It made me sad...
I suspected it would be something along those lines....
And I didn't see spoilers or anything....
Fuck just thinking about that might exist....
I'd like to try it, but I certainly wouldn't stick around....

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All Gold
Fun Fact:
Gugu Mbat and Mekenzie
actually won an
"Emmy" for their
performances in this
Phenomenal episode.
I'm not surprised
at all,
It was Wholesome
gorgeous to it's core
and both our ladies
put in a special, special
best episode of the entire show,
The Emmy is so well

(I slowly stand up
and begin to clap).

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All Gold
This is the best episode
not just of the season
but of the entire show.
This episode is
Yorkie and Kelly
are absolutely Sensational
in their roles,along
with their Outstanding Performances.
The soundtrack is
the story and writing is
amazing, everything
absolutely works in
this episode,
It's frickin awesome
and definitely
Black Mirror at it's
absolute best.

Verdict: Special very Special.
and beautifully presented
and a story that is literally
Bravo "BM" Bravo
for the flawless Masterpiece
that is
"San Junipero"

(p.s was that Greg
from episode 1
no wonder he wanted
to do the right thing
and make amends).

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Beautiful episode, loved the '80s (and '90s and 00's) vibe. One of the only episodes (or only one?) that is somewhat good-vibes only.

I find it hard to decide wether San Junipero would be a good or bad thing if it existed. But living forever in a perfect place must be getting boring after 2931 years orso.

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This wass the beginning of the show's downfall to what it is now. A poor imitation of a shadow of what it was, made by hollywood hipsters too afraid of making a dark dytopian show that offends the sensibilities of anyone. They will soon need to change the name of the show to "Light MIrror".

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Wow. I was under the impression this was one of the best Black Mirrors, to which I thought I agreed, but this was so fucking boring this time around. Clint Mansell's atmospheric score is amazing, maybe the best ever score in BM history, but the episode STILL isn't saved!

It's an amazing way to explore nostalgia, a truly riveting and cinematic subject, but I felt zero chemistry between the two mains - who were both mid in my opinion - which sure as hell ruins a film that's very clearly trying to pull off 'feeling' over plot.

The ending is very bold and can obviously be seen as open to interpretation (in terms of if it's happy or sad). It's the perfect end to a script tackling nostalgia through ageing via complete fantasy.

Idk. Bizarre. Could have been half the length.

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Well, that's not something you see in a Black Mirror episode. Good Vibes. This episode teaches you to live your life to the fullest. What a turn of events.

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This was, by far, the best Back Mirror episode I've seen. The soundtrack, the atmosphere and the aestethic were amazing. I loved the characters and the way they connected. The way the story and the characters developed was just ON POINT! I absolutely loved it! /spoiler/ The way they showed queer love couldn't have been better. And the ending was just BEAUTIFUL! I cried so hard, dang. /spoiler

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this is such a beautiful episode. i don't think i've ever cried during a tv show, but i did while watching this.

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A beautifully well made episode, which you wouldn't expect from this type of show.

Love is love.

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You see, even if this was possible. It wouldn't work as this ep tells. You are the source, others are just copies of you. So when they died, they died. The only thing this would do is give you the chance to meet your great great great grandfather if he was cloned in.

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Finally a good one! I haven't been much impressed by this show overall.

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Very good episode it reminded me of stranger things..Not my favourite one but enjoyable for sure and very nostalgic.7.4/10

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Man, that's the most beautiful thing I watched, I love it

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Worst episode so far by a country mile. A futuristic love story? They have tried to alternate away from their usual shocking formula and it simply does not work. If you begin to lose interest after the first 15 mins then just switch off. I give this a 1.

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For me, this has been the most disturbing episode so far. The idea of a place like San Junipero is both alluring and horrifying. I am not sure that was a happy ending...

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I have never watched Black Mirror before and only knew about this episode because everyone (or at least everyone I follow on Tumblr) praises it. Even though I knew the story was centered around two women falling in love I had no idea what to expect.. and now I regret not watching this sooner! I didn't know I needed Yorkie (Mackenzie Davis) and Kelly (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) in my life.

Some character decisions seemed a bit rushed but after realizing that this was made as an one hour episode for a tv show I have to say that it was perfectly done. It was pure and sensitive, thought provoking and without any unnecessary drama to build up tension or destroy the love story in the end because happy endings (especially for LGBT+ relationhips) are too cheesy or whatever.

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This is the only episode I wish to see becoming a reality. LOL

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Probably the worst episode of black mirror I've watched. Quite boring

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Probably the best episode of the entire series so far and we actually got a happy ending. Beautiful and so poetic.

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That was one of the rare episodes with a happy ending. It was very good and emotional.

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A single sentence to summarize this episode: Second Life + The Matrix XD

Finally, a happy ending episode :D

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This awesome episode is the first with an optimistic ending, while it still manages to stay down to earth.

