Shouts about...

Top Gun: Maverick 2022

Loved Top Gun as a kid and so excited for this to come out (although I fully expect Hollywood to ruin my childhood)

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A simple script but extremely well executed with a lot of hearts, full of jaw-dropping visuals and great sounds.

The definition of a well-produced movie. It deserves all the praise it's getting.

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Same story (pretty much exactly) as the first movie but with more modern CGI action scenes.

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Shout by grahamporter22
BlockedParent2022-06-03T13:08:52Z— updated 2022-06-25T12:38:01Z

To a Top Gun fan, this was the equivalent of Force Awakens to a Star Wars fan (without the terrible follow ups). Ticked the box for the original movie fans but ramped it up for 2022. The fighter plane scenes are what it is all about and the direction of this was superb. Also, loved how they didn't try and write a new soundtrack just for the $'s. Kept it all oldskool...just. Great movie and would go see it again tomorrow.

Seen twice now and 2nd time was even better.

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As someone that thought the first was good but nothing special (albeit a great soundtrack) and not a big plane guy, this movie was incredible and one I would recommend seeing in theaters. It was big, spectacular, gripping, and a tight plot. It was genuinely everything you could want from a movie. Despite it only being May, I do not foresee any other movie catapulting this and Everything Everywhere All at Once as the best movies of 2022. I will have to see both again to fully determine which is better! Anyways, everyone should check this out, and they should do it on the big screen!

Rating: 5/5 (:star:) - 10/10 - Must See

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Incredible film. Way better than I expected it to be. tops out the first one by a lot. see this one in theaters you'll be on the edge of your seat the entire time

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Shout by JC
BlockedParent2022-05-29T21:50:28Z— updated 2022-06-13T16:36:25Z

The rare decades later follow up that is better than the original in most every way. Not as gay, but that was hardly intentional in the first and was drowned by the forced romance. This one was much more believable, and the film had firmer emotional stakes and character. Plus much more exciting flying. I’m sure if you grew up on/with Cruise the film’s rumination on his aging and status as one of if not the last true stars in the age of autonomous franchises hits more, but before I saw the Top Guns this weekend the only movie I saw him in was Goldmember, so. Still, a fun time, and I really admire the respect paid to Val Kilmer here.

EDIT: Reading thoughts on the matter none of that matters tho for the negative effect this’ll have as propaganda, the active dehumanization of the enemy, the cowardly refusal to name names, the hyping up of new jets for America and Lockheed to sell, the further rehabilitation of the military’s image… a solid movie does not justify this.

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Watched it in a 4DX Cinema, god what an experience :O

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What a great movie! What movies should be like. This needs to be viewed in theaters! Highly recommend.

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I thought the release date for this is November 19, 2021, not July 1st, 2021.

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The fighting scenes in the aircraft were brilliant, but overall the whole movie felt extremely American. The ending summed this up, Tom Cruise, the worlds best pilot, having already damaged a prototype beyond repair and another aircraft all to show how awesome he is takes an ageing aircraft from a Russian airbase, but as he is the single greatest ever he is able to take down two modern aircraft in what's essentally a flying Morris Minor. I did find it funny that in the beach scene with them all playing with a ball, Cruise is the only one where you don't see the top part of his body.

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Good action sequences.

Ludicrous mission parameters.

Cringe plot.

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I'll never get enough of this movie, my future kids better like this movie >:(

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More Top Gun

Less Synth Drum

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I love this movie with my whole being

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It’s a shame Porkins and Wedge weren’t on hand for this.

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I don’t know. Feels like the other Star Wars movies were better.

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An easy tale of Top Gun new story

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Wish i could've seen this in imax, i know it would've been great on the big screen. The climax was incredible and gripping and the acting was incredible throughout. Glen powell is someone ive only seen in comedic roles and it was so good to see him take something more serious. Tom cruise was brilliant as always. I really loved this.

