The way they're handling this, Thirteen's closure is disappointing. The stories are good but they're packing too much into single episodes and much of the dialogue is filled with hollow dribble and techno babble. "Survivors of the Flux" is FAR too busy, and when compared to the previous episode, is a clear let down to fans.

It's already been proven that a singular story focus (or two) makes for a winning episode... structured rather than frantically scattered along the timeline is the way to go. The irony is not lost that these episodes mirror the flux in structure (or lack thereof), and that's not a good thing.

It's less about what story is being told, because they really are good ideas, it's more about HOW they're telling them. So much beautiful story telling potential wasted. Ugh!

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Its quite sad. The mosters are great and Division makes an excellent adversary.

But there is the bitter taste of the retcon all over it. They obliterated over half a century of great storytelling for this - even if it had been necessary it wouldn't be worth it.

In addition, they squandered another chance to walk it back when the Doctor literally ASKS if what the Master told her was true.
If you look at the ratings the seasons got here in comparison, it is clear that the majority despises what the show has become and most are probably silent because they don't want to be (most of the time falsely) labeled mysoginistic.

Its shameful what has become of this once great show. Even if I could look past the retcon, the season again lacks the elegance of times past where the connection between episodes was subtle and only got revealed at the end with Bad Wolf being the most memorable.

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Well, that was total crap...

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Really enjoyed that! Loved the 1904 storyline with Dan and Yaz, it was very raiders of the lost ark and it was really laid back but interesting, I liked the division storyline a lot as well! Kate, despite brief was super good. So excited for next week!

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It’s always been great when it becomes personal for the Doctor and finding out that Tecteun, the Doctor’s «mum», is behind all these Flux schemes, just makes it better. Story-wise. It’s on! One on one.

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this lost me like crazy. i mean i have problems paying attention and keeping up with things at the best of times, but it felt like so much was going on and i still had basically no answers despite this plot almost being over with. everything feels confusing for the sake of it, and i get that with the flux things are meant to be all over the place, but this simply was way too much for me to keep along with - especially considering i havent really enjoyed this era.

i also found the expansion on the doctor's "lore" to just be a little bit ass. she doesn't really respond to it in a doctory way, and any emotion expressed by her, especially during this scene, still feels confined and not at the level it could or should be

maybe its just me but im just having a really hard time connecting with this

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In 2021 if all of these ships are interlocking to protect Earth why is there any daylight at all?

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