In '78 as a 9 y.o. and completely all-in on Star Wars fever, I had no notion of what bad was Star Wars on TV! As an adult it really is hard to watch, but lets face it if you're even just a avg is still a must watch. Just keep a finger on the chapter/scene skip button!

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Reflecting on this, I'm reminded of the time I started watching The Phantom Menace, but couldn't get through the opening crawl before shutting it off.

I'd rather watch a movie about trade route disputes and midi-chlorians five times in a row than watch The Star Wars Holiday Special again. The closest thing it has to a saving grace is Bea Arthur's opening line. It's as bad as everyone says it is, but even second-hand testimonies are no substitute for experiencing how utterly (and ironically) lifeless this is.

That being said, if Lucasfilm could issue an official release, that would be fantastic!

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This production is just objectively terrible. There are some parts that are funny/entertaining however, just because of how bad it is. Considering how long and drawn out it is, you’re better off just looking up some clips on YouTube.

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Happy Life Day. Worse than you could ever imagine, The Star Wars Holiday Special lives up to its reputation. Unbearable to watch, it’s just amazing how atrocious Star Wars can be in the wrong hands.

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Shout by JC

Well, it helps to know soulless cash grabs have always been a part of the franchise.

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Shout by Travis Goldman
BlockedParent2021-02-07T17:07:08Z— updated 2021-02-10T12:49:08Z

Mark Hamill in 5 lbs of makeup.

The Wookiee planet "Kazook."

Harvey Korman doing a cooking show in blackface and drag.

'70s VR porn.

A Bea Arthur musical number.

Han Solo making puberty jokes.

A Carrie Fisher musical number.

At least 20 minutes of Wookiee grunting.

A never-ending ending that gives Peter Jackson a run for his money.

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What were they even thinking? Astonishingly bad, and not even in a humorous way either.

After watching and, all in all, enjoying the main films from the 'Star Wars' franchise, I thought I'd check out the many spin-off films. 'The Star Wars Holiday Special' makes for quite the start!

I had heard bits and pieces about this down the years and those bits and pieces were usually pretty derogatory and now I can see why; it's far worse than I was anticipating though. The worst thing is that it doesn't even try to be silly and stupid, if actually attempts to be sincere and meaningful.

It's utterly dire, from start to finish. No idea how they roped Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher into this, you gotta especially feel for Fisher given that end scene... wow. I wish it was 'so bad it's good' so it could've been ironically fun to watch, but it's the furthest thing from that.

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The moment when Harrison Ford realise that he's so much better than this.

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This is better than Last Jedi.

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The worst thing I have ever watched. It's awesome!

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The month after I was born....this arrived.

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Still better than The Force Awakens.

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Shout by Deleted

I'm afraid I am too confined within my mortal flesh to fully grasp this extradimensional aesthetic experience.

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Shout by Deleted

Possibly one of the most awkward and painful things I have ever watched. George Lucas has expressed a desire to destroy every copy of it, and it is understandable. It stands in garish contrast to the Star Wars movies as possibly one of the dumbest and cheesiest items ever put to film. And yet...I loved it. The accomplishment of saying I watched it, combined with the knowledge that even great artists can make terrible art, is rather entertaining. The Holiday Special successfully alienates all viewers in its attempt to appeal to older viewers used to variety shows and younger viewers used to action and science fiction, and in that alienation, there is unity. Somehow, 15 minutes into a scene in wookie with no subtitles, you look at your fellow watchers and feel a certain kinship. The Holiday Special is for true fans only, not because it is good, but because it is so, so bad.

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The WTF were they thinking Holiday Special.

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Shout by Deleted

This makes Episode II look like Episode V

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