Shouts about...


Season 2

Really liked season 1 when it originally came out & thankfully season 2 didnt disappoint. Thought that it successfully built on the foundations of the first season.Lostis my favourite series of all time & Im really drawn to strange, thought provoking stories & I think dark is certainly thought provoking. Time travel is a hard thing to pull off & its always open to being pulled apart. But I think the writers did a really good job interweaving the narrative through the different time-lines & making it all make sense. Really like the ensemble cast as well. Very well acted. Between this & The OA, its been a good year so far for series that centre around high strangeness.

Ive seenDarkcompared withStranger Things, which does have a lot of overlapping elements, but tonally they can be quite different, but equally entertaining. Looking forward to whenever they drop season 3 ofDark`.

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awesome but I don't get it why everyone predicted 2020 to be the end of the world, well
end is coming xdxd

27 June 2020

will update if nothing happens :)

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It's quite hard to watch this show when you're tired haha. It's really good, well executed and have a many interesting philosophical plots. I will need to read about or watch again to digest some parts. The second season do a great job to complement and explain much more things. ^^

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Shout by vanilla_chief

The second season extends the first season's initial situation by a few interesting components. In the classical manner of a middle part of a trilogy (see Empire Strikes Back), Jonas reaches the lowest point of the story. At the same time Jonas is also his own Darth Vader (besides many other timerelated curiosities) . This interwovenes makes DARK unique and the recurring Ariadne motif makes it clear, that rather than telling us a story, the showrunner want us, the audience, to activley unravel DARK.
And I think we will see the Ariadne themes even more clear in the third season. At the end of this, an alternative Martha shows up, pulling Jonas out of the labyrinth, like Ariadne pulling Theseus out of the laybirinth.

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Everything was good, until last scene of last episode.

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WOW. My mind may need approx. 33 years to recover from all these events and revelations on the season. No need to say more really, but let's just say the second season was much much better than the first one. I'd say the bar is set pretty high for the third season.

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Holy heck I had a spoiler for this show on my id all along. My first and second name is Jonas Adam^^

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It's a nope for me after chapter 2. Sorry, I was digging the concept, right before the encounter with "the thing".

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the trick of discovering the real identity of a character got old pretty quick even in season one. The effect lost its shocking value. They rely on it too much

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It felt like it took 33 years for this show to return. I really loved this season. I really love this show. I'm feeling a tiny bit skeptical about the direction they pointed it in the end, but given how happy they've made me with all of season two--after all that waiting!--I'll reserve all judgment and give them the benefit of the doubt until I see for myself. Come back soon(er)!

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