Shouts about...

Top Gun: Maverick 2022

Having been around for the 1st top gun I was afraid about this one. But it did not disappoint I heard people say it's better than the original... Well it definitely is!! The casting of Rooster is amazing. Also seeing Val Kilmer again brought a tear to my eye. What a movie and the music of Hans Zimmer is epic as always!!

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I loved the first movie as a kid. This one was everything I thought it would have been. They definitely had some nods to the first movie. I liked that. It had me on the edge of my seat most of the time. I would def re-watch this over and over like I did as a kid.

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Incredible film. Way better than I expected it to be. tops out the first one by a lot. see this one in theaters you'll be on the edge of your seat the entire time

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A simple script but extremely well executed with a lot of hearts, full of jaw-dropping visuals and great sounds.

The definition of a well-produced movie. It deserves all the praise it's getting.

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A must watch movie. Better than the 1st one.

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Totally killing it. I'm glad we have such a remarkable sequel of the story.

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Shout by Bruno Alves
BlockedParent2022-07-17T11:55:53Z— updated 2022-08-03T22:48:20Z

Since the script missed present day social issues, some people didn't believe that a movie like this was released in 2022.
I couldn't believe it either, this movie was awesome.

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Shout by hugo
BlockedParent2023-01-07T23:14:14Z— updated 2023-01-13T00:02:37Z

not very often can a sequel live up to the original film but maverick not only does but it might just have exceed top gun I think director Joseph Kosinski recaptures the feeling of the original film by making this film look and feel very similar the casting of miles teller is great and the rest of the cast is very good as well the film leaves you feeling like a million bucks and that's why it's so good

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Top Gun: Maverick was a similar surprise for me as Mad Max: Fury Road. I went into the film without particularly high expectations, but with good general ratings in mind and couldn't stop grinning.

Such brilliant shots, that familiar and driving music, that connection to the first film and yet that uniqueness. This tension, this incredible action. Much like Terminator 2, Top Gun: Maverick is for me a sequel that outdoes the first film in more ways than one.

And as a bonus: Even my wife, who is very picky about movies, was heavily into the film.

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As someone that thought the first was good but nothing special (albeit a great soundtrack) and not a big plane guy, this movie was incredible and one I would recommend seeing in theaters. It was big, spectacular, gripping, and a tight plot. It was genuinely everything you could want from a movie. Despite it only being May, I do not foresee any other movie catapulting this and Everything Everywhere All at Once as the best movies of 2022. I will have to see both again to fully determine which is better! Anyways, everyone should check this out, and they should do it on the big screen!

Rating: 5/5 (:star:) - 10/10 - Must See

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The most :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:stressful:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: movie I've ever seen. And it is damn good.

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masterpiece.. especially for who enjoyed the first back then.. and Tom cruise as always top..

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If there's any movie that deserves to be seen in the theaters with big screens and booming speakers. It's :Top Gun Maverick.

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No doubt lives up to its name of one of best films in 2022. No necessary to watch the original first, but makes this sequel so much better if you do. Maverick follows the main character maverick from the first film 30+ years after his heroics in the ending to the original and how he has stayed a captain and still flying even at 50+ years old, but this time he is brought back to Top Gun academy to train new bees for a daring mission that makes for an emotional, inspiring, patriotic action packed marvel of cinematography last scenes. The ties from the first film for tying up lose ends that were created in the 30 year gap are made such an incremental part of this film that it keeps you on the edge of your seat and still rooting hard for Tom Hanks.

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They tossed in every cliche in the book, but goddam that was good! Dear Tom Cruise: Thank you for saving movies!

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Best sequel to a classic movie from my childhood! Even much better than the first part. Picture and especially the sound quality are phenomenal!!!

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Damn this was a good movie. This is what movies used to be like. No modern day BS. Just pure enjoyment.

Damn this was good. I'll definitely be watching this again soon

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Sooooo good omg! It's one of those moments when the Sequel outdoes the Original.Salute Iceman

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Absolutely loved this movie. Great wink to the past and not needed for the new generation to have watched the original one to fully understand the movie. Also nice to see a proper movie without all the over the top woke shit that has seemingly become the new 'standard'.