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Well.. I guess this episode is not for me.

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The first episode with a happy ending but also with a futuristic view that I like. A place like San Junipero would be incredible.

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Holyshit... This is the most beautiful ish ever! Jesus fucking christ I so don't mind going like that...I definitely don't. This was a tearjerker for sure!

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black mirror giving the gays everything they want

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One of the best Black Mirror episodes ever made!

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Probably the best TV episode I ever watched.

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Wow. This was one of the best and brilliant story in the series so far.

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Shout by Deleted

waste of time for me

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best episode so far for me!

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Yawn yawn yawn yawn yawn.

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Shout by Marco

Oh well...I'm not even entirely sure that was really an happy ending. Felt more like something along the line of - you can't get rid of the 80ies even in the afterlife! No...ok...truth is most you need in your life happens in a given timeframe, the question is..is that really the only thing that make a whole life worth living? Getting older is the price you have to pay to live in the future. Living in the past..well that's not living. Is more like rehearsing a life.
Sorry to spoil the happy ending. :D

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Lovely, thoughtful, philosophical, and a truly good nostalgically dive.

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Shout by Deleted

Just when I think Black Mirror couldn't get any better, the most beautiful episode of the series comes out of nowhere. I haven't shed a tear to an episode since Mad Men.

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Shout by Deleted

The episode is very bored

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I'm impressed. Very impressed. And speechless too. Black Mirror always leaves you with a great question mark in your head, trying to figure out how our future might be.

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Really loved this episode, had a very otherworldly feeling about it and unashamedly nostalgic for the 80s! My stand out episode of the season and very un black mirror!

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Shout by nutmac

Within TCKR Systems' cloud, weekly visitors experience their younger selves in a simulated world. If they choose to "pass over", their soul is abstracted into binary codes and they will "live" in the cloud permanently (at least as long as TCKR stays operational).

As best as I can surmise, there aren't any physical or spiritual connections between human beings and artificial beings. Time becomes irrelevant.

What is the point of passing over when your existence is merely simulated? Moments before one passes over, it's probably the hope of eternal happiness.

As a Christian, I often wonder about connection between afterlife vs. physical world. I have been conditioned to believe that only the worthy can enter the "preferred" afterlife (heaven). In afterlife, time is irrelevant and physical world would gradually lose significance. The bible paints cryptic pictures of afterlife. To us mortals, afterlife is only significant for hope of eternal significance and justice.

So perhaps, Belinda Carlisles was right. Heaven is a place on earth.

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It is really frightening for me to see how many of the people here see this as a happy ending.
I guess technology and the hedonistic neoliberalism have found its way already into our minds.

Weren't you atleast concerned about the talk they had about people "doing everything to atleast feel something" in this sadomaso / groupsex facility? About 80-85% being already dead? About a huge technology company owning us even after our deaths? Just for the sake of hedonistic, fake emotions disguised as only what it is: binary codes?

This was, for me atleast, one of the darkest endings of any Black Mirror episode ever. It shows you exactly what the neoliberalistic idea has already done to us and will eventually still do in the future (and I thank the director and makers of Black Mirror so much for it! One of the best episodes of this show so far)

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But is it really a happy ending, though?? Yorkie, as a ~baby dyke~, is excited to explore her sexuality. She then meets bisexual Kelly, who had been with Richard for 40 years: they were happy and loved one another. What about Yorkie (whom she's been with for only 5 hrs, weekly) could possibly contend with someone you've loved for 40 years?? Thus, I find Kelly made the wrong choice, and that they will break up soon.

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My favorite episode. The chemistry between Yorkie and Kelly is everything. Also, love the 80s.

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Incredibly touching, fantastically written and well-made. A beautiful hour of television.

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I do not want to die, I want to go to San Junipero!

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I was imagining the end, good for the music

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Just an outstanding hour of television. Out of nowhere the emotion will get you! beautifully written, acted and directed. It may be my age but this was just perfect in every way, I loved it.

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Very interesting concept, beautifully developed, but that ending had no sense for me. What black mirror does best in my opinion is leaving you with that f*ckd up feeling when the episode ends.

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Slow start, underutilized premise, but the amazing use of 80s music kicks it up to a 9. Haha

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At first I didn't quite get it, but, in the end I got teardrops in my eyes. What a story!

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I haven't ugly-cried at a film or TV episode this much since... Toy Story 3? A complete break from the show's tone, format, and execution, in the best way possible. In a way, it take what I love about my previous favorite episode of the show, "Be Right Back" -- characters come first before moral lessons or sci-fi world -- and push it even further, only revealing its world in tidbits and as little as necessary in the early-going, to get us to be familiar with these two characters and their relationship before bending our minds. Its sci-fi world has a purpose and feels like a given to us as it is to the characters, and the moral lessons are buried deep in their anguish, hope, and dream first. God, what a beautiful story.

