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The Terminator 1984

Try watching the beginning of this movie and un-know what you know about the franchise. Who are these two guys? Where did they come from? Why are they after Sarah Connor. It is a great example of suspense-building storytelling.

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My favourite saga of all times, not even starwars or anything else. I love the whole idea and premise of Judgement day, making this one of the best movies in the 80s and years to come. It created a myth and so so many more in the movie franchise.

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In 1984, a movie came out that I thought I would never be the least bit interested in. I went to see it because my youth group was talking about it and, as their Minister of Christian Education, and their youth leader, I was always interested in interacting with them about the media they consumed so I could challenge their worldview with the cause of Christ. I was completely astonished to fall in love with the love story that was, surprisingly, at the heart of this weird, mechanical, apocalyptic movie. It became one of my favourite movies and I’ve seen it multiple times since then and it still moves me. That movie, of course, was THE TERMINATOR, a straight up 10 out of 10. [Pre-Apocalyptic Love Story]

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"The Terminator" blends science fiction and horror into a non-stop classic film. James Cameron's budget was beyond low but he succeeded in bringing the scares with brutal violence and breathless action. The time travel storyline is simple here and it actually makes sense. The characters act and react in what would probably be logical ways given that they have a nearly indestructible killer cyborg stalking them. And speaking of the cyborg Arnold Schwarzenegger was perfect for this role. He's a huge hulking mass and is intimidating to say the least. The special effects are dated by today's standards but if you're a fan of stop-action animation there's some very cool scenes to drool over. There is also some great model and old school puppet work highlighted by the Terminator cutting into his arm and eyeball to do a few repairs. Speaking of that even though this film is very violent the blood gore and language is milder than you'd expect. "The Terminator" is one of the greats of sci-fi cinema. It always entertains and is endlessly re-watchable.

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The Terminator is a landmark science-fiction film that has held up as a brilliant piece of filmmaking. Writer/director James Cameron crafts a riveting dramatic thriller, and presents a stark and chilling vision of the future. Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as the Terminator, and gives a career performance that turned the character into one of the most popular villains in cinema. Co-stars Michael Biehn and Linda Hamilton also give strong performances that engage the audience in their fight against the Terminator. And thought the special effects and the score seem a bit dated, it works in the film’s favor; creating an authentic feel that complements the film style. The Terminator is a classic film that became part of the culture and has greatly influenced the science-fiction genre.

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Shout by Ben

Have you heard of "Boston Dynamics"?
No? >


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No matter how many times I watch this film I always find my self very entertained and this will forever be a Sci-Fi, Action and Thriller classic!!!!!!

From the soundtrack by Brad Fiedel (who is criminally underrated) to the amazing performances from Michael Biehn (Kyle Reese) and Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor) who both make you believe this incredibly intense situation. Also don't think I forgot about Arnold Schwarzenegger (The Terminator) who is just so perfect in all of these films as he plays the role of The Terminator so perfectly.

I don't know what else to say about this film, I saw it first when I was 8 years old and still love it as much as the day I watched it on VHS with my dad.

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This is the movie that made a big break through for sci-fi movies!!!!

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James Cameron was way ahead of his time. Some of the make-up and visuals are outdated, but the directing is incredibly good. Considering that the movie was released in 1984, the quick cuts during action sequences make a lot of sense. Unfortunately, quick cuts have become overused in modern action movies, probably because of how well they worked in The Terminator.

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One of my favourite childhood/teen years films and it still holds up. I probably know it word for word at this point. Today I had the pleasure of introducing it to my partner who has somehow lived 29 years on this earth with this film unseen and unspoiled. I can't wait to show her T2!

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Shout by Deleted

I always had the idea that would not like The Terminator with no particular reason. Someone pressured me to see it and I finally did it and I have to say that it was awesome! I never thought that it would be so cool.

Now I can see why this is definitely a classic and why it revolutionized the sci-fi genre. I must had been one of the very few people in this site that hadn't seen this yet.

Original with an effective story this will always be timeless. The rest you already know!

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For it’s time I think James Cameron done well with the SFX!! The scene when Arnie cuts his eye out looks a bit silly but you gotta remember it’s 1984. Watching this again after years I didn’t realise how many familiar faces were in this, That scene with Bill Paxton “nice night for a walk” is still one my favourite scenes! He’s still the only man to have been killed by a terminator, an alien and a predator! You could add Lance Henriksen but he weren’t really a man in Aliens... T2 next!

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I haven't seen this in a long time and it holds up pretty well. The action is great. The make up and effects definitely have aged but are decent. It must of been really cool seeing this back in the day. Arnold is a perfect killing machine. The world they build is interesting. The love story is very cheesy. The score is iconic. Overall a solid action movie.

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A classic. Ground-breaking. Created the best sci-fi sequel... IMHO.

But it is aging quite badly.

It felt like an extended episode of TJ Hooker for parts of the rewatch. No dialogue, old police cars stunts. And the special effects really are antique now.

The bits that worked, still work exceptionally well. The introduction of the characters. Arnold is still fearsome. The pacing of the story once the killing starts.

The shortcomings due to age can be overseen when viewed in the context of the entire anthology, I suppose.


