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Blindspot 2015

5 minutes into the pilot episode and i'm hooked and covered in goosebumps, Jamie Alexander is freakin awesome

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MMMhhh. Not sure, obviously after one episode you can't judge a season. I thought this was going to be more of a memento mystery (obviously the whole tattoo thing isn't the reason for this lol.... i lie). Something is missing from this show, not sure what. It does feel like its going to be a run by numbers type show as reveals started to come. Which were pretty underwhelming and predictable. Just wish this show would have gone in a different direction. I don't see it lasting to be honest. Its hard to explain but you know when you get the feeling that you've seen better, its a case of wether it deserves your time. time is precious, too many quality shows, i dont think this will crack my must watch list.

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This gained my highest level of interest from all the fall TV Show trailers, and since I was a huge fan of Kyle XY I couldn't wait to see Jamie Alexander in a new TV Show. After I learned that the pilot episode leaked online, I couldn't resist the urge to watch it early. Yes I know, its totally illegal but boy oh boy did it exceed my expectations... It was bloody amazing! Even though I have a HUGE fall lineup, I can already tell that this is going to be my fall favourite.

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Anyone looking to start this show, seasons 1 & 2 are great. Season 3 starts to take a nose dive but still watchable. But season 4 basically goes off the rails, not even worth investing 22 hours of your life. And season 5, metoo movement has basically fucked the show up it’s ass; it’s made the acting so bad it’s not even funny (it’s like the actors read the script & said fuck this I’m just going to go through the motions of acting and hope I don’t have to renew my contract). It’s compete waste of time (I’m on episode 5 & not a single story line has progressed). So watch season 1 & 2 (maybe 3). After that don’t even bother.

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Kind of boring for me.. Dropped it.

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You had to extend the main story arc into 5 seasons or something. But you ended it in last season, now trying to start it from all over again? new tattoes? seriously? No, it just feels forced now, everything, scenario, acting, everything. Done with this show, ill try to remember this as a 2 seasons tv series.

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It's so annoying that in every damn episode Jane gives the simpliest solution but nobody in the FBI can think of it...Clearly a poor writng concerning the progression of the story...

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I think the show started good but it's going down episode after episode.

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I hate the Patterson character. So annoying. Why do they have her know everything? And her skinny weird looking boyfriend. Shows is worse then csi

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This series just went on for too many seasons. It began with an interesting premise but just devolved into tedium. I was disappointed Jamie Alexander didn’t fulfil the promise of her work as Lady Sif or her beginnings in KYLE XY. This series ends as drivel. I couldn’t even bring myself to watch the last four episodes. I give the series a 5 (meh) out of 10. [Action]

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Season one was good, season 2 meh, and season three ugh... give it up - typical american TV that runs out of a decent story-line and just gets stupid.

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Season 1 I really enjoyed. Season 2 just a little less but wanted to finish off the story. Season 3 ... It took 3-4 sittings for me to finish episode 1, and I can't bring myself to keep going. When I consider watching, I instead find myself on YouTube or Twitch looking for something else.

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becomes more and more contrived and ridiculous from episode to episode and season to season.

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Season One and Two, thumbs up. What did they do in season Four and Five? Bring in out of work soap opera writers??

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I've enjoyed the first 2 seasons but after that it became a tiring ride for me. I think they could have achieved more then this, I had hoped they could but unfortunately it is unnecessarily long and the last two seasons were hard to watch. Only thing that kept me watching it was the "team".

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Good acting and action.
Original crime serie with a good cast.

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Shout by ALI - 88
BlockedParent2018-06-29T14:47:07Z— updated 2018-07-14T18:42:10Z

Loved this show season 1 and 2. But it wasn't a show that should have continued beyond that storyline, season 3 felt like milking it. And season 4 shouldn't be a thing.

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interesting premise but i really can't get past the fact that Sullivan Stapleton (Kurt) is overacting so much he constantly looks like he's tweaking hard. honestly, even Jamie's (Jane) single facial expression for everything (she looks spooked all the time, there's no range at all to her acting) doesn't bother me as much as his constant spitting out sentences like he's out of breath. at least they killed off David soon, his voice was also damn annoying.

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the first episode was awesome, then every episode after that was repetitive and just plain stupid. i made it 6 episodes and called it quits

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A perfectly executed show with intricate details that pull you in and fantastic characters. That is all that is needed to be said.

Finishing season 2 ended on such a high note I don't know how they plan to kick it off for Season 2. One episode is better then the other, and you can't help but love the intensity of Kurt Weller and the mystery of Jane Doe. The show just keeps you on your toes and you don't get enough of it.

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Unfortunately the main characters of this show become more and more boring because of their one dimensional and unemotional role play. Maybe this is intended as the 'coolness' of this series but makes watching the episodes a long winded time waster. The end of series one iturns out as an illogical desaster.

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So bad. I hoped that maybe second season will be better, but nope. Somehow they've managed to make every character both boring and annoying.

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my God this show is so bad why i can't stop watching it..

