Shouts about...

Warcraft 2016

big movie movie mistake: the instant cast time of the sheep spell... jk, superb movie, with eastereggs like the summoner stone in forest of elwynn or the mage spell "Sheep" from the game - 9/10

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feels kinda rushed, I think there must be a director cut. but overall I liked it

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As someone who doesn't care about warcraft, I thought it was actually a pretty good movie

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good movie even being a take off of lord of the rings

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A good enough movie! If you don’t know the Warcraft lore, it can be hard to follow and this movie makes no attempt to explain itself.

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“Warcraft.” F*k it. It is what it is. Fking orcs, man. Ben Foster. F*k it. At least you can’t blame me for wanting to watch this then any Uwe Boll or Paul W.S. Anderson movie. This is at least a better adaption of a video game movie.

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I LOVED this movie. It surprisingly respected the source material rather well. I have to say though, if you're a fan of ONLY the World of Warcraft MMO game, you probably won't like it as this movie deals with the origins of the Warcraft universe rather than attempting to remake WoW in movie form. It's for this reason, that the film didn't do all that well financially. But if you're an original Warcraft fan whose fandom precedes WoW, you'll love it. A lot of people went into this movie assuming that it was going to be WoW on the big screen and they were mistaken. It's a shame too, because it really is a good movie.

Granted, the marketing dept. should have done a better job at selling home that very point. But they spent a lot of ad-dollars marketing it to the very audience the movie wasn't really intended for. That and the director incorrectly assumed all fans of WoW were familiar with its backstory and origins.

On its own though, it's still a great fantasy story.

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Never played the game but kept me interested throughout the flick.

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Will it’s a little bit boring, but it’s worth to watch

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Love the game love the movie more!

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This must have a sequel! You can't just leave a story like that

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Every time I think of Warcraft I picture Cartman in his basement yelling for his mom...Bathroom!! Bathroom!!!! Ppphhhffrrrrttt

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I didn't go into this with high hopes. But it was a lot better than expected.
As a fan of the whole series, it was a treat to see it come to life in a film.
The CGI, battle scenes and art direction was phenominal.
But the acting was very stiff.


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I quite enjoyed this movie. Having never played any of the games it didn't feel like it was necessary to. The characters had some nice development and the cinematography was well produced. It was good fun and worth watching, but probably not going to re-watch it any time soon.

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Shout by Deleted

The acting ranged between odd and wooden. So much CGI. Terrible CGI. I cannot even think of one positive thing to say.

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The movie is loose from the beginning, but the last hour is a bunch of nonsense.

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Not sure why this movie is rated so highly. Couldn't be bothered to watch the full thing; turned it off halfway through.

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I m really suprised how this movie can be so boring and have a huge rating like that...
I'm not a fan of Warcraft's world but this movie has a lot of problem ...
First the CGI, when you have humans they are are sooooo bad ... Yerk !! When they climb the guardian's tower for exemple in the library ... Looks Like the CGI of "Star Wars Episode 2"...
The story ... Ok why not ... But how it is developpe is totally nonsense and absurd until the end with the King choice to be killed :S
And you have no affect with the main charactere ... When his boy died, it was more funnier than sad ... Seriously !!

I'm really disappointed, the real good work on this movie are the battles, and the rendering of the Orc's Strenght ... At this differents moments the CGI are really good, but it looks like all the money for this film was spend on the Battles Scenes...

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Shout by Deleted

Great flick! I never played WoW but I did play the older games. I approached this movie thinking it would absolutely suck but it was actually kind of fun and by the end I was sad it bombed the box office as I wanted to see the sequel.

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Really loved the look of the orcs.

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I´m probably one of the very few people who don´t know the first thing about Warcraft. And maybe therein lies the problem. I watched it, it didn´t exite me and I don´t think I want to watch more of it.
But there is another negative I have with this movie and I´m sure I will not get a lot of approval. The CGI in this looks too much computer generated if you know what I mean. It feels more like watching someone playing a video game than watching a movie. The real life actors look like foreign objects in the CGI environment. Yes, it´s fantasy and the only way to make this is by computer and this kind of movies in general are make-believe. But that´s the point, it never feels believable because it always looks like out of the machine. I think it´s time filmmakers should take a step back. Use some more principal photography and less green screens.

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As an old World of Warcraft player, i really loved this movie!
It had all the elements i love blend into one flick.

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Even if you have never played "Warcraft" or "World of Warcraft" before,
I think you will like this movie. It has a great story, good acting &
is visually stunning. The special effects are not over the top, but are
very good & believable. Do yourself a favor & don't think of this a
another "video game movie", see it & you will love it & want another to
be made. I hope this turns this into a great franchise, there are too
many good stories in the "Warcraft" universe waiting to be told on the
big screen. Some non WoW fans might have a hard time following the fast paced story, but watch it again if you missed it & you will understand it more. I think there could have been a bit more character development & the addition of a narration track might help non Warcraft fans understand a little better, I hope they will do a little better on the sequel.

