Always love a good crossover

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Shout by FinFan

"I am just a friend of your mother and I like to come over from time to time to say hello" - nope, doesn't sound creepy at all.

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These crossover episodes are pretty cool. Not only do they have a story of their own, but they also make progress the storyline from each show.

Not a big fan of the time travel gimmick to solve problems, but each appearance of Flash in Arrow has been a magicl way to solve everything, so, why not that. Though I'm not so sure Kendra made such a difference.

Oliver's son is just bad news. It will be used as useless drama between Oliver and Felicity, and will so obviously be a lever for Darhk. Unless he's the one dying ? That would fit, makes enough drama without being a main character, would explain Barry's presence. But I think that would be a little too dark, even for Arrow.

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seriously Oliver STOP lying!!!!! it wont do any good

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Two things I wanna say about this. 1, Malcolm is a little b*tch, and 2, I don't like that they didn't plug Legends in this episode - one would not know that they're supposed to watch Legends only after having watched this episode.

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Shout by Mounir

he was about to kiss her then it turned into super fly awkward hug

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Why would they just leave the angry dust there?!

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Crossover with the flash 2x08. It was good all together fighting the evil, history of Oliver spare Malcom What are you doing?

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What an epic episode, damn this was dope.

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I really enjoyed this episode but god, can we have less of love triangles, soap opera level family drama and just romantic stuff in general? And more action and superheroes instead? Like people who love melodramas and romantic comedies don't see that stuff there, so why the fuck those genres don't follow the same courtesy and tread on the action and superhero media' territory? I mean yeah, most people have romantic relationships, I guess, so just briefly acknowledge them, or build them in a way that it would be meaningful, not painfully boring, fat-fetched and just there to fill the episode time.

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oliver: well while the geek squad works...
barry: nods repeatedly trying to act like he's not a geek while crying inside

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Shout by Deleted

Wow an amazing episode. I wonder what will Malcolm do with the ashes

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Shout by LCM183

Ra's Al Ghul playing in the sand! Awesome!!! Was extreamly funny for me :))

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Thea has the best line. "A bunch of superheroes hiding out at a farm house, I feel like I have seen that before in a movie."

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the fact oliver keeping that from felicity doesn't sit to well with me its a big secret and keeping secrets that big when they come out(Cause you know what felicitys like) might ends things! It won't be a question of if it will be when...

CW likes to have fans in turmoil.

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Shout by Deleted

Can't wait for this awesome team up.

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