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I really like the way they're choosing the episode titles! A Stray Howl / Taylor Shaw and Eight Slim Grins / The Missing Girl were perfect!!! Now what does Bone May Rot stand for? Moreton Bay, Austalia.. doesn't seem likely, Mayor... Beton? Or Maybe Not?

Can't wait 'til next week!

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You know shows where the parts are sometimes better than the sum total ? This is one of those. I liked individual episodes but I already feared where this would lead.

After reading some comments towards the end of season 1, indicating what might happen moving forward (the main thing being the marriage between the lead characters which was obvious from episode one), I looked up the rest of what will happen because the show lost me then and there.

It's your typical conspiracy show where everything's got twisted and turned and layer after layer is build up until you reach the point where it becomes a jumbled mess.

I'm sure I would have dropped out eventually but I'm glad I didn't waste more time then necessarry.

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The music and BGM of this show this so awesome.

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Shout by pteryga
BlockedParent2021-09-24T18:39:58Z— updated 2021-09-25T19:08:18Z

Kurt and Jane became intolerable towards the end of the show. They went from being the protagonists to the reason everything was going wrong. Every other supporting character was worth watching though. I guess that's what happens when a show runs too long. The finale was perfect.

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Complete season 3 and add seasons 4

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Addicted TV with this show.

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Shout by Deleted

Please add the fourth season and complete the third season


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Seems to me, if you had the time to delete my first comment about NOT updating the episode tracking for season 4, then you had the time to actually update the episode tracking. Get it done!

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Season 4 so far looks they are out of budget
many indoor scenes
and the reboot of Jane turning to be "bad" again isnt that attractive
I suppose this will be last season and many people will stop watching
I'm still thinking if i should see a few more episodes or not
Season 1 2 3 were ok!

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Marianne Jean-Baptiste is basically CCH Pounder, right?

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Sounds cliché but the show is getting boring & lame. S1 was OK, but if all started going downhill after that.

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Great show. Season one is the best!

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Watchable show, gets real boring in mid parts and throw a cliffhanger related to the tattoo, etc. just to make you watch it until the end.
But most of the cases are fun to watch

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This has the makings of one of the best show out there. Keep focused and if you want to slide in history to show where characters were, that's great but keep it moving and keep the suspense moving. Maybe it's time to get done with the Sheppard story and slid in another villain so the story can slide to a twist. You have great characters and actors and I want this show to continue but keep things in a suspenseful line!

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Shout by Deleted

Worst acting I' ve see except maybe for Esparza or Johnson. Put it on my list for my g/f...yes that's what love is

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Boring. Hooked till ep. 5, no surprises, more misteries nor else. Bye bye. Next.

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Shout by Deleted

It's a hit and miss kinda series.. some episodes are great with intriguing plot lines whereas others are simply boring.

I'm not sure why I continue to watch it all the way to the end of Season 1 but hey something must be pulling me in enough that I'll probably end up watching Season 2 too...

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Shout by muanrck4

Great show. Very surprising for NBC.

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I have only yet watched the pilot but they sucked me right in. Plot seems strong, I love that they revealed just a little and kept a lot of secrets and mysteries to explore in the upcoming season(s). I love the main character already, she seems fierce even though she was just found with no memory of who she is and a body full of tattoos, I just half expected her to be whiny and sad but she is strong and determined which I really love. I can't wait to see the rest of the episodes and I also really appreciate that it's a show with a full season of 23 episodes!

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The show started with a great premise then become mediocre and in the end it was a disaster. Don't think I'll continue, but I will check out Archie Panjabi episodes, hope she is not in many of them.

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I find it so annoying that Sullivan Stapleton is given top billing, above Jamie Alexander who's clearly the protagonist. Typical network stuff, afraid of what'll happen to their ratings if they look "too feminist"

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From the comments here it seems like Jaimie Alexander is doing the this shows ratings heavy lifting. It is too soon to tell now but it looks like this is like every other detective-ish show (Mentalist, Castle, Litmitless, Forever and so on...) but with the tattoo gimick. Every episode is a case by itself and reveals only minor main story arc details if at all.

I hope it will manage to be something diffrent than what we already saw in other shows.

Acting, sound and overall production are great!

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Shout by Deleted

OMG !! This show is so cool !!!

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Shout by Deleted

(via TV Blaze for WP)I know she did it

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Hooked after the first episode. Great main actors. Very action driven, makes me think of Strike Back, also obviously due to Sullivan Stapleton. Hoping for an action packed, fast-paced story and that the promise of complicated puzzles and mystery holds true.

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Shout by Deleted

She is a sexy bad ass

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One of the best Pilots ever.

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I'm just watched only two epidodes and I think that it's the best series of season. Jamie Alexander is awesome!

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Shout by Deleted

me too first five min. I loved it

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Omg i love that pilot and Jaimie was so amazing the only thing is that she never can do something haha :D

Please don't cancel this

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Shout by Deleted

Really enjoyed the pilot! Can't wait for future eps

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Can't wait to see more (the show and Jamie :)

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Crime-Series again! YEAAHH!;) (Running Gag) - Selling the people plotholes as supernatural again makes a crime series not better. Don't forget to make a tattoo of a crime first before u solve a crime - many tattoos...

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