Shouts about...

The Gunman 2015

"The Gunman" is a straight forward action movie that doesn´t differ much from others of this genre. And I don´t mean that in a negative way. Not having 500 CGI shots and explosions by the minute is not cause for calling this movie shit. Actually this kind works better for me.

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Not bad like.. I wouldn't say sean penn still has it 100% like.. but it wasn't a bad performance... needed a few more shots...

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Slow pace, a little confusing. Didn't quite hold my attention. I think the message is there's a lot of corruption out there and all of it is in the name of corporate greed!

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It's a decent movie, but the last parts with the bullfighting in Barcelona, with all those Spanish flags... that was bullshit. And from it, all those scenes and parallelisms with the action scenes were even worse.
They had to show some bullfighting, right? because it was in Spain! F*** the director's logic.
Also, with 90 minutes of film it would be more than enough.

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For a movie called The Gunman I found it pretty boring.

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Shout by Deleted

This is movie is... SHIT!

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