been better too.

It was nice seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger again in a Terminator movie aswell as Linda Hamilton.

I really don't know where they're going to go from here, but time will tell and we might actually see more of Natalia Reyes in this franchise.

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Its not a bad movie - But there is nothing original about it.

I don't know what to say. They took T1/T2, mashed it together and removed John.

They already got the bill presented as the movie flopped.

Diversity makes a movie neither better nor worse - I just hope the industry gets that soon.

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It was decent fun but this movie had nothing new to say.

They should just stop because all these movies are saying that apocalypse is going to happen no matter what.

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First of all it's a good action movie. But nothing new.

The two new "Terminator" was awesomes. Mackenzie Davis and Gabriel Luna stole the show. It was an another battle. Not the full war.

I'm really enjoy this, it's the best Terminator movie after T1&T2. I hope next time we get more than "a simple escape".

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Fantastic action movie. Great cast and generally a good story.

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Looks promising. But who knows, could bet crap.

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We need Edward Furlong to reprise his role as John Connor if this takes place after T2: Judgement Day!

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