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Absolutely spot-on sequel.

There's really nothing bad to say about this film. It hits every bit of fan service without being gratuitous and the story beats are pretty much perfect.

It hits the mid-point and everything is going wrong... and without spoiling things, Mav rescues the situation and it all plays out awesomely.

Into the final act... which again is almost perfect. It stretches a little with one attempt at fan service (those who've seen it will know what I mean), but at this point I didn't care. I was just enjoying the thrill ride.

I'm sure there's an element of rose-tinted glasses here. So many films have been disastrously bad in the last few years. This one represents a major return to form.

Thankfully the money it's raked in is demonstrating that real film-making is still needed. It's been an enormous hit. It should be pretty embarrassing that a return to a style of film from 30+ years ago was needed to show filmmakers the way forward. The money men are watching... get back to crowed pleasing.

Make films that people want to watch. Not full of politics you want to preach.

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Sensational film, beautiful visual world, It absolutely surpasses the previous part. They're good actors. Good movie! I can only recommend it to everyone!

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Excellent sequel. 10/ 10. Very different movie from the 1st, action packed.

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That was surprisingly good. A fantastic movie. Storyline was good - nothing special but quite believable and better than expected. But the visuals were exceptional. Really loved it.

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The perfect movie does exist and it is called "Top Gun Maverick".

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Amazing flight actions. Best action movie ever to be seen in Cinemark xd box.

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I want to watch this everyday

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totally Enjoyed this Movie.... Great for all Top Gun Movie Lovers!

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Shout by wpafbo79
BlockedParent2022-05-25T01:28:30Z— updated 2022-06-02T02:37:56Z

Just enough homage to the original to appease the fans without being too much. A perfect opening sequence.

One of the best movies I have seen in a long time. Definitely worth the wait, including the past 30 years of sequel rumors.

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Wow. I think this is one of the best films I've watched this year.

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This one might actually be better than its legendary predecessor.

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First time re-watching this at home since the IMAX Laser. The 4k disc was a fantastic release. It looked stunning. Those IMAX shots were spectacular on a JVC x9000. Sound was increadible. I hope one day we'll get a 3D conversion like with the original Top Gun!

I did watch the first Top Gun the week before. I feel like the first movie is much more re-watchable - I' mean I've seen it 30-40 times. I can't see myself doing that with Top Gun: Maverick. I certainly will but it won't reach those numbers. Loved how Maverick in an F-14 splashed 2 next gen fighters in a dog fight. Movie magic!

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Shout by Biswajit

One of the best movie i ever watched.Must watch :heart_eyes:

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I have watched this movie so many times since its release. I still get goosebumps when Maverick breaks Mach 10.:sunglasses:

I have rated this movie 10/10 here on Trakt. Clicked the "Recommend" button. What else do you want me to do? I don't know why you're reading this stupid comment instead of watching the movie. Go watch it dammit!

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I can only agree with most of the viewers here! This movie is one of the best hollywood movies in recent years. Yes I like to watch some marvel movies from time to time, but lets be honest: Its always the same with all the hyper cool animation effect. Here its so different. This here is such a drastic change from your usual hollywood blockbuster, its so refreshing. Its like the team here tried to create a movie jewel in the style of old days. Super crazy computer effects arent necessary here. I really cant find anything bad in this one. Respect to Tom Cruise who played a heartwarming Maverick in this one. All around a great movie! 2hours plus but it sure doesnt feel like it. For me best movie this year!

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You just know you are watching a good movie when the intro music is matched with the scenes and the songs are correct. Loved the movie all the way.

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Well shot movie and good action sequences. The right amount of nostalgia sprinkled in. This is what a good action movie needs to be like. It's a perfect movie if you ignore the fact that most movies of the sort seem to glorify the US armed forces/feel like propaganda.

