They really should have replaced the Mutant Enemy logo with the sound of those fake moaning overdubs.

I'd also agree that this is better the second time through. It wouldn't be a crime to watch up to the point that Anya and Spike show up at the frat party and the exchange with Xander, and then skip to something else on a re-watch.

It's not the best episode, but it's close to what the show should be, tonally, with a good balancing act of goofy character moments and dark-but-not-to-be-taken-all-that-seriously phantasmagic nonsense and castigation of puritanical religious zealotry. The photography, staging, shot framing, and blocking is noticeably better than the average of the last two seasons, which I just finished. The scenes with Anya and Spike in the club were gorgeously shot. You really need to give James' face the whole screen to appreciate the details and nuances of his performance. I'd call myself straight, but I'm still an artist, and the man's face is a work of art, and he really does give Sarah a run for her money with his wicked-but-vulnerable delivery.

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In retrospect, all these episodes about sex are coming across a lot creepier.

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Filler episode, but has just enough enjoyable moments interspersed throughout to be watchable.

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The one where everyone gets horny. Kind of a Christian prude-ish after-school special message.

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I've never been a fan of this episode. Giles in the coffee shop is all this one has going for it.

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While I loathed the episode the first time around, it wasn't quite as bad on a second viewing. There's enough great moments with Anya, Spike and Giles to prevent the whole episode from suffocating in on itself. There's some trademark wit that the show is so good at, and beyond that, the episode doesn't offer very much.

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