This is, perhaps, the best tv series episode ever created! The acting is extraordinary, the filmography is tremendous, the soundtrack is terrific! And that end, that end is majestic! This concludes the most and smallest epic TV series I have ever seen!

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You were the one who mattered most.

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"In a just world I'd be shot for my lies, but not for this, not for the truth."

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In just 5 episodes, Chernobyl managed to make you want to know everything from the story, the tragic events and the poor characters involved in the disaster. HBO really went for the gold on this one and could be the start up for other thematical miniseries about human-made disasters. Brilliant, terrifying and supremely well-acted.

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Every lie you tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later the debt is paid

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This final episode wrapped up the story of the nuclear disaster appropriately. A great conclusion to a great series.

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Thank you, THANK YOU very much for this mini-series!!!

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Brilliant brilliant brilliant. Well done to all involved. A superb piece of television

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This final episode left me in tears…

I don't have the vocabulary to describe just how brilliant this series has been. Everything, from the actors, the director, the writer, the photography, and a long etc. has been perfect. A true masterpiece and a must watch.

Thank you so much HBO for bringing this to our screens.

The only pity is knowing that this isn't a fictional story.

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So sad...One of the best tv shows ever for sure must watch for everybody..9.5/10

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I loved every second of this show.

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What a brilliant episode and breathtaking minseries. Definitely one of the best ones I've ever seen.

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"The chain of disaster is now complete"

Brilliant mini-series!

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Shout by Aya
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-06-07T08:27:27Z— updated 2020-01-26T10:24:47Z

This is the saddest end I've ever seen.
Imagine 93,000 died and suffered because of someone's promotion???:'D ... I know he is not the only one who's responsible for that catastrophe, but still he's the main sh*thead.
I didn't imagine I will be this happy when I knew he died from radiation he is caused lol.

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Obviously we will never know how close or far this is from the actual truth. Nevertheless this serie makes an enormous impact and is by far one of the best I've seen in a very very long time. Go watch this now!!

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Shout by Deleted

This is what I think the other episodes lacked; this was genuinely chilling. To see on display the extreme carelessness, thoughtlessness and irresponsibility, simultaneously through the enthralling courtroom drama and live action shots in the moment, was eye-opening. I didn’t, for whatever reason, feel this way with the previous episodes, no matter how harrowing whatever was being shown was, but I think the added element of the courtroom in this episode is what really drove it home; it really feels real, and of course, it was. The last 6 or so minutes were equally hard-hitting. All in all, it was a superb ending to what was a very strong miniseries. 9.5/10

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Shout by Deleted

how much are our lies?

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I couldnt sit when I am watching... Excellent.

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This was absolutely amazing. Watched it all the way through twice in less than a week. I didn't know any of this stuff. Now I gotta know everything. And that's because of this brilliantly told, perfectly executed miniseries. This is gonna clean up come Emmy time!

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This has been the best series I've watched in years,the acting is amazing and deserves all awards going!

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The title of this episode translates 'everlasting memory'

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Shout by Ro

All hail to Jared Harris

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Jared Harris and Stellan Skarsgård didn't even fuck, like what was the point

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Series finale. Lies, negligence. "I want you to think about Yuri Gagarin, I want you to imagine that you were not told anything about your mission to space until you were on the launch pad, I want you to imagine that all you have is a list of instructions, that have seen before. " Being a short series focuses more

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It's a shame the show ends with a typical politic message

"Russians= bad ppl who lies a lot"

So sad they focus all in point the finger at hypothetical sovietic lies

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Thank you for this miniseries. What a ride. Quality in every single aspect of this production, it made me emotional in the end tbh

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At long last we have arrived.
The chain of disaster is now complete.

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I’m speechless. Pure finesse.

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—Unbeleivable, one's man's incompetence caused so much loss of life.

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Western governments do try to protect state secrets as well. They lie and put out false information just like the Soviets did back then.
But the stakes here were so enormous, this could have been tens of millions of casualties if only one other thing had gone wrong. Calling this a shot across the bow is putting it mildly.

I can only imagine the cost of lies but I do know that those who'll eventually have to pay them are not the ones telling them.

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I wasn't able to finish this episode when I wrote my season review and it doesn't really matter but...

I can't remember if I ever had this long of a chill down my spins and arms like I had in the second half of this episode. I'm quite sure I was never so on the tip of my seat or excited by one man talking about the events that occurred in a court.

Great fucking television and I repeat what I said yesterday: this is a MUST SEE.

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"Never in the history of mankind have so many owed so much to so few"

That would have been even more fitting here.

At around 00:02:27, is that a fucking Brasil reference?

There are two men talking when Lyudmilla looks out the window. One of them is in a yellow shirt with green details. At first I thought it could be Ukraine but the green and the year being 1986, just over a month before the World Cup makes me wonder... Could they have found the time to squeeze in two disasters in the same show? It that even allowed? :sweat_smile:

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I'm left with this great line from the series: "I used to fear the price of truth, now I just ask, what is the price of a lie?"

I think it's one of the best mini-series ever produced.

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The great and terrifying beauty of a series. Masterpiece.

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at long last, we have arrived 1:23:45 explosion !

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