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I felt the first part was a bit fad / long, but the payoff after 1 hour of character introduction is insanely well produced and full of action. Really makes you feel that you’re part of the dogfights

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This one might actually be better than its legendary predecessor.

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Great movie with excellent Dolby Atmos sound.

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I never bothered to watch this movie, thought it would be terrible and a waste of time. I finally just did watched it and now I regret I didn't earlier. What a awesome movie, I really enjoyed a lot. Pretty sure I'll be watching it again in the near future.

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I quite enjoyed the original Top Gun, but there’s so much my suspension of disbelief can go. Maverick simply defies logic and physics right in your face. Furthermore, these are movies you obviously do not watch for the plot but at least the original has the self-awareness to not act like it relies on one. Maverick tries to build a master plan, a mission impossible quite literally and it is laughable if you think about it. But the biggest difference is that I could not help but notice how “dead” the new generation of pilots are compared to the 80s gang. The first movie had style and vibrancy, it pumped you up right from the beginning. Maverick has effects and some cheap steals at nostalgia by straight out copying scenes. Still fun to see the sequel I guess if you have nothing else to do.

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A weird setting with the rogue state nuke plant. But nostalgic as fck.

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I put off seeing this as i wasn't a fan of the original. Though, i found it to be engaging. The sound mixer was on point

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Shout by Jim G.

A nearly perfect movie of the sort that most writers, directors and the like seem to have abandoned these days in favor of pretty much the exact opposite in terms of characters, motivations and plot. I'm incredibly glad that Team Cruise reject that mindset here. My only question -- which might get answered when I rewatch it at some point (and I WILL be rewatching this one) -- is why they didn't just use a synchronized missile strike on the target instead of using it on the airfield and runway located elsewhere. Sure, that would negate the need for Maverick's team to do their thing, but you'd think that the writers could have come up with SOME legitimate reason for why the human element was required here. It's possible that I just missed something that explained this, but I thought that I was paying pretty close attention...

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First time re-watching this at home since the IMAX Laser. The 4k disc was a fantastic release. It looked stunning. Those IMAX shots were spectacular on a JVC x9000. Sound was increadible. I hope one day we'll get a 3D conversion like with the original Top Gun!

I did watch the first Top Gun the week before. I feel like the first movie is much more re-watchable - I' mean I've seen it 30-40 times. I can't see myself doing that with Top Gun: Maverick. I certainly will but it won't reach those numbers. Loved how Maverick in an F-14 splashed 2 next gen fighters in a dog fight. Movie magic!

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One of the best movie i ever watched.Must watch :heart_eyes:

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Should have been a 9, if only I watched the first one then maybe I'll be nostalgic/moved by the drama scenes. Although you can go into this blind as the past events where shown.

The action was really good, the fighter planes movements and overall view from and into the cockpit was very nicely done.

Was expecting the Darkstar (experimental plane shown on the early scenes) to have an action sequence.

Great job Maverick!

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I had too high expectations. The nostalgia saves it but it were so many parts that was almost a copy from the first movie that it almost became ridiculous.

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Rescuing the same ingredients that made Top Gun a cult film, Maverick returns almost forty years later to give you a jolt of nostalgia and thrill us.

Because, honestly, it is neither different from any Hollywood production in which Tom Cruise is involved nor does it offer anything new, but because it is aimed at those of us who were thrilled with those duels between MiGs and F-14s so many years ago. And it more than succeeds.

It repeats scenes - there is a limit between homage and crude copy - the denouement is predictable and the relationship with Jennifer Connelly's character is absolutely dispensable, but the flight scenes are thrilling and exciting, making your hair stand on end. You can't ask for much more.

And they bring back some themes from the Top Gun OST!

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I found the original borderline unwatchable but this one is honestly a ton of fun.

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If we pretend to ignore the basic notions of the world of military aviation and related technologies, it turns out to be a rather enjoyable film with good actors.