Seen this movie more than once and it's tons of fun. On rewatches, I realized that some of the "nostalgic" feel unnecessary in what is otherwise a well paced movie and story. At the end of it, I can't stop watching the action sequences on repeat.

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Absolutely love this movie. It pays homage to the original in all the right ways. It is a perfect movie. One of the few times the sequel out performs the original.

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Wow absolutely loved it definitely held up to all the hype

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Rarely do my expectations meet the hype of a new release but needless to say, this defo did! Felt like I was actually in the jet with them and those manoeuvres…. Incredible! Best viewed in an actual cinema and we all need Tom Cruise’s elixir of life; or maybe just his money ….

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If you grew up with the original, and are scared about it getting messed up, don't be. This is a great film. Patriotic, action packed.
It has a good story, more content than the first, There is not much wrong with it, and even then it would be knit picking, I could have done with 1 less ohmage, and 1 less "Talk to me", and unlike the original, the soundtrack is forgettable minus the opening. See it in the theater if you can.

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Tom Cruise is like a fine wine.

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Every Oscar in the book should go to this movie. No words.

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I promise this is not just my nostalgia brain talking... Top Gun: Maverick is an excellent film. I might even go so far to say it is better than the first one. Sometimes it hits the feels, but mostly it's just pure adrenaline driven excitement, with some nostalgia and nods to it predecessor sprinkled in between. All six of us that took the trip to see it together were in agreement in the end... We loved it!!!

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Got a big screen at home and a good sound system? Skip it. Go to the biggest screen around you to see this movie. IMAX worthy cinematography that will keep you at the edge of your seat. The action is lovely and practical effects are praiseworthy.

Can’t wait to go back to the cinema to see this one. Hands down, the best action film I have seen in a while.

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I watched the original movie for the first time only a few days ago and was not that impressed honestly. But I was blown away by the sequel. It‘s an incredible experience watching this film in the cinema. It‘s beyond thrilling with breathtaking visuals, really good acting and a very nice story. It‘s definitely one of best films I‘ve seen in recent times.

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Loved it!! Nothing else to say than that!

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Shout by Deleted

Why change an awesome soundtrack. Check, great tunes. Loved the nostalgia. Loved the fight scenes. Loved the subtle comedy and romance. Great young cast and Tom Cruise is awesome.

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What an awesome movie! I loved it from the beginning to the end. I was able to see that Tom was in his element and it shows! I know it's probably to much to wish for but I hope they continue this movie with the use of new cast and sometimes a bit of Tom in it. You should definitely watch this!

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What a great movie! What movies should be like. This needs to be viewed in theaters! Highly recommend.

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Coming back from cinema and all i have to say is that is one of the best sequels i have ever watched.It was a unique experience watching this in cinema because everything worked in a perfect way from great directing to a well made script.It will probably make you feel emotional during it's time and you are going for sure to feel the nostalgy.Sorry for my bad English i am not in a perfect level but don't miss this one it's a little bit of a masterpiece.


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This movie is one of the best, I highly recommend that you watch it in the theater, the cinematic and sound effects are just perfect. Everything is good about this movie, Tom is really doing everything himself, you can see that from the camera work. I am in my thirties and I can't do shit of this, lol xD

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This flying scenes are some of the most beautiful action scenes I haver seen in a movie. Mad at myself now that I missed this at the big screen.

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I had no idea a good, scratch that… great Top Gun could ever be made but I was wrong. A good story with tense action, emotions and amazing cinematography with some of the coolest shots I’ve ever seen. I also think this is Tom Cruises best performance to date. Hats of to the director for not making it cheesy.

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Wow! That was a fun theater experience! A Top Gun sequel was not supposed to be this good. I like how the movie is actually focused on Maverick, and it's not a "the new cast takes over" movie, like some other sequels do. The action scenes are thrilling and extremely fun to watch. There's just so much life to them, instead of how soulless CGI can be. This is a peak blockbuster film. I'm glad Tom Cruise put his foot down, and made sure that this was released in theaters.

I know some people might disagree, but I actually like the sequel more than the original.

