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Uncharted 2022

Straight garbage. A solid attempt at ruining the Uncharted brand

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It's ok for a weeknight when there's nothing else to watch.

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watched only for tom holland... game is the best but movie was okayish

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Some scenes fed my nostalgia a little but that's about it. Story is underwhelming and I didn't like the casting. As a previous commenter said, Nathan Fillion's 14 minute live action short outshines this full feature (near) fail and I really wish that had continued as a tv series.

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Just proves what I was thinking before watch this, Nathan Fillion's fan film is way better.

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I love the Uncharted game franchise but the movie doesn't really bring anything new or valuable to the table.
It's not that it is bad, it's just bland and easily forgettable.

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Oh dear... another game made into a movie - and it sucks.

Completely remove all logic from your brain during the opening credits and this might actually entertain you.

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The movie is not without a flaws, but I must say that they managed to create a perfect movie that caters to fans by including some iconic scenes from the games and Easter eggs (Nolan North cameo was a great moment), but at the same time the one that won't be confusing to the newcomers and can be enjoyed even if you've never played the games.
The cast did a decent job, though they are a bit younger than they should have been.
All in all, it was really a fun watch and, as a big fan of the games, I thoroughly enjoyed this. I hope they will make a sequel.

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borrrring! the story development is like a bumpy road, and at the end of the road is a cliff. Plus they randomly cast big stars who never fit the roles in the movie. Probably just because those are famous celebrities.

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A very soulless adaptation of an amazing series of video games.

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Shout by Reemo

What the heck. What's the point of every treasure hunt movie if they never can get the gold for good. & I hate the villain character, Tati Gabrielle, for no reason.
Try not to watch, waste of time. :thumbsdown:

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Don't know why, I just hate Tati Gabrielle :thumbsdown:

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Some fun banter between the leads, and the action shots can be fun. Overall there is a lot of bad acting though and ofc it's completely ludicrous. I tried hard to like it, and did slightly more than my wife did. Some is too aggressive for kids I guess but then it's too silly for adults. Hard to determine the target demo here. Not sure if those that played the game will like it or not. 5.1 for me

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its a meh. underwhelming, at least for me

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Obviously owes a lot to Indy 3, but fun action sequences outweigh some weak villains. Good set pieces smell of Indiana Jones and National Treasure, for sure, but the action is handled well and the story just doesn't slow down. Loads of fun.

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Based on the popular video game franchise, Uncharted takes us back to the origins of Nathan Drake's adventures and his quest for treasure.

In the purest Indiana Jones or Tomb Rider style, the film brings us an excellent adventure story for the whole family that, in my opinion, will also delight Spanish audiences. Without going into too much detail, part of the plot is set in Spain and it is done from a very respectful and faithful perspective, without going into the typical clichés that are shown to the world of our land.

Location aside, Uncharted is entertaining, without too many moments to relax and is impeccably guided by the protagonist duo. The action scenes are perhaps overdone, but we've come to see great adventures and to hold our hands over our heads with a smile of surprise.

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i literally hate everything that is this movie. Full of so many movie tropes, WTF

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It must be hard to find a worst actor for the part than Wahlberg. The man doesn't even try...

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It's Tom's worst movie :type_1_2:‍♂.. with effect but it bored me in 10 min.

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I really enjoyed this movie. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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Shout by Miguel A. Reina
BlockedParent2022-05-07T17:57:25Z— updated 2022-05-08T19:39:08Z

Maybe it's too much to watch a double session with Tom Holland, too soft for my taste, but at least this movie delivers what it promises, as long as you don't expect too much from its promise. Holland and Wahlberg actually work well in this buddy movie, but they are poor representations of Nathan Drake and Victor Sullivan. And the movie feels about as frustrating as watching another guy playing your favorite video game.

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Overly simplistic and cheap looking

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Just turn off your brain and enjoy. That way you will be satisfied :)

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I didn't play, so I judge through the prism of an adventure film, and here it is no surprise. Weak mix Indiana Jones with Dan Brown novels.

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The only good thing about this movie is Tom Holland shirtless.

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Tom Holland is what it has.

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A good way to spend a cold and dreary Sunday afternoon. Definitely not going to win any awards but enjoyable and fun.

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Maybe it’s good for people who had played the game. To me it was confused, it made no sense and it was just a bad copy of the Raiders of the lost Arc

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I am now scared that they also ruin the adaptation of Last of us

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I enjoyed it. Slightly shallow into details and story but overall not bad

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I vividly remember when I first watch the new Tomb Raider movie, and how disappointed I was at how they decided to bring the game(s) to life. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good neither. It was alright for what it was.
With Uncharted, I've never got around to play the games, but I know how praised they are, and looking at how bare-bones and unfunny the movie was with the characters and the treasure hunt, I can only feel sorry.

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That was pleasantly surprising the amount of fun I had. As a fan of the games I found this to be enjoyable turn your :brain: off fun. Looking forward to the potential sequels!

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Well, a treasure hunt movie without the Rock? I didn’t think that this is even possible, but I was entertained. It could have been funnier - overall a strong 6, because there have been a lot of shit movies lately and it’s on the upper side.

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Uncharted games are all about adventures and thrillers, so far 50 minutes to the movie and it was full of boring dialogues and bad acting. Does any of the casts ever played or even watched the games? I thought it's going to be a good movie and thrilling like the games, but I was wrong so far.

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As a BIG fan of the games and the adventure movies it's inspirered by, this was awfully underwhelming. So dissapointed.

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a perfect movie for a boring grey day. one thing i dislike is the “other guys” type of conversations.

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Bottom line - it's an entertaining movie. I think most folks will enjoy it for what it is. I was expecting a little more and a little better. There's nothing really here to make this movie stand out from the rest .

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Fan of the games, and this was a fun ride, if not more! It could've been better for sure..

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meh! awakward scenes with no chem btn tom and mark. tom has chemistry with everybody. fell asleep halfway and the most exciting part was, "oh, it over."

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Finding all that gold and megallens ship just to destroy the ship and loose the gold in twenty minutes must be the worst treasure hunters in the world. Don't they have some ethical code to not destroy the tresure findings :person_facepalming:♂

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This film was very much charted and the dialogue was shit The best part of the movie was the trailer for Everything Everywhere All at Once that preceded it. Now THAT looks fun

The film itself was the 12th best film I've seen this year

I've watched 17 films from 2022

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okay so seeing Tom Holland recently in spiderman and loving mark walburg always I was pretty sure this was gonna be a outright film and no doubt I was right this movie was so much fun to see from start to finish I was flat out on the edge of my seat I highly recommend it to almost anyone

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Mark Wahlbergs acting is subpar next to Tom Holland

Someone should ask Mark about his other video game movie roll, Max Payne

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