I prefer the remake of this film to be honest. Although I do enjoy this classic version too. The acting seems somewhat better in the remake and obviously so do the effects.

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Yes, classic but oh my... Bad acting galore and just not scary. After someone said something I usually felt like asking, what? That made no sense. So I watched it because it is a classic but glad it is over.

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A divisive classic. And I get it. It gets very silly (the big pig with red eyes, lol) but I love 70s horror. What can I say.

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"The Amityville Horror" was one of the movies that I avoided watching through my teenage years. After being damned near scarred for life by seeing "The Exorcist" as a pre-teener, I personally avoided Horror movies until climbing into my early twenties. As I started facing the scary, never-to-be-seen Horror movies of my juvenile years, I somehow missed this one, which was avoided because it was gasp!!!...TRUE!!! Turns out, I didn't miss anything. This was very disappointing.

On the subject of "if you can't say anything nice...", I did like Margo Kidder as Kathleen Lutz. Other than that, I found the whole movie to be disjointed and remarkably NOT scary. Its look is dated and it gets extremely slow in spots. It is not a Horror classic and its legend lives only due to its close proximity to "The Exorcist", "The Omen" and "The Shining".

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I came back to this after I learned that the whole Lutz side of this story was a hoax. Funny to see how this turned out all these years later.

Yea, this is filled with 70s cheesiness which is better than the actual story.

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I have to keep going back to these old horror classics as the new horror movies are just not giving off the same horror feels. Take for example Evil Dead Rise and the much talked about cheese grater scene. It really is so much of a nothing scene. It's over in a flash and is not even remotely terrifying. Now in this movie when that window comes down on that kids hand and you feel the pain from his screams and it is not just a quick blink and you'll miss it scene, Like the above mentioned , You really get a sense of horror which is what these movies are meant to be all about. I get what a lot of others say that not a lot happens for a big amount of run time but it actually does as it builds up tension and the sense of impending doom. Great movie imo and Amityville 2 the possession is definitely worth checking out also :thumbsup:

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Too slow and boring, 40 mins and nothing happens

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As someone that had only ever seen the Ryan Reynolds remake (before I even knew who Ryan Reynolds was), I wasn’t sure what I would get with this one. I was surprised with how different this was, and how notable it was in different ways. While it has surely aged, and won’t be a movie loved forever and ever, it is quite good. Horror addicts should check this one out, as it is clearly influential on many movies still today.

Rating: 2.5/5 - 7/10 - Worth Watching

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“Jesus Christ, it gets worse all the time.”

There are parts of this that make me wonder how it became such a classic, but the actors and music definitely stand out. The house is so iconic and scary, and having it be loosely based on a true story definitely helps.

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I remember this freaking me out as a kid, but it's just silly.

I'm cheering for the house.

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It was boring. I had a hard time finishing this one. There were some good bits that I enjoy. The problem was the runtime. It's too long for the story and I feel like they stretched it too much. And the story wasn't that great.

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Shout by Deleted

This film wasn't anything special in my opinion, but there were some enjoyable moments. It isn't really that interesting and it gets a little bit boring sometimes, but overall not a bad film. The concept sounded really interesting when I first heard about this film, but I was a little bit disapointed to be honest. I did enjoy some aspects of the film, but I wouldn't watch it again if I'm being completely honest.

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The Lutzes get a great deal on their beautiful new home as the previous owners just died to give it away, hahaha. But the Lutzes, being an unsuperstitious and uncowardly lot, have no problem with the previous owners having been murdered in their soon to be new home. Sure they were laughing then, but as soon as they moved in, mysterious things begin to happen. They call in a priest, but he seems to be allergic to something in the house, and develops welts all over his body, and dies. Then there's muck in the basement and flies in the parlor. Hey, sounds like some kind of hillbilly song don't it. There are also cold winds and eerie sounds throughout the house, eyes coming from the barn, and the walls seep strange ooze, not the regular kind that normally seeps from walls. Just 28 days later the Lutzes put the heap back on the market. To think, if they had brought in a scientist instead of a priest, they would have had rational explanations. Like they would've found out that the wind and noises were from the airport near by. But hey, what are you gonna do.

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