Shouts about...

The Courier 2020

This is a pretty decent historical drama. Primary setting of the movie is around the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Cumberbatch does a good job portraying an average Joe Schmoe who got wrapped up in playing a spy. I did learn a couple of new things - 1) that the whole Cuban Missile Crisis was exposed by these two men and 2) the price they paid for doing so.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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This is much more better than I expected. It is strong and touchy. Benedict Cumberbatch's performance is outstanding. Recommended...

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This was supposed to come out late 2019, then 2020 and finally it arrived in 2021. Worth the wait.

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Like a drunk duck, it starts off solid if nondescript until it waddles its way into the rose water.

Too bad, because Benedict Cumberbatch just wasted his extreme weight loss flick.

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Well... The Courier didn't really deliver. (pun intended)

Yes, Benedict Cumberbatch was outstanding. But it's nothing more than your average historical spy movie and Benedict couldn't save it.
How surprising to see this high rating comparable to The Spy Gone North's...

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Simply amazing. The cruelty of one side verses the kindness of the other. Loved the entire movie.

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It's not quite 'Bridge of Spies', but 'The Courier' is too an awesome MI6/CIA/KGB infused flick. The two films tell tales regarding the Cold War, with the 2015 release narrowly a notch above this. Both have outstanding lead performances though.

Benedict Cumberbatch is magnificent throughout, especially towards the end - the bald look suits him incredibly well, I must say... need him in a drug kingpin sorta role looking like that! In all seriousness though, I think this is my favourite Cumberbatch performance (from what I've seen thus far) - utterly brilliant!

Merab Ninidze (also in BoS, albeit minorly) also puts in a top display, as he does in television's 'McMafia'. Jessie Buckley also gives a performance of note, which says a lot about her acting abilities given she doesn't feature all that heavily.

Astutely paced, builds terrific tension and features some cracking acting. Fantastic film!

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The true story behind this movie is very interesting but it is lost in translation here. Cumberbatch is good but the movie is dry, stodgy, and not as gripping as it should have been.

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What a great actor is Benedict Cumberbatch! This story goes beyond the spies thing, it is about friendship between two people from antagonistic countries. While the movie went forward I became more and more insterested. Sadly, as usual, the West is always portrayed as the ones who achieved good things.

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A lot of talking and walking. I spent a lot of time noticing how the film was color corrected. I didn't make it to the end.

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A spy story that is between boredom and brilliance. There is a character introduction in the first act that is weak. The relationship between Wynne and Penkovsky raises interest, is credible and exciting. But the third act shows the excellence of Benedict Cumberbatch, the expression of terror and despair in his eyes, deeper than the change in his physical appearance. And then "The courier" takes on another dimension.

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One of the better movies I've watched over the last year. I do like spy movies in general. The period look is very good and so is the acting.

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Very well done. Very powerful movie and message. I didn't know much about the Cuban Missile Crisis until now. Glad to have found out. Sad to see how horribly they treat prisoners in Russia.

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Good tight thriller.

Good performances from all leads.

Decent afternoon watch

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Film 24 of 2024:

An excellent film. Benedict Cumberbatch continues to deliver in these roles of espionage and national secrets. The film maintains a great level of tension for the last 30 minutes, under the tight direction.

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The courier is like a good recipe made with stale food. The recipe remains good, the dish itself also, but somehow this version is tasteless. The film has an exciting premise of a civilian turned spy, involves the viewer in the friendly relationship between the two main characters, spices it up with the work of the various intelligence agencies and, of course, the stakes are nothing less than a possible nuclear escalation in the cold war. Nevertheless, at least I wasn't tense or riveted for a second. This is not at all due to bad acting or bad acting which are at least average, if not above average. It's the incination that seems so standard and learned that you have the feeling you've seen it all before. Like a dish you've eaten a thousand times before, if it's not prepared specially or with special ingredients, but with stale ingredients, then it tastes boring.

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cinematography: 2/3
acting: 3/3
storytelling: 2/3
enjoyment: 1/1


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Benedict is amazing as usual, especially in the second half. His range of emotion is excellent.
However, his acting chops couldn’t completely deliver this movie, the whole first act was rushed and it definitely could have had a longer run time. I would have preferred this to be a slow burn but it seems that this was catered for the market and not the fanatic.

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Cold war drama done right. Good thing the air conditioning was on.

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Rachel wasn't quite good in this character, it was like someone put mrs. marvellous in this character. Her body language etc.
And they didn't told story from USSR pov, like they also must have game going on, but what we saw for the most part, was some russian starring.

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Good movie but I would have enjoyed it more if the Russian speaking parts were subtitled

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Good. It's what you would expect as far as quality but, not being familiar with the story, I didn't find it predictable. This would make a good double feature with Bridge of Spies.

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Slow-burner but higly rewarding!
Man, that look after Greville loses weight is incredible!

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This is a good spy-thriller film of course. But the main problem I had was, throughout the movie, I didn't actually feel the gravity of danger the world's facing or even the risk they are facing doing something like this that much. But nevertheless, hat's off to Benedict's acting, this man is incredible.

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Best anti-communist movie in a very long time. Perhaps the best period.

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Loved it. Great movie. After so many rubbish movies I've watched lately here is one the whole family enjoyed. Fact it's based (loosely?) on reality makes it all the more riveting. Watch it. If you have any appreciation capability you'll find something to enjoy.

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This was a tight and compact little thriller. Good script and good cast - it built up nicely and didn't overstay its welcome.

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