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Top Gun: Maverick hits all the same beats and delivers all the same thrills and excitement of the original. Former aviation instructor Pete “Maverick” Mitchell returns to the Navy’s Top Gun academy to train a group of pilots for a special mission. Tom Cruise, Jennifer Connelly, Miles Teller, Jon Hamm, and Val Kilmer lead the cast and give strong performances. And director Joseph Kosinski does an impressive job at capturing the intensity and dynamic energy of the aerial combat. However, it’s a little disappointing how slavish the script is to the original; feeling more like an updated remake than a sequel. Still, while it may lack originality, Top Gun: Maverick is a high-adrenaline action film that also has heart.

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Man I wish I'd seen it in theaters. Epic visuals and sound ! The story itself, if it matters to you, is quite cliché and predictable (I wouldn't watch a Tom Cruise movie if I wanted some deep plot type shit tbh). Nevertheless, it remains a must watch for aircraft and music lovers. Had a great time !

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Unwatchable garbage. Could not get to the end

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I have watched this movie so many times since its release. I still get goosebumps when Maverick breaks Mach 10.:sunglasses:

I have rated this movie 10/10 here on Trakt. Clicked the "Recommend" button. What else do you want me to do? I don't know why you're reading this stupid comment instead of watching the movie. Go watch it dammit!

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Very well done sequel to the original. Same vibe and true to the original plot line. Tom Cruise still looking good. His romance feels a little random, but I guess it works to give him someone to go home to in the end. Great casting on Goose’s son. Overall fun to watch and a nice trip back to the eighties classic.

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If there's any movie that deserves to be seen in the theaters with big screens and booming speakers. It's :Top Gun Maverick.

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the reason why rooster has hated maverick is the only bad thing in this film

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Consider me a bit underwhelmed. WAY too much of this film was spent recreating scenes from the original. I get the fan service and the callbacks, but this was just a tad too much. The action scenes, however, were top notch and there were still a couple of legitimately great character moments, most notably between Maverick and Iceman. But the rest was...clichéd and bland. It is a decent popcorn flick if you're not looking for much beyond that.

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I didn't care for the "Yeah!-let's-go-kill-some-nameless,-faceless-foreigners-Go-'Merica!" vibe of this movie, but for what it was, Maverick was a sequel worthy of its predecessor, and those are few and far between.

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Much better than the first one, a visual spectacle but still very forgettable.

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Top Cruise with another amazing performance.

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Somehow this was a breath of fresh air, of course more action than real substance but it was a fun ride amidst all those comic adaptations and movies that can't get dark or complex enough. Well done.

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Pretty poor flick. Like other have mentioned: All about Tommy, 80s flick with 2020s budget/tech. A very forgettable experience. Zzz Zzz

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Two hours of soft core porn for middle aged white men. Beautifully shot. Nice fan service. Planes go brrrrrr

Definitely delivers what it advertised and set out to do. Zero surprises

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Haven't seen the original film, but this was fun!

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No doubt lives up to its name of one of best films in 2022. No necessary to watch the original first, but makes this sequel so much better if you do. Maverick follows the main character maverick from the first film 30+ years after his heroics in the ending to the original and how he has stayed a captain and still flying even at 50+ years old, but this time he is brought back to Top Gun academy to train new bees for a daring mission that makes for an emotional, inspiring, patriotic action packed marvel of cinematography last scenes. The ties from the first film for tying up lose ends that were created in the 30 year gap are made such an incremental part of this film that it keeps you on the edge of your seat and still rooting hard for Tom Hanks.

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Shout by Ro

“You Got Some Balls Stick Jockey.”

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I guess I'm not aligned with the majority on this one.
The only good part are the flight scenes (it's Top Gun, after all), from around 1h34m onward (loved that scene when the enemy plane dodges the missile vertically with some crazy ass move). Aside from that, it's just poor and predictable "cocky-hero" dialogue and a weak story to develop upon, that feels forced most of the time (like the romantic story and the whole "your job is obsolete because of drones" and then assign him for a mission that, seems to me, would be the perfect kind to be executed by drones!). I guess it gives everyone a warm feeling of closure from the first one (I watched it back in the 90's, but didn't rewatch it before this one), maybe that's why it's so loved...
Didn't want to hate on it, but it was just disappointing.

