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The Medium 2021

This falls under the fake documentary/found footage-ish kind of movie. I liked the build up better than the actual payoff. And with a 2 hour runtime, it started to drag on a bit.

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An intriguing story that is refreshingly unafraid to take things to the extreme. Dragged towards the end, but overall very well done.

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All of it was pretty good up until a certain point, and then everything afterwards was not good. This had a lot of potential but the unbelievable character actions ruined it. Plus, you'd think that the shaman would be keyed up to what the bad guys would do and put more things in place to prevent people from ruining the ritual...

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Shout by Sora

Scariest shit I've ever seen. The scene where that girl mimics child's voice and tricked the priest and Manit's wife, it shookee me. I got goosebumps literally. One of the best horror movie. Must for a true horror fan....

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the documentary style was completely wasted. nothing new to the genre. some things were interesting and intriguing but after least the half of the movie they lost me. and the more it played the more incurious i got. would not recommend.

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  • Mink - Movies should stop - Mink - doing the mockumentary stuff- Mink - , it rarely works, - Mink - creates plotholes - Mink - and is annoying - Mink -There's stuff that happens in - Mink - this movie that becomes unbelievable - Mink - due to the fact these - Mink - so called documentary crews - Mink - are there. - Mink - Overall - Mink - This movie is a mediocre - Mink - possession movie - Mink - that goes on a little bit too long - Mink - mainly thanks to the mockumentary setup - Mink -.

Oh and if you - Mink - didn't know yet - Mink - - Mink - is the main character - Mink - but the movie - Mink - will remind you of that - Mink - every couple of - Mink - minutes.

By the third act the - Mink - movie becomes a type of zombie fest with the - Mink - predictable demise of - Mink - plenty of people - Mink - including their camera footage - Mink -.

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Many overrated reviews came from my friends due to similar tradition in my country. Unfortunately, it didn't meet my expectation, the movie had some questionable holes

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Stays an hour too long. A dog dies. So senseless and sad.

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[Sitges FF] Korean production with a texture of pure Thai terror, much more primitive and visceral, this mockumentary slowly builds a disturbing atmosphere, to anticipate the explosion of horror. But the complete breakdown of the narrative rules of fake documentary, such as the excessive use of music, and a certain tendency towards histrionics, limits the effectiveness of its supposedly terrifying atmosphere.

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How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = Thanks for the effort but no.
4-6 :heart: = Good. You may or may not enjoy this.
7-8 :heart: = Not my favorite but I recommend.
9-10 :heart: = Definitely well crafted!

This horror film may not be new to everyone because of its exorcism and first point of view concept but I really like how well crafted this film is. The cinematography, color grading, musical score is just so good! Nariyla who played Mink really did such an amazing job in this film knowing that she isn't really that famous in her country. Her acting skills is on point! The plot of the film is also good! I also love how they managed to make it as if it's a real documentary but of course, as film student, I immediately knew this is scripted because of how it was crafted but all in all, this horror film is such a fresh kick for everyone who likes to watch horror films. Knowing also that this is a collaboration of korean and thailand prod is such a good news! Love this and I recommend it!

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