Shouts about...

The Shining 1980

I sleep so much better after watching this

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Shout by Deleted

The Movie is great, but it seems like the only actor who gave a really good performance was Jack Nicholson.

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I know this is a 1980 movie and movies have come a long way since then, but man this movie sucks so bad! Nothing is serious about this movie, even the ratings are way stretched, the fade transition between scenes is appaling and the story is a 5 minutes made 144 minutes, I literally had to speed the movie 30% to keep it watchable. All in all, this movie is a true meme!

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This is one of Stanley Kubrick's best films. A true horror movie without having to rely on jump scares or gimmicks. The score is truly unsettling and with the cuts of disturbing imagery it builds tension well. Jack Nicholson gives the performance of his career here. The Overlook Hotel is so unique. The attention to detail and production design is flawless.

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I went into this thinking it was going to be so unbelievably unnerving that I would be tense throughout the whole viewing. Instead I felt bored out of my damn mind, I've watched absolutely terrible movies that I would watch again before this. THIS is considered one of the best horror movies of all time? What???

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It aged pretty good, no CG special effects or cheap thrills, just horror of isolation.

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I happened to watch the movie today (July 4th 2021) not knowing that the movie ends on the shot of the July 4th ball in 1921. Very creepy.

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Its been said many times before but its worth repeating; Kubrick created some of the most exciting visuals in movie history. This film is filled with interesting camera movements and angled shots, even when the set is practically claustrophobic. Like the scenes in the bedroom and the pantry. The way the camera follows little Danny around; we are allowed to discover the same horrors as him simultaneously.

"The Shining" is practically the opposite on a scale perspective than "2001". It's small in comparison to the grand "2001". Shelley Duvall as Wendy and Jack Nicholson playing Jack don't appear to be a close couple, and its clear that Wendy has had to deal with an abusive Jack quite often during their marriage.

Even though the acting is great, the shocking imagery is the real star. There is a moment in the movie when Wendy happens upon a ghostly image of a man with another person dressed in a weird dog suit sitting on the edge of a bed. The book makes sense of this shot but in the movie its ambiguous and adds a very creepy moment to an already creepy film.

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Kubrick is comically overrated as a screenwriter and this movie fails to measure up to the source material. Like all of his other films, his terrible sense of style has dated this film to the point that I cannot separate it from the terrible memories I have of the 80's. I hate this movie intensely and resent its popularity with other horror fans.

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Good acting by Jack N. with a few good scenes and good shots with camera, but not a very good film.
With a few good things for such a long film IMO too overrated.

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One thing that can be said about this film, and not all other GOAT films, is that literally, everyone finds it entertaining. I'm not a huge Jack Nicholson fan, but this film might suit him as an actor more than any other film. Honestly, it's hard to imagine anyone else being able to accomplish what he did in this film. And while Danny Lloyd (Danny Torrance) made only two films in his career, this is probably one of the all-time great first time acting jobs. Out of all of Kubrick's films, and I'm a huge fan, this is the one I go back to the most.

Do yourself a favor and also watch Room 237. It's one hell of a pairing that speaks not only to the brilliance of this film but also the depth and complexity of fan culture.

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I am a big fan of the book, but I also love this movie is awesome I have no problem (just a bit) with Kubrick changing the ending, the only reason I won’t give it a 10 is the whole Dick story... we see him travel for 2 min at the hotel before dying without doing anything? Pfff... but still great movie

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I am still asking myself if Jack Nicholson was acting or he is just like this.. because he is so creepy always. I liked this movie, but some scenes were too long which was boring sometimes. Exactly like some parts in books by King. Sorry not sorry. I was expecting more from this movie but at least music, creepy as f♥ck, was brilliant.

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The film feels overly long for the story, which I feel loses it 2 in the rating. Filming, editing, dialogue & acting are all good but just need an overall tightening up to about 100-110 minutes

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to be honest this movie was good but not that great. good sounds, great performance from Jack, he was the only actor that gave a really good performance. this movie was disturbing but not all that disturbing!

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Nicholson does an awesome job on crazy!

I’ve prob seen this movie 15+ times over the last 35+ years and it doesn’t get old. The descent to madness is still well done.

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I absolutely hate horror movies but this one is amazing. It does not sacrifice story or acting quality for jump scares. It's a slow build-up to a spectacular ending and the directing is top notch.

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I don't know much what to say about this movie, I've seen countless people talking about it so well that I had very high expectations about it, but in my opinion, it's nothing much, this movie managed to do something that I had never seen before, make me curious about what's going on even without showing me anything, I find it super interesting that the beginning is "normal" as if it were an ordinary family, and then the movie escalates, the atmosphere of mystery and doubt that this movie caused me, no other movie did the same, I just can't think how dull it was , especially the ending, which I didn't understand at all and found it super boring, but I understand those who say they liked the movie, it's interesting and certainly there must be many details in which I missed.

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I'm really sorry for breaking the magic number of 69 comments.

I rate it "how many beets did Kubrick use to make the barszcz imitating the blood tsunami" out of ten",


"approved by the American association of famous people with horse teeth before Sarah Jessica Parker" out of ten.