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Shout by hugo
BlockedParent2023-01-07T23:14:14Z— updated 2023-01-13T00:02:37Z

not very often can a sequel live up to the original film but maverick not only does but it might just have exceed top gun I think director Joseph Kosinski recaptures the feeling of the original film by making this film look and feel very similar the casting of miles teller is great and the rest of the cast is very good as well the film leaves you feeling like a million bucks and that's why it's so good

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Sure, you could argue that this has too many cliches in it and that it’s US army propaganda. But screw it: this is a good movie with some amazing action scenes and great performances all around. It’s just a good trip back to the ‘Danger Zone’.

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Standard, predictable fair done extremely well.

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usually sequels suck, this one did not, so enjoyable!

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So I don’t get what all the hype was about here. It was basically a poor rehashing of the original movie, with a shit ton of stuff that would never fly and then they steel the major plot point from Star Wars a new hope.
Holly wood has gotten so lazy at this point. I expected much better for the Russo brothers.

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I went into this with really low expectations but was very pleasantly surprised. A great stand-along film, an even better sequel. Really glad I took the time to watch it.

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Literally spent a whole therapy session talking about this. As a film, I didn’t buy it–it just doesn’t have the magic of the original, and it all felt very modern in the most garish and retrograde sort of ways. (Death Star? Really?) As fan service, it had its moments (hello Miles Teller’s mustache). But as a meditation on aging, film history, and the decline of the American empire…it prompted a lot of feelings.

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[SkyShowtime] Tom Cruise must be recognized for his determination to remain faithful to movie theaters, and his devotion to big movies. This sequel manages to blur the conservative and macho narrative with spectacular sequences that change the aspect ratio to be enjoyed in all its splendor. With a script that is as effective as it is predictable, copying scenes from the first film, some moving homage and outstanding showmanship, it brings a tone of nostalgia that is the greatest virtue of a film that feels like an oldie F14 freshly painted, as colorful on the outside as archaic on the inside.

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I didn't know the whole movie would be just training for a mission.

And to think they risked real human lives doing stunts in planes, when they could have just used good special effects and saved the cost of using real planes.

I actually liked the rip-off movie Top Gunner better!

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They tossed in every cliche in the book, but goddam that was good! Dear Tom Cruise: Thank you for saving movies!

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Typically, not an action movie watcher, but this one I enjoyed more than I thought. Good Plot and not cringe

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As entertaining as this film is, and it is incredibly entertaining, this film is plagued by a variety of puzzling and bexing flaws that cause it to merely limp along until the thrilling action moments in the third act. There are plenty of nods to the first film that work incredibly well, but the attempts at imitating the story beats from the first film often fall flat because they miss the environments from the first film that brought them to pass in the first place.

Everything new in this film works spectacularly though, and allowing us to see the mission in the end makes me retroactively wonder if the first film not doing so was a severe oversight.

That's not the only good here; we also get some great cinematic renditions of the classic theme songs from the first film, like Danger Zone, which works quite well with the modern cinematography, and the dialogue is certainly more intelligible, realistic and grounded than the first film. There's also some more clarity on the mission the fighters are called to take, in another welcome change. And again, I can't stress enough how exciting, entertaining, and well done the final act is.

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"The end is inevitable, Maverick. Your kind is headed for extinction."

Top Gun: Maverick is the best sequel ever made that took so long to be made. It even surpasses the original.

First off it looks amazing, the dogfights, the training, it will take a lot of work for movies to top this! It also shows we will never get enough of Tom Cruis driving a motorcycle, we always love people singing "Great Balls of Fire", "Danger Zone" is still a song we can rock out to, Miles Teller rocks that Goose mustache and seeing Maverick and Penny fly away together is lovely!

