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The Purge 2013

Ethan Hawke and Lena Headey star in the provocative horror film The Purge. A suburban family barricade themselves inside their home and stave off a murderous mob during a government sanctioned 12 hour period called the Purge in which all crime is legal. The film addresses some interesting themes, including the nature of violence, class stratification, and mob mentality. And, the directing does an especially impressive job at maintaining suspense and tension throughout the siege. Some parts of the film are underdeveloped, but overall The Purge is a smart and terrifying thriller.

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I'm really curious about how they will react the next morning when they meet in the middle of the street... Will they just be like "Oh, good morning Mrs. Sandin. Haven't seen you since I tried to kill your whole family!"

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The Purge is a surprisingly fun and original horror/thriller flick.

The acting in my opinion is on point for the absurd nature of the film. The actions feel relatable for most the characters, and nobody really feels like they're out of place.

I would classify the Purge more as a graphic thriller than a horror, but there's some good scares throughout.

If you're into bloody thrillers, I think The Purge is a great watch.

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Blame the dad for everything 10/10 realism

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I first saw this film in theater, I thought it's neither great nor bad. After rewatching this, it's a lot shittier than I remember. It's not a good watch, not fun at all, very boring throughout and you'll find cheap scares everywhere. A really great premise but wasted in a bad development, making this film looks shallow. The social commentary could've been powerful but it decides not to go there. The family members are insufferable like their decisions are nonsensical I can't keep track of their stupidity and those villain clowns try too hard to look like psychos. I was mad and annoyed the whole time.

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Fun to watch but predictable.

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"The Purge" starring Ethan Hawke and Lena Headey, is a horror film with great story concept but poor execution. The film's concept is very creative and very original, what happens if you can do any crime in one day and everything is legal. But the execution is where it all goes bad, from the very predictable scenes (like everybody here said) to the very stupid direction that the movie takes at the end. "The Purge" might seen like another average home invasion horror film (The Strangers still the worst home invasion horror movie ever) but at the end of the day the film still entertaining despite some annoying characters and a predictable plot. Worth checking out if you got time to spare.

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I usually like films that everyone seems to dislike, but no. Really annoying to watch. Great idea, awful execution.

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Interesting new concept - had me interested for the whole movie. I can see how it's gotten so much dislike here, but I enjoyed it.

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I've never wanted to beat a child in a movie more than I wanted to beat the son, and oh boy is the daughter just as dumb.

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These people have a super fancy security system, yet the boyfriend of the daughter can sneak inside?

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This movie had a great concept and started out promisingly, but it quickly degenerated into nothing more than a silly home invasion story. It's a real shame since it could have worked so well if it had stayed on the path of dark social satire.

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘The Purge’:

  1. I really like this film because it’s such an intriguing and horrifying concept. It’s a quick watch, but it’s super original. It birthed a whole franchise (albeit somewhat underwhelming) and eerie visuals that inspired a slew of Halloween masks I now see every single year.

  2. There were missed opportunities here. And that’s always frustrating when an idea is so great. During this rewatch, I realized that much of this movie is spent walking through a dark house with a flashlight. With such a short runtime, we should’ve spent more moments getting to know these characters, especially the über-creepy leader dude who died way too quickly/easily. Very anticlimactic.

  3. I could watch that scene where Lena Headey bashes her neighbor’s head into the table a hundred times lol. Immensely satisfying.

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There's no doubt that it's a very good premise, but is not very well executed. A shame for a movie with so potencial.

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I had no expectations when watching this film. I didn't even know that the majority disliked the film until I came on here to log my viewing. I definitely didn't hate the film. It isn't my favorite movie of all time but as far as the horror genre goes I could see myself re-watching this later down the road. The movie did have it's irritating bits. Mostly that irritating little kid. Come on now! That kid is directly responsible for almost all of the tragedy. I hope he lives out his life with PTSD and eventually dies in the purge himself.

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Kind of predictable, kind of annoying, kind of evil...I watched it. The most difficult part to get through was the stupid teenagers. I kept hoping they would get a baseball bat through the skull. Everything else was just kind of "there". Meh.

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Quite obvious and boring, forgettable.

