Personal Lists featuring...

The Changeling 1980



Created by Edgar Wright on October 2017. Source:


Stephen King is the master of horror, but what scares him? According to the many recommendations from his legendary book “Danse Macabre” and various tweets in recent years, a fascinating cross-section of scary movies gets his pulse racing. Check out all of his favorites and get ready to catch a fright.


The 100 Scariest Movie Moments is an American television documentary miniseries that aired in late October 2004 on Bravo. Aired in five 60-minute segments, the miniseries counts down what producer Anthony Timpone, writer Patrick Moses, and director Kevin Kaufman have determined as the 100 most frightening and disturbing moments in the history of movies.


Someone recently asked us if we could recommend any Haunted House or Supernatural movies along the lines of 1408, The Shining, or Rose Red for them to watch, which got us to thinking that we should just make a list of the 30 or so of the best Haunted House flicks that we've seen.

Then we got to thinking about what qualifies a movie as a "Haunted House" movie? Well, a house that is haunted by a spirit of entity is the main thing, but you could stretch the definition to include plenty of other settings & plots as well; technically, Alien (1979) could be considered a Haunted House movie, at least insofar as its mechanics are concerned. The Evil Dead is technically a Haunted House movie too... but then again, it's really more of a possession flick, right?

We will try to keep this list as “Pure” as possible, but keep in mind that some movies can easily fit into two or more sub-genres, so there will be a certain amount of flexibility about it.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you're in the mood for a truly quality Haunted House flick, any of the movies in our Top Six will do you right. For us, Session 9 is the best of them, but they all bring their own unique and terrifying vision to the Haunted House Sub-Genre.

For the remaining:

Below are the rest of our 30 Best Haunted House flicks, and of course, a few Honorable Mentions thrown in for good measure. Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".



From the book "Hidden Horror: A Celebration of 101 Underrated and Overlooked Fright Flicks"

Edited by Aaron Christensen


selection of horror movies


UPDATED: July 10th, 2020

In case you need some ideas for a movie night. Or just something really stupid/amazing/both to watch. All sorts of genres represented here, but with a skew toward action/horror/sci-fi and some comedy.

Note: This isn't strictly BAD movies, there are some (underappreciated) greats in here, or maybe just some movies you might have forgotten about. At the very least they're all interesting.


movies seen at The Screen at SFUAD


Collection of additional "must-see" Danny Perry's movies, presented in the back of his "Guide for the Film Fanatic"

546 movies missing. Imported from external source.



"Time Out proudly presents the 100 best horror movies, as chosen by those who write in, direct, star in and celebrate the genre. We polled well over 100 horror enthusiasts – including big names like Roger Corman, Guillermo del Toro, Simon Pegg, Clive Barker and Alice Cooper, and horror legends like Coffin Joe, Kim Newman and Tom Six – and came up with a definitive top 100 list."

UPDATE (2017): The source list has actually been updated last year - 9 movies were replaced by other picks. I'm including the new entries at the bottom of the list (rank 101+), while leaving the ousted entries intact. This preserves the list as it originally was in 2014, but lets you see the new entries too. The new picks are certainly deserving, but they're mostly more mainstream movies that a horror fan will likely have already seen - personally, I think the removed movies were more fun to discover.

Movies removed in 2016:
-The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971)
-Let's Scare Jessica to Death (1971)
-The Black Cat (1934)
-Daughters of Darkness (1971)
-Inferno (1980)
-Threads (1984)
-Cronos (1993)
-I Walked with a Zombie (1943)
-Flesh for Frankenstein (1973)

Movies added in 2016 (highest ranked to lowest):
-Lake Mungo (2008)
-The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
-Aliens (1986)
-Ginger Snaps (2000)
-Session 9 (2001)
-The Unknown (1927)
-Scream (1996)
-It Follows (2014)
-Babadook (2014)


Movies discussed in the book "Horror Movie Freak" by Don Summer.
