Shouts about...

Barbarians Rising 2016

If you expect anything coming from The History Channel to be historically accurate you clearly never have seen any production from them.
That doesn't mean that their content can't be entertaining. Unfortunately this is another one of those shows that is a mix of scripted drama and documentary with lots of experts talking you through the events. I don't like that. I'd rather have it one way or the other. And as someone before me stated, the legitemacy of some of those experts seem rather questionable.
I get historians bringing things in context and maybe even some retired military to explain strategies. But when a retired US Marshall compares fugitives today with Spartacus I scratch my head. And that's just one example of many when it comes to these "experts"
I wouldn't have gone to the end had this had more then four episodes. Which is about as much as I could bear.

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Was hoping this show would have been much better...

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Historically inaccurate. I also don't understand why a CEO, a us congress woman, a civil rights leader and the Rev Jessie Jackson are commenting on this show. Very disappointed with this. If you care about real history ( clearly the history channel don't ) do not watch this show.

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