Fuck me. What a dark twist, man. I can’t believe Ricky pushed this story that far… it’s marvellous. Bloody Hell.

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I'd rather be nowhere with her, than somewhere without her.

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Well that was the darkest comedy I've ever seen

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Incredibly bleak and yet life-affirming.

The scenes between Tony and Julian are so beautifully dark and darkly beautiful, it really encapsulates what a lot of people (myself included at times) must feel but just cannot articulate.

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— I'd rather be nowhere with her, than somewhere without her.

How many of us haven't felt like that about someone we lost?

Also, that shrink of his says the most cringeworthy things... What a twat!

That ending chilled me to the bone... This show can sink so low (emotionally speaking) that it manages to obliterate the "comedy" in "dark comedy".

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“The world’s full of fucking morons. It’s awful. “

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