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Possibly the most ridiculous and unjustified story idea ever which is taken seriously. Totally flat cliché character especially the kids. Awful script that reveals everything that will happen way before it does. Repeating dialogue to drill plot points into the viewer like they're total idiots. Logically don't even start thinking about this movie because it makes no sense.
This movie is an insult.

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I remember seeing the trailers for this film when it first came out and I was absolutely terrified. Terrified. Fast forward nine years and I'm maybe 5% less terrified, so I finally decided to give it a go. I've seen five minute cold opens to police procedurals that are scarier than this entire movie. While the acting was solid, I was just so incredibly bored throughout the whole thing. Even when disregarding how I hyped the film up in my head to be some kind of grand horrorfest, the initial concept of the film was so, so intriguing but the execution? Just your basic home invasion movie, and not even a good one at that. Pretty disappointing. I guess it was partly my fault for expecting this movie to make some kind of commentary on the human psyche and/or to delve more into the premise and intricacies of The Purge itself, but still. There was so much potential, but ultimately, the movie fell flat.

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Well to be honest, I only watched this movie because I saw that one Rick & Morty episode I now have to rewatch because there were probably references to this movie.

As for the movie itself: Interesting idea, kinda meh though.

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didnt really enjoy this movie.the kids were so annoying,whole movie was bad

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Very dumb premise and irritating overall

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"Just remember all the good the purge does."

I forgot how "grounded" the first one is compared to the rest of them. I will give kudos to how fresh the premise was when I first watched it. On this rewatch, I get a little more annoyed at decisions that are made, but appreciate that they did a lot with less in this one.

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Shout by MisterX867
BlockedParent2022-04-19T01:21:59Z— updated 2023-12-29T05:41:54Z

Well I won't lie, this movie pissed me off because I honestly believe this could've been a million times better than what was actually produced. We get the whole concept of "All crime is legal for 12 hours", but the only crime we get to see is murder and we only focus on 1 family in a house. I think this could've been better as a Found Footage film with someone surviving out in the city or told as an anthology film told through news reports showing off a wide multitude of crimes.

This movie also has one of the most loathsome kids I've ever seen, the dad should've beat up the kid for opening the doors to a stranger and then handcuffed him for the rest of the night. I think I would've given this movie one more point if that kid got some sort of comeuppance, I hate this kid more than the one from The Babadook (2014).

The only reason this received any recognition is because of the pretty interesting concept it has. If you were to remove all mention of the Purge premise, this would just be any other basic stale slasher film.

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Mindless entertainment like the tv show...momma wouldn't approve

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Great concept even amazingly chilling. Movie pacing and execution leaves a lot to be desired.

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Most unique concept, beautifully executed. A must watch.

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It was a beautiful film, the last scenes were extraordinary but the movie came too fast

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Nice to revisit this one. Enjoyed it much better the second around time. It drags at times and the antics of the teenaged daughter are annoying to say the least. Still the movie has pop and pulp.

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This has got to be the worst movie I have ever seen.

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I really liked this one...It might be a bit predictable, but has more moments that thrill than disappoint.

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The premise was the only interesting thing about it, what a waste.

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Good concept for a scary movie but didn't like it. And the acting was terrible.

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Shout by Deleted

It's a good date movie. But too predictable. 7/10.

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This fort is so poor, no wonder the neighbors felt cheated. ;)

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f*ck charlie - NOT a good boy

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The movie is entertaining, the concept is amazing but the execution was lacking in some places. The acting was overall pretty good. I wouldn't say there is really anything special here but I wouldn't say its a bad movie.

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So much potential, yet this was a flustercluck.

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Shout by Le_Chat
BlockedParent2022-07-19T21:20:23Z— updated 2023-01-24T09:37:30Z

The TV show "The Purge" is a mediocre attempt at exploring the concept of a night where all crime is legal. The story is not well-developed and the themes explored in the show are not original. It simply depicts the current state of the United States, with white men committing mass shootings, leaders being protected by any means necessary and the ultimate solution being to make war to boost the economy. However, the acting is good, but overall the show is not very good.

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Shout by Deleted

Is there another movie that sums up the USA so succinctly?
I don't think so.
And they've whelped 5 of these rotten fuckers.