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unlike others video game movies, this one have survived

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"For the Alliance!!!"

This movie is awesome.

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Loved this movie. Really want to see the second. It had like a season finnal of a tv show. Really good.

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Even though I've never played #Warcraft I really enjoyed watching this movie.

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I expect nothing really good about a movie from a game, but it's finally a big surprise for me. There is a big potential about this movie, fist at all the environment like the world can be more developed. Sorry for that but it can be a new kind of Lord of Ring.

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Amazing movie, no pause, definitely good and looking forward for the next.

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The storytelling is inssuficient but it's more enjoyable than I expected. Good work in special effects and fantasy references. ...And GoT syndrome, main characters die everywhere!

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Good surprise, good actors.
Good movie.

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This is a movie we've all seen many times, only that this time is Warcraft-themed. The acting made me cringe.

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A Lord of the Rings wanna be. They wanted it to be an epic tale, but didn't take the time or care needed to develop the worlds, the characters or the storylines. Great CGI characters and action, and you can tell it was filmed in Canada because a well trained eye will recognize the west coast bit players and extras earning a living. I give this a 5 out of 10.

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Shout by Deleted

I mean, it was good enough.

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Shout by Deleted

Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Bad acting, bad cgi, bad backdrops, bad costumes, but not as bad as I thought it would be.

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It could have been better. The special effects were wonderful, but the story and character development were weak. Plus the acting wasn't that great either. Disappointed in the fact that the orc and human were the only races really focused on. Was hoping to see most of the races the game created.

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A bit disappointed with the casting. But still a good movie

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I can't believe it. The movie was actually pretty good. Nowhere near as good as Assassins Fist though, but still, it's rare that these "game movies" are of this quality. Shame that there wasn't more focus on the other races, but oh well.

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Saw it today... went to the cinema with a lot of doubts... but the movie really surprised me.. In my oppinion this was just a test of blizzard how it would hit, and i think it did a very good job. Can't wait to see the .... wait... he played Gul'dan...O_o WoW !

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Shout by Deleted

The most important thing I can say about this movie is if you are a fan of the game, either the original strategy game or the MMO, then you will probably enjoy this more than someone completely unfamiliar with the franchise. I can see plenty of people coming out of the movie either thinking its average or not liking it at all. I am a fan and probably in good part because of that I gave it a 7 and maybe even almost an 8 because I enjoyed it but I will say that I wouldn't blame anyone for personally finding it a couple points lower on the scale.

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welp... that was extremely boring... ...

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Shout by Deleted

Great material...wrecked by shitty production/direction. cry.

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Shout by Jim222001

Even with a talented director; a video game based movie will never be four star material. The same will probably be proven by Assassin's Creed. Warcraft however was better than I expected and one of the better video game based movies.
The film still lacked great story telling though or a good reason for existing. However the musical score was at least solid and there was some good fantasy; I admit.
In the end it probably would been better if they didn't leave it open for sequels. The film is a hit in China. In the U.S.; it might not have been enough of a hit for sequels unfortunately.

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Shout by Diego Munhoz
BlockedParent2016-06-19T11:32:47Z— updated 2016-07-10T01:57:50Z

There's two scenarios to keep in mind when watching this movie. In the first, you played the game, then you'll love it! Lots of Easter eggs. On the other you never saw/read a single word about wow, in this case you will hate this movie just because besides Ragnar lothbrook, everyone else is terrible acting, characters aren't introduced and/or developed and this makes you don't care about then.

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Warcraft is shaping up to be one of those movies it's cool to pan and while I can certainly see the flaws in it as a "film" that the critics point too, I couldn't help but enjoy it. In fact I enjoyed it, more than a lot of other movies I've seen this year and walked out with a smile on my face instead of the "meh" I walked out of Civil War with.

So brief thoughts, acting was fine although a bit weak at times, pacing was a bit off, effects were fantastic, characters were a bit underdeveloped however the world created was incredibly fine tuned and engrossing. It's a movie I say, don't listen to the critics, go and see it for yourself. Because in a world of drab overdone superhero movies, it's just a bit of a refreshing change.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2016-06-14T18:13:28Z— updated 2016-07-12T22:27:09Z

Eoin. You have mega issues.

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Don't know much of the Warcraft world but it surprised me. Nice story, fantastic visuals and a well put universe although some time confusing of who is who.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2016-06-13T19:28:50Z— updated 2016-07-12T22:26:20Z

Worlds worst movie
Had to pay $5 to watch this shite.

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• Better than I expected! Went to see this at a Chunky's cinema pub, my first time there, and it was pretty enjoyable, both the theater experience and the movie itself. Actually, I brought some friends along, a few of them had never played a Warcraft and/or Blizzard game, or even play games at all, and even they enjoyed it! Some good tender moments, balanced with plenty of battle scenes, very Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit style. A friend expected it to be like Avatar 3D, but that was not the case. Everything else, the special effects, the pacing, audio/score, are as you'd expected. Any (World of) Warcraft players might notice some familiar (Legendary) weaponry, locations, and mounts. I hope Duncan Jones join us again for its sequel. :D/

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Quite disappointed with warcraft. Could of been so much more. Not enough action.