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Saw this for the first time today and it's honestly great, even by todays standards. Over the top 80's action (shattered glass galore), great world building with lean, direct dialogue, and a solid story/resolution that never feels convoluted even though it tackles time travel. Great pacing throughout, it never feels like the movie is flagging or losing steam even during it's quieter moments. Only negative is the heavy handed, cakey romance between Connor and Reese, but if written it off under 80's cheese, it's perfectly palatable.
Much better than I anticipated, especially considering most herald its sequel as the defining entry in the franchise.

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This really holds up well. Some of the special effects are definitely dated, but the story, pacing, acting, and directing are all great.

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Normally all the "old" movies I see are boring, but this one has been great. It's not the kind of movies I like, but I found it quite interesting and entertaining.

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Good action movie that doesn't overstay it's welcome.

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A sci-fi/horror classic. Sarah's last-ditch escape from the T-800 always reminds me of the 80s slasher horror movies that, while not as influential as this, made her an all-time great "final girl": injured, tired, and trying to outsmart a seemingly unkillable murder machine who would keep chasing her until until it wasn't possible anymore.

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Theme- 10/10
Rewatchibility- 8/10
Acting- 7.5/10
Kinematography- 7/10
Time- 10/10
Total - 42.5/5 = 8.5

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I don't get why Kyle and Terminator took off the stock of their guns.

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Gotta love those 80s special effects :) Stop motion, miniatures, grainy picture and that typical flat 80s audio. Soundtrack seems a bit inspired by TRON, which is also great. A good film.

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1 The Terminator (1984)
2 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
3 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
4 Terminator Salvation (2009)
5 Terminator Genisys (2015)
6 Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

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A much younger me would have rated this a 9 or a 10 back in the day.....quite ground breaking at the time when put alongside the other hits of that year...Indiana Jones, Karate Kid, Beverley Hills Cop etc. It's still a half decent film and I really enjoyed it despite some ropey looking special effects. That line...."I'll be back". Quality.

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I hadn't seen it since the early 90s so I was looking forward to it. At first I was thinking 'where did Kyle get his gun?' and 'that was easy to get a police shotgun.' But I went with the movie for thee ride it is and it was still enjoyable. I like how every shot around The Terminator is something negative, dark or violent with imagery. The Terminator is a real bogeyman and the movie is as much a horror movie as a sci-fi. It's even a love story. I now appreciate Sarah more as a character and oike her transformation from this to the sequel. It was all about Arnold as a kid but Kyle is such a good character and played well. I like the effects for the vision and application but some seem dated and I have no issue with that, it's forgivable and still fun to see. This movie used to be and 18 certificate and now it's 15.

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An indestructible robot threatens humanity.

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Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2022-07-26T02:46:37Z— updated 2022-08-12T20:52:44Z

Even with some scene drag, as well as the CG and prosthetics being understandably outdated, "The Terminator" is still SO much better than plenty of today's trash.

Gale Ann Hurd quietly sits in the shadows with her wins, while James Cameron basks in the light of perpetual praise. She's had quite the career though, so all's well that ends well. LOL!

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Shout by crxssed

my guy had a child before he was born

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I am aware that "The Terminator" will always be in the hearts of all the kids who grew up in the '80s, and that despite the low budget it managed to introduce fresh ideas, inspire hundreds of films and create a solid blend of sci-fi, horror, and action. However, I can't deny that it aged pretty badly. It's still quite entertaining as it's fast-paced, straight to the point and with a good atmosphere, but everything has been made better in other films. The Terminator character has been built around Arnold Schwarzenegger's stiffness and inexpressiveness, and it works great for this film. He should have been a bad guy for the whole franchise.

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Oh, how gloriously 80s. The special effects, the dramatic sex scene, the annoying calling of each others names. Although I love the 80s look, I can't help but miss how far technology has come. I enjoyed the story and how it was set up through the dialogue with Kyle Reese rather than shown in shoddy effects beforehand. And Arnie can do no wrong however, I preferred him chasing after a Turbo Man.

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The idea behind "Terminator" is great and the flick would be very entertaining if there weren't the drawbacks of the mediocre acting and some SFX that just look rubbish and laughable: who did that poor job of Arnold's Mask over the skeleton when he tries to repair himself? And what's up with the weak performance of the lead actress?

Besides it is fun to watch and it is the start of one of the best movie series after all!

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This is like the 100th time I'm watching The Terminator. I just noticed this for the first time: Sarah hides in a club called Tech Noir so she can use the telephone. The phone is literally ON THE DANCE FLOOR! Hahahahaha. Gotta love the 80s.

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I don't really get what the big deal was with The Terminator. Perhaps it was revolutionary for its time and nobody had made a tense action thriller before (I have no idea whether this was actually the case), but watching it now, it's pretty ordinary with far, far too many plotholes and inconsistencies to really make it worthwhile.

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Iconic theme, great '80s movie and lots of fun but the ending drags on a bit.

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The Terminator: 1984
Terminator 2: Judgment Day: 1991
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines: 2003
Terminator Salvation: 2009
Terminator Genisys: 2015
Terminator: Dark Fate: 2019

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Good 80's movie the graphics are lulz

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I've never seen the movie but i think i want too.. :)

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Classic, the best of them all

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