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Daria: Season 5

5x04 Camp Fear

Perfectly acceptable Daria goodness. Seeing camp as a training ground for proto-Daria and proto-Quinn, who each fell into familiar rhythms there before recreating them in high school was a neat touch, but the episode didn't do as much with the premise as I might have liked. Skip was kind of a cheesy character, and there was something interesting in Daria's dismissing Amelia and feeling bad about it, but the episode kind of glosses over the more interesting part of it.

Jane and Trent's sojourn had a lot of laughs to it, between Trent's earnest pursuit of folksy wisdom and Jane's understandable boredem and sarcastic wit. And Jake and Helen's garage cleaning adventure/argument is familiar territory with kind of a cheap resolution, but it still worked well enough. Not one of my favorite episodes, but still amiable and enjoyable the whole way.

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