This episode had such a Power Rangers vibe.

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I didn’t realize Jenny Calendar showed up so early, and this is such a ‘90s representation of computer networking.

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Last episode I wrote how Buffy is at its best when it focuses on narrative around the vampire saga, and ditches the episode filling "freak of the week". And this reconfirms that. The writing sucked hard in this episode. Best thing in this episode was Robia LaMorte, who looks a little like Nigella Lawson.

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Jenny Calendar's introduction. My oh my, I can not get enough of looking at this woman. Absolutely gorgeous, great voice, and magnetic presence on screen.

As for the episode, it's actually kind of intriguing with nice moody music for the ~mysterious~ parts. I really miss that tone from '90s television. They could have some really atmospheric and mood defining scores. The execution of the plot kind of nosedives in the final act, though. I actually laughed out loud when Moloch's robot form was shown. I wasn't expecting it, and it was spontaneous. They should have gotten a better voice, too, or at least put some effects on it. Despite the schlocky third act, this episode was prescient and topical with the breakdown of human relationships and common social aptitude for the first part, and topical with the brainwashing seduction of online movements. A cult leader doesn't even have to be around people to shore up a mass of unfulfilled peons lining up to lick the soles of their shoes.

FYI: no Cordelia here either.

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Giles called it! We're all slaves to streams of tasteless information now. Including this comment!

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Shout by dgw

Like many fans I found on message boards around the 'net, I too wonder if the "Circle of Kayless" was a reference to Kahless of Klingon mythology… Would be neat to have a Star Trek tie-in to the Buffy universe.

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Tonight's episode is brought to you by Norton Internet Security. It detects 99.5% of all the viruses, malware and medieval demons that threaten your computer. Get yours today! :joy:

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The alpha version of Avengers: Age of Ultron

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