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The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 1974

i think i just lost my hearing with all that screaming

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"That's the last goddamn hitchhiker I ever pick up."

This is one of the creepiest horror movies I have seen. You'd think after watching so many I would get used to gore but the way they film this really gives me the chills. It's pretty messed up and I think the low budget makes it feel even more real. I wish they had never made any sequels to keep it as a vintage horror phenomenon.

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Plays extremely well on your imagination, one perceives that the film is MUCH more grisly than it really is. That's but one of the many reasons that this masterpiece sets itself apart from the pretenders to the throne that came after. However I love part 2 as well albeit for vastly different reasons.

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Leatherface is so creepy and scary. The sound of a chainsaw chasing you has to be one of the scariest sounds ever.

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The climax of this movie is nothing but chaotic screaming and noise, but man when it cuts to the credits without any music, the silence hits so damn hard.

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I kind of want to give it an extra star just for having the final girl jump straight through not one but TWO windows. Badass. However I won't give it an extra star because by the end I wanted her to die because I was so sick of her screaming.

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[Filmin] America assumes its own violence. Consequences of Vietnam. The radio talks about macabre and absurd crimes. Soundtrack of squeaks, screams and chainsaws. Rot and decay. Sally in the slaughterhouse. Flesh, bones and blood. An unbreathable atmosphere like few times. The horoscope already announced it: "Upsetting persons around you, could make this a disturbing and unpredictable day". Welcome to psycho America.

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Need to remind myself :
- How great this film is before seeing Netflix's TCM next month.
- That I've finished only 5 horror series in my entire life and need to get this one done!

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Possibly the greatest film ever made.

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Shout by The Ace Face
BlockedParent2021-08-30T13:03:30Z— updated 2023-10-13T20:09:30Z

One of, if not the most iconic horror films ever. Everything you want from a horror is here, and to think it’s based on a true story, just makes this even more terrifying. The low budget feel to it adds to the effect. The scene around the dinner table is truly iconic.
The house is now a great restaurant in Texas and well worth visiting just to sit at the table next to the window the girl jumped throw.

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Satisfying like an evening when the family sits around peeling off each other's scabs.

There is a before Texas Chain Saw Massacre and an after. Before there were the Vincent Price camp vampire flicks and then along came TCM and changed the face horror (with a blade) forever...

The best thing about seeing this for the first time (on a restored, 4K version in a cinema!) was that it lives up to the hype, and does so because it is a beautifully made film.

The action, the pacing, the lighting (Hooper films in full daylight, dusk sunset, dead of night, day break and dawn) and the soundtrack, my God, the soundtrack (co-written by Hooper) all come together in a graphic ballet as poignant and disturbing as Leatherface's dance of death at the denouement.

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A frightful tale of the macabre, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a classic horror film. The story follows a group of college students who are abducted and tortured by a family of cannibals. The acting is really bad and is a little hard to get passed. And, Tobe Hooper’s directing is extremely raw; which can be distracting. Still, Hooper brings an impressive level intensity and suspense to the action scenes. Though it’s a bit rough and slow paced, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre delivers some chilling scares.

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Remember watching this when I was waaay too young and it still haunts me when I hear or see a chainsaw

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Started off a template that many copied. I like how this movie ramps up in craziness. By the end it's creepy inbred taunting and horror.

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Jesus christ this movie is noisy. I'm happy we got the 2003 remake. It's so much better.

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You don't want to go foolin' round other folks property... Some folks don't like it, some don't mind the showin' ya...

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Hated it as a kid because it wasn't gory enough. Now I can appreciate it for what it is.

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Not the best of movies, certainly, but I imagine super scary at the time (and for more sensitive types even today), and undeniably impactful on horror as a genre. And the low budget worked in its favor; I think anything with more polish wouldn't have had the feel that this had, with all the dirt and sweat and grime. Poor Franklin, though, I felt bad for him the entire way through.