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Best game-based movie evar! It exceeded my expectations and because it's Warcraft! Movie is worth paying and watching the big screen. I can 100% relate as I used to play World of Warcraft.

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Shout by LCM183
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-06-10T04:42:32Z— updated 2016-08-13T14:25:03Z

seen the movie and it was AWESOME! not a big fan of having the movies fallow the game/book... so the movie delivered for me! the atmosfere was autentic.... battles were awesome... and for ex wow players has alot of comedy:
- the horde kiling people at starting levels
- the portal (not like alot of people saying) has a loading screen!!!
- think they have the latest expansions and are soloing old raid bosses...
- they play on privat servers... they make 2 "bosses" kill eachother (when they beat Medivh)
- and something very frustrating for raiders (final fight)... when in a pug... the guy in blues and no boots wins the roll and gets the best weapon!!! ><

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Shout by Mounir

i enjoyed every bit of this,it delivered what it wanted to

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Surprise of the year for me, this movie completely surpassed my expectations. The characters were a perfect were spot on and the story felt like it was playing out from the game, and the graphics was something else. If you are even remotely interested in this genre this is the perfect gaming movie and for once it will break the curse of crappy game movies. A lot is packed into a short time but its worth it, And I can't wait to see what is next for the WarCraft Universe!

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Shout by Utku

After 11 years of waiting I finally got to see the movie on the first day. In contrary of the amazing hype it did not dissapoint me! It was almost like as it was written in the book!! Great movie! Great story!

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well set, entertaining, there are orcs, there are humans, fight among themselves, is enough for me

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Shout by Deleted

I have read that Blizzard spent a lot of money for special effects, and personally I found them widely poor: apart from the orcs themselves almost everything looked quite artificial. Am I right or was it just my imagination?

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The graphic level and the general appearance of this film is perfect, true Warcraft style and atmosphere, some little easter eggs for hardcore fans were really epic. Some of the casting choices are far from perfect though, fortunately Travis Fimmel always does his good impression on the screen. Duncan Jones is making a great job in these years as a director, he is earning his space in directing action movies, but the screenplay is the "worst" part and it can be very disorienting especially if you're not fond with the Warcraft lore. I hope this movie reaches the necessary target to plan a trilogy, i would be a really happy child if Blizzard could manage to put adult Thrall, Arthas, the Taurens and the Scourge on screen.

P.S. by far the best game based movie so far.

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Just came back from the theater watching thise movie, and its awesome! I really recommand it to everyone who ever played WoW and the people who like game based movies.

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Shout by Deleted

As some1 who is really in Love with Warcraft since its early Days I have to say this movie is awesome. It is by far not a 10/10 but its a movie worth paying the big screen for, not only for warcraft fans. I took a friend who never played any warcraft related game with me and he enjoyed it as much as I did. For me it was coming home. Seeing the characters and the storyline. And omg, the Cities - they looked freaking amazing. I am going to buy it on DVD a 100%. Thank you Duncan.

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Shout by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff
BlockedParent2016-05-31T17:16:17Z— updated 2016-07-11T14:36:23Z

A disappointment from Duncan Jones who valiantly battles with the scope of the Warcraft universe. However it isn't a bad film and it is good to see a new fantasy film on screen. Fans of the game may get more from the film than the average cinema goer but occasionally it does feel as if you are being battered over the head with a level 50 axe by the admittedly decent special effects. I like the film but found it boring at times. A second watch may be helpful to appreciate the film better as on first viewing there is too much to take in.

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Amazing Movie!! This Movie is visually freaking amazing!! The orcs are beautifull and some of the live cast were great. Travis Fimmel is exemplorary, Dominica has bever Let me down and I really liked Khadgar!! One word, amazing!!

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In France, critics are very dirty with this one but I saw the movie and I really enjoyed it ! Great cast (Travis Fimmel is so perfect) and nothing to say about the story, it's Warcraft and so it's awesome...

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After watching this movie i can say that this movie had some bad and misleading marketing

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except for the kinda shitty trailer, this movie really suprised me. it got everything right, had much pleasure watching it and cant wait to see more of this fantastic universe come to cinema!

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If you like the Warcraft franchise this will be a very satisfying experience for you. Orcs in Warcraft 2 armor. <3

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7/10 - You cant quite shake the feeling that you are watching two separate films. One, a near cosplay-level direct-to-video fantasy feature, the other, a glorious, awe-inspiring spectacle akin to the likes of the trademark cinematic from Blizzard. The orcs have never looked better and the world of Warcraft has never been more visceral. All welcome changes. Now if they would only get rid of the live action cast.

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I can't wait for release :')

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"Warcraft Movie release date has changed to June 10th, 2016. Announced at CinemaCon." -Micky Neilson via Twitter.

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