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I honestly didn’t expect this movie to be that superb considering it’s precursor was just a slightly better than average Hollywood movie for it’s time. But with this movie they managed to keep the same feelings and atmosphere as the original while elevating it to the modern aesthetics of plane fighting and action films. The cinematography was masterful and it really made for a great movie. They did a decent job with the story too, not horribly special, but just good enough to keep things moving at a strong pace.

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Missing a tiny bit of magic of the original but still an amazing fun ride..I didn't get to watch the 1st one in theaters and I am glad I didnt make that same mistake this time

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traded the 80’s flair and (some) homoeroticism for miles teller and the coolest, most heart-racing action sequence I’ve ever seen

I’ll take it.

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Wasn’t expecting much - we know how sequels go, but this was so much better than I expected.

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More than what i expected, a pure shot pf adrenaline rush, Maverick is indeed a better successor..... And something that should be experienced in the big screen. From the opening sequence itself the film just keeps on giving to it's fans. And that said, those who just walks into the cinema hall without even watching the 86 Top Gun will feel like they've watched something that has Tom Cruise in it...

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usually sequels suck, this one did not, so enjoyable!

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"The end is inevitable, Maverick. Your kind is headed for extinction."

Top Gun: Maverick is the best sequel ever made that took so long to be made. It even surpasses the original.

First off it looks amazing, the dogfights, the training, it will take a lot of work for movies to top this! It also shows we will never get enough of Tom Cruis driving a motorcycle, we always love people singing "Great Balls of Fire", "Danger Zone" is still a song we can rock out to, Miles Teller rocks that Goose mustache and seeing Maverick and Penny fly away together is lovely!

But the best part for me was the way the handles Ice aka Val Kilmer. Such a lovely way, such an incredible scene and very emotional. Never expected it to be handled this way.

Top Gun: Maverick has some fun characters, great dog fights, top notch Tom Cruise, nostalgia, beach sports, a great dog fight and some great humor.

Tom Cruise is unique and is only getting better with age. Hopefully age will only start to catch up within after the next two Mission Impossible movies!

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Didn't like the first one, maybe cause im too young, maybe cause the jump cuts confused the hell out of me and didn't understand what was going on.
But this one... THIS ONE.

Good god. Beautiful film. Cruise, Teller, Hamm, Harris, Kilmer. Absolutely beautiful

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I miss these movies so much. This was amazing! Thank you!!

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I wasn’t expecting that.. the story, the cast, the kawa!
Fly away home Iceman :airplane_departure:

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Well done Mr. Cruise, well done. Hope we can see more movies follow the lead of this not CG film…hint hint wink wink I’m talking to you Michael Bay.
In 2022 things should feel and look real not cheap and computer made crap

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Once again must Tom Cruse does it....... He is true pioneer of the art of acting, not leaving anything to much of green screen fakes,
the real deal is what he is all about

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Watched it in a 4DX Cinema, god what an experience :O

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Wish i could've seen this in imax, i know it would've been great on the big screen. The climax was incredible and gripping and the acting was incredible throughout. Glen powell is someone ive only seen in comedic roles and it was so good to see him take something more serious. Tom cruise was brilliant as always. I really loved this.

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A weird setting with the rogue state nuke plant. But nostalgic as fck.

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Shout by Jim G.

A nearly perfect movie of the sort that most writers, directors and the like seem to have abandoned these days in favor of pretty much the exact opposite in terms of characters, motivations and plot. I'm incredibly glad that Team Cruise reject that mindset here. My only question -- which might get answered when I rewatch it at some point (and I WILL be rewatching this one) -- is why they didn't just use a synchronized missile strike on the target instead of using it on the airfield and runway located elsewhere. Sure, that would negate the need for Maverick's team to do their thing, but you'd think that the writers could have come up with SOME legitimate reason for why the human element was required here. It's possible that I just missed something that explained this, but I thought that I was paying pretty close attention...

