Clearly, Carlos will now become a Texas Ranger afterall. Putting his detective skills to good use, and try to find out and get whomever just murdered his dad. I don't think that Judd will end up quitting. Wyatt will probably be the one to talk him out of that. Those are just my thoughts though. For me personally, the end of this episode wasn't easy to watch since it wasn't long ago that I lost my dad.

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The writers on this show is sick as hell. These characters haven’t known peace since the show started. That’s why I like the other 9-1-1 more :sob:

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What’s up with this senseless violence just to move the plot along? TK’s mom died not too long ago and now Carlos’s dad? If you consider as well the latest developments from Wyatt, this show just turned quite dire.

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When seeing them happy how good he looked in the tuxedo (or maybe the fact he still vould fit in it) i had a feeling something was gonna happen. But i wasn't expecting this and the outcome

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that ending was insane, my god, poor carlos

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What a wild episode! A lot is happening here, but each plot point is pretty well done. Wyatt's plotline here is particularly shocking, and can certainly make for an interesting character arc moving forward. However, I was shocked that this episode didn't touch on the event that was advertised most heavily--the misdirection was clever and threw me off. It was a big gamble, but it payed off here.

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What?!?! Right before the wedding??? That's just pure cruelty from the writers. And there's only one episode left in this season, so i'm guessing the quest for revenge will be pushed to season 5.

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We can't have nice things. Ugh!

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So, Judd's going to take care of paraplegic Wyatt who'll need round the clock care... right... that's an incentive to spontaneously regrow nerves in the legs if I ever heard one.

And of course, we need some more family drama, this time on Carlos' side. And give me some good revenge-driven rage in the next episodes... urgh.

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Nope, that's totally unacceptable and unnecessary! Why?! Just for the drama? That's just overkill.

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Huh? This is too sudden!

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