Ted from breaking bad smacked his had so hard he became a senator

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Shout by ShoMok

Does anybody know why the title theme music on this episode was missing the last notes of the wind instrument? Drives me crazy ^^

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Whether you like the direction this show has taken is up to ones individual taste but I think it hurts its credebility that they always succeed by doing the right thing. That's just not how life, and especially politics, work. It is wishful thinking. And I wonder why Kirkman does have a staff when he's always doing what he thinks is best.

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Little of the conspiracy and a lot of things of the white house, at the moment we continue

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Remember when this show was about a conspiracy against the United States government? That plot now makes up less than 5% of the show. Instead, we get this half-assed current events political drama. I'm giving it until the mid-season break at which point I'll probably shit-can it. C-SPAN is more interesting and that's not hyperbole.

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Its getting tiresome with these doomsday events. If this is a picture of Americans reaction to events... then I'm glad I'm not one. i do hope its just an exaggeration though

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Quite easily the worst episode yet. The plot was absolutely ridiculous and was nowhere near believable. I hope this isnt a sign of the direction of this once great show. Kirkman needs more Jack Bauer and less Mr. Nice guy.

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I'm a sucker because I'm still watching this show

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