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At first I did not realize what this episode had to do with the series.

But then: The plot twist hit me like a truck

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Hands down favourite ep of S3. I would say of black mirror overall but this was telling a very different story than the ones previous to it. For once there wasn't a moral or a depressing twist. It was a beautiful story of two women finding a once in a lifetime connection.

Props to Charlie Brooker for not only writing a stunning piece of fiction with a same sex romance but making it almost the anti trope to the one we know and hate! Yes one of them died(as we're used to), but then then other followed and they chose to live together forever in digital heaven! It's the happy ending we all needed this year.

Beautifully directed and acted. Plus a real nostalgia trip for those 30+

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Shout by Deleted


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Wouldn't it be nice if we could all pass over this way. Perhaps someday.

One of the best episodes so far. Sad at the same time.

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Shout by Deleted

Thank you SO MUCH for the happy f/f ending. It's not a thing we see a lot on TV.

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if you're having an existential crisis, and you want something to comfort you.. this is a good one to watch.

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Beautiful episode. And the song at the end, excellent!

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A much needed and very sweet episode. It's not your typical Black Mirror episode, for me it was the two main characters that held this episode up. Not one of my favorite episodes of Black Mirror, but loved watching something that felt different, in a good way too.

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why can't this be real.

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Time Crisis in the 90's. Just this. Time Crisis.

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I've watched this 5 times and I cry every tiem

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Holy shit this was a roller coaster of emotions. Leaves you with so much to think on in your world.

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I was confused as hell by this one. But after things started to make sense it was quite touching.

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Such a sweet ending, I would love to see more of them or even more of the San Junipero technology .

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Shout by sp1ti

Going to be the contrarian here but I was bored out of my mind. This is not why I am watching Black Mirror and with the way it was unfolding it didn't really connect with me at all. Mackenzie Davis was also a misscast for me as it's a bit too on the nose considering her role on "Halt and Catch Fire".

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I said in my review of 'Shut Up And Dance' that certain, uh, visual choices in that episode were 'unforgivable'. Brooker, you're forgiven.

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I just love Gugu Mbatha-Raw! She's so underrated when actually she's up there with some of the best actresses.

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Shout by Deleted

damn this episode.
i havent cried with a movie/show in years.
damn you!
This episode is a true Masterpiece and belongs in the list of best episodes ever. of any show.

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Let this episode be an example to every single tv show writer on how to handle LGBTQ+ characters. Like this, and no other way. Thank you.

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I just LOVE 80th, so I especially appreciated that episode, San Junipero just looks and feels so good and so right... Characters are lovely, I was really invested in the episode mainly because of characters. Plot and the whole idea for the episode is just beautiful and makes sense in every way possible. Music and sounds are priceless, 80th, 90th, 2002, absolutely loved it. More of that, when you finish the episode, it more likely will leave you with pleasant urge to think-over the stuff you just saw. I can remember some episodes from 1st and 2nd season really getting into my mind too, but this one, has a sweet and warm after taste, makes you wonna live, work and hope for the better future.
P.S. Notice how your understanding and reaction to Belinda Carlisle - Heaven is the place on Earth changes during the episode. You can hear it from the car on the street in the early beginning and at the end of the titles.

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Was that a happy ending??! I can't believe it! THAT WAS A HAPPY ENDING!!! Very nostalgic and entertaining...

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My favourite episode so far. Thanks Charlie Brooker for writing this. Amazing atmosphere, with a perfect choice of music. Just great. And, finally an episode that ends well, with a positive vibe.

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I'm not going to lie - I had a few tears in my eyes. Two grandmas who fall in love with each other just before they die - It was impossible for me to not get a bit emotional (´;ω;`)

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My favorite of the third season and definitely the most positive. The show's more than a basic " nanana tech is bad nanana kids these days on their phones" but i understand how people can, from reading the pitch, fear that it is just that; this episode shows a new palette of nuances [spoilers] just by being positive (still bittersweet) [/spoilers] and really adds to the show !

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sooooooo cute<3333
Like I could so see myself watching a whole series based off of these two characters.

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Almost 10 minutes in and I was like, "Aww, this is so sweet! So .. normal. So not Black Mirror .." 20 minutes later of course, you kind of have an idea of what's happening. It was kind of a funny episode for me to watch, because all my siblings are like 15-20 years older than me. So this was the period when they were teens and out partying, looking something like this - Tucker's, not the Quagmire scene, though. Hahaha. All in all, this was such a sweet episode. Felt like I really needed it, after watching the first 3 of the season.
Anyway, this tech - Sign me the hell up!

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Ending reminds me of the Matrix.

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