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I dont think my ears would ever recover from that screaming

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Some American critic gave a 40-minute introduction to the movie, many left the theatre before the end, many hysterically laughed like the joker out of fear and two girls were sobbing their hearts out (borderline screaming) at the end credits.
It's amazing how a 50-year-old movie can still do this to people.

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isnt this movie from '74?

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Rated Connor 5, normal 6.4

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A very good, atmospheric horror movie that leaves a lot of the gore implied. You can see how it lays the groundwork for future slasher films (particularly from the 80’s and 00’s), and aesthetically it probably inspired a ton of metal bands. It’s very well directed, and as an exercise in building tension I’d argue it’s absolutely fantastic. It feels low budget, but that only adds to the overall atmosphere. I also like this idea of the movie being a metaphor for the food chain, essentially illustrating how messed up nature, butchery and cannibalism are. However, that idea is spelled out a little too much in the first act, making some of the revelations in the third act more predictable. What holds me back from loving it is the fact that the characters are underwritten, and the acting is just okay. Still, it strikes that balance of being edgy without going overboard, which is a balance that most of the films this inspired didn’t hit. There’s a maturity and depth here that’s lacking in something like the Saw franchise.


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Prime Video didn't have subtitles for this film so I'm just going to pretend I could understand 70% of the films dialog...

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It's a classic so as a horror fan it's kind of a must-watch. It's not really scary and the murders that take place are fairly pathetic, I even found myself laughing at certain parts.

if you want a genuinely horrific movie I'd say find something else, but if you want a cheesy 70's horror movie to watch while passing the time I'd recommend it.

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Generations will come and go and this movie will still remain scary af. It's the documentary feel to it.

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This is classic horror. I have seen Texas Chain Saw Massacre 2006 but the original is scary. Although not gory or slick as the 2006 version is this version is raw and realistic in a sense….. very scary…. Great watch

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Not to be confused with all its wacky sequels, "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" is one of the subtlest exploitation films I had the pleasure to watch so far. I expected it to be one of those classic splatter films with guts flying everywhere, but was surprised to find out that all the violence is only suggested and left to the viewer's imagination. All we get to see is the characters' reactions with hysterical closeups, disturbing sound effects, and confused camerawork. Even though the illusion sometimes gets spoiled by the unnatural acting and dialogues, the rough and gritty cinematography conveys a sense of rawness and reality that almost made everything look like a documentary. Even though I have a feeling that most of the film's beauty came out unintentionally, probably as a lucky consequence of its budget limitations, it aged reasonably well and still hasn't lost its unique atmosphere. It might not be enough for new viewers, but its impact on the slasher genre is undeniable.

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An iconic, highly disturbing film that walks a fine line between parody and masterpiece

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Shout by Deleted

This is one of those films that is interesting from the beginning until the end. I didn't get bored once while watching thid film. The film is scary, gory and a true classic in the horror genre. The sounds used in this film (especially the chainsaw) were great. This is definitely one of the greatest horror films of all time and definitely a film I would recommend.

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A true classic - started it's own sub-genre of horror!

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If you want a new face then leather face is the guy to go to. I love old classic horrors, they just don’t make them the same anymore.

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THE masterclass in low-budget horror.

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Shout by Deleted

The first of it's kind, this is the movie all slasher movies should want to be. Although, if a movie came out now with as much screaming as this one, I don't think it would go over very well.

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VERY (!) brutal and gory old school horror flick that doesn't let you get your breath. As opposed to the rumors, this is NOT based on a true story...

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The movie that started the genre.

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Shout by Deleted

A group of friends on a road trip found a house in the middle of nowhere, it's the typical horror story that we all are already used to, but this is The classic horror film! It's disturbing and it's really scary!

The three psychos of the family are very creepy and their performances are very believable, they really can scare you!

Perfect atmosphere, perfect pacing, strong acting and all seemed very real. I have to admit that my favorite horror films are films like this one, films that can disturb you and shock you psychologically not just shock you because of the gore that's in them.
A true classic!

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