The Savage episode so far. That manipulative bastard.

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Alexa. I am also starting to hate her. Better be cautious of her.

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The plot really is just driven by the stupidity of the characters at this point.

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Just a bunch of pointless drama. Most predictable episode of the entire season. I knew the writers would disappoint me. Goddamn, I really liked this show... Come on episodes 15&16, fix this!

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I can't fucking believe Ray's level of dumbness. And why the fuck men fighting over Kendra is more important now than the fate of the entire world?? Like people keep getting up Rip's ass because he puts his family first, meanwhile this bullshit is alright I guess. And can they stop making Kendra so fucking weak and useless when the plot demands it because it makes her occasional ass kicking completely forced and unbelievable.

Why, whyyy did Rip believe time masters after they already fucked him over? Why didn't Kendra kill him after Carter's mind had been restored? Just. Fucking. Why.

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You must be kidding, out of the blue that excuse

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And now my watch has ended. I gave this show time but it's beyond saving. Goodbye

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Great and really bad. This is a good episode from an otherwise show with real stupid characters. Sometimes I feel like this heros have the brain of a 6 year old. And so does the write. The fight scene with savage was so down right stupid. ATOM got his ass kicked in a hand to hand with Savage. Is Atom's suit made of cheap plastic?

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I love Sara, I love Mick, I love Leonard, Martin, Jax and Ray. They are the reason I watch this but it's really time to wrap up this season. I'm looking forward to next season since I know it will contain Eobard Thawne . Vandal Savage is just a very boring character that could've easily been taken out multiple times and I can't help but hope that with his demise, Kendra will leave too.

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Series slowly declining and I blame Kendra and carter

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Bunch of idiots. They've screwed up again

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God, how much more stupid can you write these characters? And now this twist ? This is becomming more messed up with every episode.

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Lol... I did not believe there can be worse writing than The 100 or Arrow... And yet.. There it is... In all its glory. Other good shows get canceled, but this inept... Garbage... Survives a 2nd season

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well,.saw that one coming a mile away

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