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I watch this movie every Halloween and im really looking forward to it this year too. Its a timeless classic.

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This was fine.. I don't really like horror movies. I knew I had to watch this for the culture, and cinematically it's really well made, but it's not for me.

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Completely enjoyed the acting of Jack

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such an iconic legendary horror movie

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The Shining is probably one of the best horror films ever made in history. Although the film is too old for my age, I appreciated the story line and the production of it as a whole. The feeling of watching Hereditry is what this film made me feel too. This is what I look forward everytime I watch a horror film. Less jumpscares and more on giving you chills because of the atmosphere. The musical score is also perfect and for a classic film, a great cinematography is shown. I also love the works of the actors! The best!

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One Word to give for the director of this movie and that's is he is a 'Maestro'

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Try Redrum it's good with a splash of Coke

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I don't think I ever been more nervous while watching something, as I was while watching The Shining. I swear I got cramps from just how tense I was. I think I'll need a unhealthy dose of liquid courage to watch it a second time. And company. Of at least 4 people. I watched it with my brother and let me tell you that he didn't even flinch once. He's made of stone apparently.

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There are entire websites, books, TV shows & even other films dedicated to deciphering Kubrick’s masterpiece so my few paragraphs don’t have much extra to offer. The fact that it has sparked more conjecture and theorising than almost any other film probably says enough about what a fascinating puzzle The Shining is.

I’m not a horror buff at all but something about the mysterious plot and the eerie pacing sucker me in every time. Very few films stick in your mind shot for shot quite like this one. Like the rest of Kubrick’s work it’s timeless and always reveals something new with every viewing. This time I noticed that Wendy never actually gets hurt despite Jack coming at her with an axe. Spoooooky.

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Shout by Deleted

This will always be one of the greats, especially with Jack Nicholson's performance. The only complaints I have are the many dull moments it seems to have, and how far it really is from the book, which I read last year. Everything else works very well and I love the artistry in it.

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Personally, the child was already demented living at his house. It certainly didn't take much to sway Jack. Overall, only person I felt bad for was Wendy...but seeing as how she was smoking her way to a slow death... REDRUM.

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Specjackular movie.

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It never loses its creepiness factor and I love that about The Shining. Even after multiple views it's always great like it was the first time, a true classic!

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See, it's OK. He saw it on the television.

Sarah's first time, with Mason, Ryan, and Mari. #Sanctuary

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The descent into madness feels rushed. I would have liked a middle ground between this and the mini-series. In this film you have 2 whole hours, and he's already acting erratic and a bit mad within 30 minutes? It's too rushed.

It's not really scary either, though of course the feeling of horror is subjective. In the film it just feels like random strange stuff happening. The mini-series had an actual plot and build up and a rhyme and reason to things going on, and having a strong build up to the characterization.

The thing is, i appreciate the quality of writing more than any other aspect. While i can see the good sense of direction, acting, music and production quality, it's the writing that lets this film down, in various ways, and it's quality of writing i appreciate and scrutinize the most in productions that have it. The mini-series was better in this regard, and why i prefer it over this film.

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Somehow I had went my whole life without watching this one until now, and I am disappointed it took me so long! Kubrick is a madman and this is a phenomenal story. While I thought Doctor Sleep was great, this one was better (probably to the surprise of nobody). I genuinely want to watch this one again sooner than later and back to back with Doctor Sleep for a grander appreciation.

Rating: 4.5/5 - 90% - Highly Recommend

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It was very scary, not because it had jumpscare, but because it was scary scary.

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A tense film, with a fantastic soundtrack and sound effects. The actors' performances are also excellent, managing to convey all the tension in each scene. It's a true classic that still manages to make an impact.

A ghost helping to open doors may seem a bit unfair.

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A curious parent. Keep axes out of the hands of maniacs.

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Shout by Frank
BlockedParent2023-11-03T02:35:39Z— updated 2023-11-29T21:10:45Z

I found this largely boring until Jack wanted to bloody kill his family and the score is great.

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Honestly, I knew that I was going to hate this, because horror isn't my genre. Still, I tried to enjoy it, but I honestly can't believe why so many people find this entertaining. The sound design is terrible and super annoying. It was absolutely the worst part for me. Sure, Jack Nicholson's performance is good, but the wife and the kid are almost unwatchable. I will give it some credit, because it has some amazing shots, but other than that I really hate it.

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The Shining is one of the best movies adapted from Stephen King's novels. The film is suspenseful and mind-bending. Jack Nicholson's performance as the troubled and unstable Jack Torrance is fabulous, with his descent into madness portrayed in an utterly terrifying way. Even after all these years, the movie still stands the test of time, with its haunting visuals and eerie music.

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Great party, isn't it?

