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Alias: Season 3

3x10 Remnants

„This is for Francie!“
An absolute brilliant episode. Will is finally back for one episode and his reappearance is woven into the story in such a good way. He and Syd go on a mission to Graz, where they check into the Hotel Verlustzeit which is German for Lost Time which I think is just a brilliant name considering Sydney lost two years of her life. There Will faces off against Allison Doren and I think it‘s so fitting for him to be the one ending her life which unfortunately results in the final appearance by the original cast member Merrin Dungey. I also really like Syd and Will‘s relationship in this episode. Especially the last scene and Sydney‘s smile at the end.

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OMG!!!! What a plot twist with the sniper!! I would never have guessed it, not in a million years! Nope. Not me. It wasn't painfully obvious at all. Completely shocking!


Still, pretty decent episode. Plus we get to see both NotFrancie and Lindsay killed, which is a major bonus. Although, of course, they'll somehow survive and come back eventually :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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what a twist! of sloane

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