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Finally watched this one. In my mind it was always this great movie, because I kinda love the idea? But yes, the movie is not that good. Doesn’t make sense that you’re rich in a world with a concept like The Purge, but all you invest in is a pretty wall or something. Buy a freakin‘ Panic Room ffs.

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Eh, for what it is, it's enjoyable enough. What really elevates this movie up though is it's brilliant concept, and how it actually has an effect on it's characters and resolution. There's a few points in the middle I didn't care for, and motivations that felt extremely unrealistic, but it's got it where it counts. I hear the sequels are better though, so I'm excited to watch those. This could use a bit of tweaking, but I'm going to be nice and give this a generous pass. Didn't hate it, don't think it's amazing, but I think it's a cool idea.

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A wicked, high-concept satire about a futuristic America.

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Everything was predictable but it surprised me and I kept watching. I like the concept of the movie. They should purge my country like that.

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Good enough for a boring saturday night. It was interesting and had a decent ending, I'll watch the other one as well.

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Shout by sp1ti

I was curious about part two so despite reading little positive about the first installment I watched it anyways. The ratings here a too nice. Yes, the concept is "interesting" but it is also beyond stupid just like the movie's content. Being predictable and having what I'd call boring, pointless, violence does not help either.

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This movie portrayed americans as stupid people who cant think for themselves and just kill people because thats the way it is. would have been more interesting if there would have been some kind of resistence movement that is hunted by those gun wielding nutjobs.

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Shout by Deleted

Straight forward. Makes gun owners happy to be gun owners.

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Not bad. Nice concept, decent acting, and a couple of nice twists. Sometimes the storyline / actions are a bit illogical.

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Shout by Deleted

Mixed feelings. The concept is awesome, but the movie kinda sucks, even though there's a great social criticism behind it in the end.

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I was really looking forward to this movie. The concept is fascinating. But ultimately, it was so frustrating to watch as the family & kids, time & again, make the stupidest of decisions, that I quit the movie about halfway though.

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Well, there's 90 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Utter hogwash.

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Shout by Deleted

Had some good laughs with this film. However, it's great to reflect about the hypocrisy of the North-american people... This seems surreal, but, for me, the USA are the most propitious country to do something like that in the future. The last line says everything: "I lost my two sons last night. I was a proud american. Not anymore."

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Shout by Deleted

Heavy handed but not as terrible as I expected it to be.

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Shout by Deleted

Surprised this movie was interesting

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1/10 and even that rating is very generous for this film.

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Yep, agree with these folks... fun, silly, predictable but some nice ideas and twists... 6/10.

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Something new. And predictable.

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Shout by olegrim

ugh, why didn't the stupid family die? I hated them the whole movie! And why in the hell would the homeless guy help them, why???

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome !!

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Predictable as said but entertaining and quite spooky.

Give it a watch for sure.

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Shout by Deleted

Fantastic movie and a kinda scarily realistic but unrealistic (I know confusing) concept for today's government issues. Left me on the edge of my seat!

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Shout by Deleted

I loves the sounddesign in this one, cristal clear crisp sound. The story was a lil bit to cheesy, but the insanity was very well played. My Gilrfriend was creeped out by those insane guys. Even is though the story has some loop holes, like if they spend so much cash on a defense systen and the guy who sells them knows that it has flaws, why the hell did he not build a panic room ? All in all the movie was ok, I had fun but I knew when shit was about to happen and when there were jumpscares comming.

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I'm very disappointed that there was less of a plot than the previews made it out to be. If you're into ~torture porn~ then you'll probably enjoy it.

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Despite mixed reviews, the film grossed $89.3 million during its run, far surpassing its $3 million budget. The film was turned into a scare zone for 2014's annual Halloween Horror Nights due to its success.

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Shout by Deleted

Es genial la idea de esta película...
Muy buena!

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Shout by Deleted

Mi alma, que idea tan perversa, pero muy buena sin embargo. La pelicula no es tan mala como aclaman, claro que pudo ser mucho mejor pero cumple con el genero por lo menos. Lo mejor es que no asusta por ella misma, si no por lo que propone.

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Shout by Deleted

I liked it..... Looking forward to number 2!

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Shout by Deleted

Good Movie - Picks Up Speed about halfway through - can't wait for second installment.

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Great Film!

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