But the best part for me was the way the handles Ice aka Val Kilmer. Such a lovely way, such an incredible scene and very emotional. Never expected it to be handled this way.

Top Gun: Maverick has some fun characters, great dog fights, top notch Tom Cruise, nostalgia, beach sports, a great dog fight and some great humor.

Tom Cruise is unique and is only getting better with age. Hopefully age will only start to catch up within after the next two Mission Impossible movies!

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This is a product where the people who made it understand that the most important part of it, the story comes first! Then what most movies we are having right now are full of wokeness! You can't even tell that there is diversity in the cast in this film because of how organic all of the characters they've made into making the plot. One of the best things that happened this year in the film industry. I regret not watching it back when it was in the theaters! It surpasses the first film miles away.

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:zzz::zzz: no offence … well, actually offence. Works better than a sleeping pill. Promise!

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Classic blockbuster filmmaking with a third act that is pure dudes rock

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I can only agree with most of the viewers here! This movie is one of the best hollywood movies in recent years. Yes I like to watch some marvel movies from time to time, but lets be honest: Its always the same with all the hyper cool animation effect. Here its so different. This here is such a drastic change from your usual hollywood blockbuster, its so refreshing. Its like the team here tried to create a movie jewel in the style of old days. Super crazy computer effects arent necessary here. I really cant find anything bad in this one. Respect to Tom Cruise who played a heartwarming Maverick in this one. All around a great movie! 2hours plus but it sure doesnt feel like it. For me best movie this year!

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Shout by 020202

the intro scene where Maverick's piloting Darkstar and just casually breaks mach 10 was so beautiful, the entire movie was quite an experience and fun

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Best sequel to a classic movie from my childhood! Even much better than the first part. Picture and especially the sound quality are phenomenal!!!

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Didn't like the first one, maybe cause im too young, maybe cause the jump cuts confused the hell out of me and didn't understand what was going on.
But this one... THIS ONE.

Good god. Beautiful film. Cruise, Teller, Hamm, Harris, Kilmer. Absolutely beautiful

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Another movie all about Tom Cruise !!!

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I miss these movies so much. This was amazing! Thank you!!

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A Fantastic Film, with good acting and a decent story.

From my point of view, however, it still fails to keep up with a masterpiece like the original Top Gun.

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Wow this movie was great!!! That Miles Teller casting was spot on!!! I wish all sequels could be this great!

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You just know you are watching a good movie when the intro music is matched with the scenes and the songs are correct. Loved the movie all the way.

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The mission, basically, is destroy the deathstar...

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Damn this was a good movie. This is what movies used to be like. No modern day BS. Just pure enjoyment.

Damn this was good. I'll definitely be watching this again soon

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This is rated higher than the original film??? That's cray cray.

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Good movie. Being a sequel, I was afraid it wouldn't be any good. But, it turned out to be a surprisingly good movie. Great scenery, good acting, and how can you not like watching dogfighting! The actual mission was a bit much (Star Wars anyone?) but the rest of the movie was pretty good.
Gave it an 8 out of 10.

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Shout by DAVIDG
BlockedParent2022-09-12T04:06:46Z— updated 2023-01-07T18:51:41Z

Not much different from the first film, although a lot has changed.

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Well shot movie and good action sequences. The right amount of nostalgia sprinkled in. This is what a good action movie needs to be like. It's a perfect movie if you ignore the fact that most movies of the sort seem to glorify the US armed forces/feel like propaganda.

Seen this movie more than once and it's tons of fun. On rewatches, I realized that some of the "nostalgic" feel unnecessary in what is otherwise a well paced movie and story. At the end of it, I can't stop watching the action sequences on repeat.

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Simple but so, so, so very well executed. Loved it! Great music, good dialogue, awesome cinematography. What really clinched it for me was the excellent editing, it really made scenes more engaging and inspired. The movie managed to pay homage to the original while at the same time stand out from it. This is going to be one of those movies I wouldn't mind watching again and again for years to come.

