There were so many good points for me here, but for sure Gene AND Bob both approaching having to run - hahaha.

And a guest star I recognize: Dave Attell, as the scalper (now I gotta re-watch his part). Edit: Yeah, I don't hear it - but the smoker's cough sounds familiar. haha

Dave Attell is a stand-up comedian who used to host a late night travel vlog (on T.V.). Eugene Mirman has a stand-up comedy show I recommend for anyone who hasn't seen it:
It played w/o enabling DRM, I use Firefox w/uBlock Origin. AND, HE MARRIES A COUPLE!

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As someone who had a lot of moments similar to Gene in this episode (thanks to sensory processing disorder) this was a surprisingly heartfelt episode for me

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This is like a better version of the Dad-chelor party episode. The A/B split is a bit more traditional Boys v Girls. But more importantly everything works better here. Bob and Gene have a successfully bonding moment over Rock Opera Laser Show. Unlike Linda and Tina in that aforementioned episode Bob and Gene experience a realistic issue played realistically and resolved in a manner that's both wacky but within the bounds of the show. Bob shows Gene the joy of the Rock Opera and they have little stealth mission to sneak back in.

Linda and the ladies go to a real doll store where we get another rare traditionally girly Louise moment as she comes to appreciate a doll for it's action lifestyle story. It's a childish premise that works because while she's not precocious Louise is a child. Everyone buys in to help her disguise the Spy Doll as another doll in order to save her from destruction.. It's a fun time.

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Cuando Gene dice: Hold the door :'( :'(

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