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Shout by Mashfee

Jack has the stomach to do it but not the chance:smiling_imp:

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A masterpiece of unparalleled horror cinema. Scenes of terror that make you want to cover your eyes, human insanity, ghosts, and a terrifying mythology.
No matter how many times you watch it, it still scares you. The scene where a large amount of blood comes rushing in is shocking. The transformation of a beautiful woman into an ugly old woman, the camera work with the lowered gaze, and the joking around with the mysterious stuffed animal are all things that have never been seen in horror films before, and even freshness has been incorporated into the film. Shelley Duvall's monstrous performance, in which she seems to have gone mad, is also brilliant.

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This movie has aged terribly. Unfortunately I didn’t see this movie until a few years ago and just did a rewatch today. The acting, I mean I know they said Kubrick was harassing Duvall, but my God it was a bad performance. Danny with his blank states, and forceful trembling. Like someone commented previously , Nicholson is the only good thing about this movie.

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Shout by Nyx

Classic horror indeed, I'll just add that the language used by the hotel (via Grady's ghost) is appropriately hateful to match the evil that possesses the hotel.

Poor Mr. Haloran, he should have just stayed in Florida.

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I just love the beautiful camera and sound technique used. I think it's a tie between Jack and Shelly they both put 100% into their acting

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What has happened will leave a trace, but only those who have a shining spirit can find, see the future, see the past.

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This cinematographic masterpiece has escaped me only for so long. Kind of impressive I went for this long.
Didn't disappoint. About every scene was wonderfully executed. My favourite was Danny running in the snow.

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excellent acting of jack Nicholson
great mix of cinematography, soundtrack and setup.
reminded me of bioshock

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Happy 4th July everyone!

Little slow tonight, isn't it?

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Oh God..... Wife Wendy oh no..... Hate this character! Meanwhile the atmosphera of movie is everything!

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Shout by Deleted

Very good like the book

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Not so bad but 30 min would done the same XD
First time i saw it now and guess what The Simpsons Spoiled all of it to better to watch the 20min episode then this Movie.
But still an important Movie for meme and horror history

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The Shining is a masterpiece of horror from legendary director Stanley Kubrick. Based on a novel by Stephen King, the story follows Overlook Hotel caretaker Jack Torrance as he is driven toward madness by supernatural forces. Jack Nicholson gives a bone chilling and terrifying performance in what would become a seminal roll in his career. And, Kubrick does an amazing job directing; creating a rich, atmospheric tone that’s suspenseful and ominous. Additionally, the use of music is especially good; giving a foreboding and eerie mood to the scenes. Exceptionally well-craft, The Shining is an intense and haunting thriller that has become a classic.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Shining’:

  1. I just wanna give Shelley Duvall a hug.
  2. The score is probably the biggest star of this film.
  3. Some of my fave parts were with the old-timey side characters that remind of The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror.
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You know what makes The Shining arguably the best horror film of all time? That upon multiple re-watches, it's sense of dread, tension and fear doesn't diminish but actually augments. What other scary movie can that be said about?

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Watched for the second time, this time on the big screen. Utterly brilliant. Happy Halloween!

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"A chilling, often baroque journey into madness."

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4K coming in the next week, will rewatch it. Great movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Una película que nos pone a especular con escenas muy metafóricas... para psicoanalizar y pensar

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The Shining is, without doubt, one of Stanley Kubrick's undisputed masterpieces and a true classic in horror cinema.

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Suspenseful and terrorific, it's a superb expression of the descent into madness of a man haunted by his problems. Sheley Duvall performance is the weak link of the chain, IMHO, since her hysterical fits don't seem to correspond to her resourcefulness.

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Jack Nicholson so compellingly completes this Kubrickian behemoth of an insanity horror that he will, forever, be seen as the man grinning behind the white door's axe-made gash in the Overlook Hotel. To call this movie a Stephen King film adaptation would be to call the Lancia Stratos a sporty two-door automobile.

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Another amazing performance of Jack Nicholson, a solid horror plot from Stephen King and good directing by Stanley Kubrick make "The Shining" one of the best horror flicks I know (even though the plot is a little slow paced).

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This flick was mentioned alot in many other shows, so i thought i'd like to give it a shot. Jack Nicholson and the kiddie actor Danny Lloyd were pretty good in the show. But i don't know why, Batman's Joker kept comin up to my mind when Jack was slowly goin nuts in the show, probably coz he was the Joker before and his nutty fit was quite similar. Anyone who found Wendy creepier than any other "ghost" in this show? I thought she looked really scary. Anyways, not too bad for an old flick.

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Jack Nicholson's performance in this film is outstanding. Stanley Kubrick outdid himself with the cinematography and I would recommend this film to anyone who enjoys thrillers/horror.

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I've re-watched this movie more than any other movie.

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Sin duda alguna es una de las mejoras peliculas de suspense de la historia del cine.
Jack Nicholson es verdaderamente la pelicula , ya que su interpretacion es magnifica y trasmite esa inquietud y sensacion de acecho que requeria esta pelicula y su personaje.Magnifica

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Jack Nicholson at his best. I love this scene, best part of the movie 56s into this clip

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Shout by Deleted

Jack Nicholson was spectacular! But I can't say the same for Shelley Duvall ...

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Jack Nickelson is really good for this kinda mad character

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