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Great Movie! Can watch this daily. The Fighter Jets are just insane!

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Reviews solely based on the history of the previous movie. Without that and actors, this is a mediocre movie at best. Dry plot. Chaotic story telling.

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I had the pleasure of being a kid and watch the TOP GUN in theaters, majestic at that time and i came for a family of Fighter Pilots. I was totally afraid of this sequel, but it did more than justice to the Original. So nostalgic, the theme gave me goosebumps, the motorcycle sprint with the airplane, flashbacks, and a really good script with great action. Regret not seeing in theaters.

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Absolutely love this movie. It pays homage to the original in all the right ways. It is a perfect movie. One of the few times the sequel out performs the original.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Top Gun: Maverick’:

  1. They managed to take the only poignant moment from the original and evolve it into a much more compelling story. This isn’t exactly my kind of movie…. but I was curious… I was entertained… and I was moved. One of the rare times a sequel gives the original purpose.

  2. Unlike the original, in my opinion, the mission was clear. You could actually feel the stakes and tension here. When Maverick came back and accomplished the simulation, I had an instant smile on my face. Great moment. And great setup for an intense final act.

  3. Watching these two films back-to-back, you can clearly see how Tom Cruise has grown as an actor. Say what you want about him, but he can sure carry a film. I look forward to what else we see from him during what feels like a bit of a renaissance.

Bonus Thought: Just like the first film, the love story felt fairly unnecessary. But maybe that was intentional.

Extra Bonus Thought: The casting of Miles Teller was perfection.

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Sooooo good omg! It's one of those moments when the Sequel outdoes the Original.Salute Iceman

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Was not very good. by the book script and lots of boring segments. everybody loves jets but that wasnt enough to make up for the lack of ingenuity. Isnt attacking a county for no reason a declaration of war and a war crime? is top gun 3 gonna focus on the dirty bomb iran sets off in the new york harbor?

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A must watch movie. Better than the 1st one.

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I wasn’t expecting that.. the story, the cast, the kawa!
Fly away home Iceman :airplane_departure:

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As someone who is generally not a fan of summer blockbusters the only thing I have to say about this movie is.... wow. Just wow. They absolutely nailed this one. I think the most impressive part about what they did is the nostalgia side of the movie. While watching this movie I thought a lot about The Force Awakens. In that movie it felt like we were sluggishly being dragged through a re-make of Return of the Jedi. As Maverick played out we were kind of laughing about all of the checkboxes that were being checked as the movie when on: singing in the bar, beach scene, emergency situation developing overseas, etc. There difference between this movie and other movies like The Force Awakens is that it didn't beat you over the head with the nostalgia. It all felt very authentic, especially when the movie did zag a little bit in the last twenty minutes. And most importantly, the movie is a TON of fun.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Top Gun: Maverick was a similar surprise for me as Mad Max: Fury Road. I went into the film without particularly high expectations, but with good general ratings in mind and couldn't stop grinning.

Such brilliant shots, that familiar and driving music, that connection to the first film and yet that uniqueness. This tension, this incredible action. Much like Terminator 2, Top Gun: Maverick is for me a sequel that outdoes the first film in more ways than one.

And as a bonus: Even my wife, who is very picky about movies, was heavily into the film.

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After months of seeing nothing but praise for this (positive consensus is a rarity these divisive days) my expectations were through the roof. And they were SURPASSED!

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Absolutely loved this movie. Great wink to the past and not needed for the new generation to have watched the original one to fully understand the movie. Also nice to see a proper movie without all the over the top woke shit that has seemingly become the new 'standard'.

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One of the best movie I've seen in a long time!
Good work!

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I had no idea a good, scratch that… great Top Gun could ever be made but I was wrong. A good story with tense action, emotions and amazing cinematography with some of the coolest shots I’ve ever seen. I also think this is Tom Cruises best performance to date. Hats of to the director for not making it cheesy.

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Entertaining movie, message dumb as usual, that's it.

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