Surprisingly, this show made me feel less like killing myself.


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This was a beautiful episode, and so powerful. I particularly loved the bench-scene, it was so strong. Had to watch it twice.

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«And you are a good person, and I’d really rather you didn’t kill yourself. Because it would be a waste. You may not like a living much, but you make the world a better place. And don’t give up... because then they’ve won. And they grow in number».

«E tu sei una brava persona, quindi preferirei che non ti togliessi la vita, perché sarebbe uno spreco. Magari a te non piacerà molto vivere, ma tu rendi il mondo un posto migliore. Non ti arrendere mai, perché vincerebbero loro».

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«I like this job. I just used to be better at it. Used to... try harder. But it’s... it’s a good place to work. Even with these idiots. And the little things do matter. This shitty little... free, local newspaper. It kills a few minutes, in a good way. A smile ‘cause someone saved a blind kitten from a tree. It’s not for reading, it’s for being in. Everyone should be in the local paper at least once. “I was ‘ere”. It’s sweet».

«Amo questo lavoro. Però una volta ero più bravo. O almeno.. ci provavo. Ma.. è bello lavorare qui. Persino con quegli idioti. Le piccole cose contano. Questo piccolo giornale locale gratuito di merda aiuta ad ammazzare il tempo. In senso buono. Un sorriso perché qualcuno ha salvato un gattino cieco su un albero. Non è fatto per leggerlo, ma per esserci dentro. Tutti dovrebbero apparirci almeno una volta. “Io c’ero”. È bello».

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«Well, I think life is precious ‘cause you can’t watch it again. I mean, you can believe in an afterlife if that makes you feel better. Doesn’t mean it’s true. But once you realize you’re not gonna be around forever, I think that’s what makes life so magical».

«Beh, la vita è preziosa perche non puoi vederla ancora. Puoi credere nell‘aldilà se ti fa sentire meglio. Ma non è detto che esista. Ma quando capisci che non sarai qui per sempre, è quello che rende la nostra vita così magica.»

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A great series, really. Tony’s not that good of a person… but he’s getting there. I appreciate how this series got super real and deep about all the subjects it was all about. Fantastic. Anne’s speech made me fucking cry, that’s how good it is: ““I had the most wonderful life with Stan. And I have all those memories. That’s all we are anyway, really, memories. And Stan had a wonderful life, too. He’s not in any pain, doesn’t even know it’s over. I do. But I’d rather live missing him than for him to live missing me. That’s how much I love him. I wouldn’t change anything… if I went back and changed one thing I didn’t like, I might lose something that that bad thing eventually took me to. You shouldn’t regret anything or think, «well, if I went back I might do this or I might do that»”.

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I loved this show so much, it was funny, sad & emotional.
It had some deep black messages, but at the end it showed how life is supposed to be lived.
That scene with the psychiatrist, he said it all! you can't disrespect everyone, but be nice to only who treats you nice, and the assholes! Fuck them!

I really like Ricky Gervais, such an underrated comedian, and to write & direct something like this one! is such a wonderful achievement.
I liked so much the character he wrote for the sex worker, it confirms that you can't judge people if you don't know them!

Hoping very much for a second season, i think it will be less sad and funnier.

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I generally do not like Ricky Gervais for some strange reason. He has no charisma for me and he feels like a wet blanket. I don't seem to like him as a person (I don't know anything about him so it's purely visual). I don't hate him ofcourse... It's a weird feeling.
I do enjoy his shows however and find myself sniffle more than other comedy shows of the same ilk.

That said: AfterLife is a very enjoyable, but fairly moody, show I would love to see a second season for. I teared up as much as I laughed out loud. I do fear, however, a second season will be a bit more difficult to achieve seeing how he left it in the final episode.

Broken characters are generally only interesting if they're broken.

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Tony's monologue about the meaning of life (when replying to Kath) was very inspiring.
And I'm so glad he finally let that shrink of his know what we've all known about him since the beginning.

Tony's self-awareness, at work, about him being an egocentric annoying twat was something beautiful to see. A moment of epiphany finally made him see the brighter side of things, though it was a tad cringey and over the top watching him becoming Mr. Nice Guy all of a sudden and making amends with every single person he's annoyed since the first episode.

This season didn't have a bad episode, and it managed to end on a high note, giving us the most uplifting episode, yet. If we have spent the rest of the season in a dark hole, in this this episode we all came out for some sunshine.

Ricky Gervais has already some ideas for season two, so I do hope this will get renewed. After Life does a wonderful job at having emotional misery and comedy go hand-in-hand like two best buddies.

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Really enjoyed this. Sad in many ways but then that’s life. Could squeeze a second series out easily I reckon.

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Well crafted and ultra bleak - the strong characters Gervais talks of are evident already.

  • that life-saving dog
  • a few too many C-bombs. Loses effect.
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