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the reason why rooster has hated maverick is the only bad thing in this film

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This is a product where the people who made it understand that the most important part of it, the story comes first! Then what most movies we are having right now are full of wokeness! You can't even tell that there is diversity in the cast in this film because of how organic all of the characters they've made into making the plot. One of the best things that happened this year in the film industry. I regret not watching it back when it was in the theaters! It surpasses the first film miles away.

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A Fantastic Film, with good acting and a decent story.

From my point of view, however, it still fails to keep up with a masterpiece like the original Top Gun.

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Wow this movie was great!!! That Miles Teller casting was spot on!!! I wish all sequels could be this great!

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Shout by DAVIDG
BlockedParent2022-09-12T04:06:46Z— updated 2023-01-07T18:51:41Z

Not much different from the first film, although a lot has changed.

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Simple but so, so, so very well executed. Loved it! Great music, good dialogue, awesome cinematography. What really clinched it for me was the excellent editing, it really made scenes more engaging and inspired. The movie managed to pay homage to the original while at the same time stand out from it. This is going to be one of those movies I wouldn't mind watching again and again for years to come.

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I had the pleasure of being a kid and watch the TOP GUN in theaters, majestic at that time and i came for a family of Fighter Pilots. I was totally afraid of this sequel, but it did more than justice to the Original. So nostalgic, the theme gave me goosebumps, the motorcycle sprint with the airplane, flashbacks, and a really good script with great action. Regret not seeing in theaters.

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WOW!! A perfect summer blockbuster popcorn movie! I've missed movies like this.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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As a 90's kid born in 1986 this movie brought up a lot of youth sentiment. The movie embraces the film making of earlier days and does it perfectly. The old and new castmembers blend in really well together. Kilmer's scene really brought tears to my eyes.

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Can’t wait for the blu-ray release. So much fun

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I am in shock. How did they make a movie about fighter planes amazing? I watched the original before watching Maverick since I never saw it. the original was a 6/10 and a true American movie. But this movie was different. It was an actual good movie that happened to be a sequel. Tom Cruise showed how strong of an actor he is in this one. And the story was more powerful than the first movie. Even my father loved it, and he hates military movies.

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Fantastic film. Nostalgic. Edge of your seat excitement and suspense. Wish there was a little less Tom Cruise and a bit more Miles Teller, but enjoyed immensely.

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Just the right amount of nostalgia in a modern movie. Thrill ride and heart strings well and truly tugged. Amazing!

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Spell-binding, Immersive, Uplifting

Top Gun Maverick is a captivating and bona fide experience. This sequel of 1986 film Top Gun waves it magical wand and charms you all over with its cinematography, sound design and characters. Tom Cruise's earnest and sincere performance, backed with mesmerizing aerial aviation action and a heartfelt callback to its predecessor makes Top Gun Maverick a close to perfect film. The emotions , the nostalgia of past characters and friction between Tom and Mile's characters have such a warm representation that you just cant stop but admire.

Definitely one of the most engrossing films of this year, Tom Cruise's flawed protagonist character grows on the viewer and they can't stop but root for him throughout. His fight against his own past and whether he will let go or not is all the film about. I might have dropped a tear or two during the end credits, which for me in all means is blockbuster cinema and easily makes my money worth.

Watch the movie , comeback and watch this
Behind The Scenes

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Combination of nostalgia and what movies should be more like…not all CG.
Well done, I’m glad it was worth the premier delays.

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Such a great movie, the shots are SPECTACULAR and Tom's performance was excellent, all-around it's just great and even much better than the first.

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The third act to this movie is freaking awesome

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Excellent flick. First one we've seen in theatre in two+ yrs. Really fun stuff. I do remember other than the pandemic why we stopped going as much even before it hit. We managed to snag seats next to the only talkers in the theatre. There are privacy dividers at the cinema we went to so you can't just ask someone to be quiet as easily. Shh'ing only offered short-lived success. 9pm show also featured a crying infant in the top row. Lol. Stay home and enjoy the oled is the lesson I suppose for the future. Haha. Regardless, the nostalgia is through the roof and you can tell how much of a labour of love this was for all involved. Tom is sensational w what he's accomplishing this late into his career. Really great stuff here. 8.8 for me. Some really cool stunts and I enjoyed the rapport the cast seemed to share with each other. I rarely ever rewatch movies, but this is one I'm stoked to check out in 4k Dolby vision. A special breed.

