What an episode. For one thing, it was hilarious, with lots of amazing bon mots from Daria and Jane, some well-timed Kevin and Brittany-centered idiocy, a gloriously insipid debate within Mystic Spiral, and some stealthily brilliant gags featuring the fashion club. This one would get a good grade on the humor alone.

But I also loved the deft hand with which it explored the idea of spirituality, especially among younger people. Some of the events that prompted Quinn to believe in a guardian angel are a bit contrived or convenient to move the plot along, but Daria's persistent skepticism, tempered by genuine concern for her sister when she sees how distraught Quinn is, elevate the episode. Helen's right, it is sweet to see Daria entertain the idea that her deeply held beliefs are wrong to comfort her sister, and the way the show tackles belief, or lack thereof, is unsurprisingly insightful without being too blunt about it. It's a tough issue to address without seeming preachy, but Daria, as usual, gets it done.

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