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"The end is inevitable, Maverick. Your kind is headed for extinction."

This is a very well rounded movie. Movies don't feel like this much anymore and I am so happy I caught this in the theaters! The music, humor, stunts, and emotions were done so well and I can see why Tom Cruise fought for this to not go straight to streaming.

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Shout by flyingfinn

How do you give this a fair rating? It starts well and connects to the first movie right from the start. The story is quite okay, not the best piece of the story but light and easy to understand. The characters are the best part, and the special effects are significant. Adding the great music to that creates a cinematic masterpiece. In the end, it lacks a bit of reality with the old unguarded plane in the hangar, and it's too easy to lift on the short and damaged runway. But other than that, we were glued to the IMAX experience.
I am looking forward to seeing it again at my home cinema.

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Waited 36 years for this sequel, they damn sure had plenty of time to get it right! And they did!:thumbsup:

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This was fantastic. The fact that nearly all of the flight scenes were filmed practically just makes it all the better. -a guy raised around P-51’s

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Just caught the first screening in my city. Have to say it was a terrific movie. Its a simple storyline and the major focus is on the flight scenes. Was simply blown away by what the team was able to achieve. It was breathtaking! The time just flew by. Even the nostalgia bit was nicely done. Do catch it on the big screen...

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Just watched this in the pre-release. It’s exactly as over the top and predictable as you would expect…. And I loved it! It even opened with “danger zone”… What more could you wish for. I was 12 when I watched the original, and felt 12 again when I just watched this. No it is by no means Oscar material, but if you liked Top Gun as a kid, this is a must-see!

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Uninspiring and predictable plot, full of the genres cliches. Tom Cruise is quite mediocre, he does not add any particular added value if not his fame. It is a film to watch for the action scenes, enhanced by the Dolby audio, as well as by a good soundtrack.

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A significant improvement from the first! You really feel like you're in the cockpit with them and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. The third act is absolutely wild. I wish I had gone to see this on the big screen from what i've heard it's a completely different experience.

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Shout by Jim222001

A rare unnecessary sequel that might actually be better than the original. The first is known for being sexy and macho. With some fine action but the movie was always missing something.
The enemy jets just would show up out of nowhere pretty much was one flaw. Top Gun: Maverick is as sexy and macho. However, it’s story is better than the original and it’s just a better made movie.
When the enemy jets show up it’s just not out of nowhere and it makes sense. The movie could have turned into Behind Enemy Lines. I am grateful it doesn’t though since this is a fighter jet movie after all.
Tom Cruise and Miles Teller make a surprisingly good team. That brings back good memories of Maverick and Goose and it gets to you emotionally.

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As someone who is generally not a fan of summer blockbusters the only thing I have to say about this movie is.... wow. Just wow. They absolutely nailed this one. I think the most impressive part about what they did is the nostalgia side of the movie. While watching this movie I thought a lot about The Force Awakens. In that movie it felt like we were sluggishly being dragged through a re-make of Return of the Jedi. As Maverick played out we were kind of laughing about all of the checkboxes that were being checked as the movie when on: singing in the bar, beach scene, emergency situation developing overseas, etc. There difference between this movie and other movies like The Force Awakens is that it didn't beat you over the head with the nostalgia. It all felt very authentic, especially when the movie did zag a little bit in the last twenty minutes. And most importantly, the movie is a TON of fun.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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I have come to the cinema without any expectations. I'm not Top Gun fan, I watched the 1st part 3 days ago. This movie was always something that I have missed in the previous era. From the sequel I expected something similar to the archetype (or worse). I was so wrong. This is really solid piece of cinema. I miss movies like this - simple story with some plots, good casting and acting. I can sincerely recommend this one!

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I am positively surprised, for this was really fun! The shots from the jets have also been worthwhile

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