Eagle Brook Church

    Season 4 2011

    • 2011-11-19T14:00:00Z on YouTube
    • 45m
    • 3h 45m (5 episodes)
    • United States

    5 episodes

    Season Premiere


    4x01 INKED - Some Things Don't Change - Peace

    Season Premiere

    4x01 INKED - Some Things Don't Change - Peace

    • 2011-11-19T14:00:00Z45m

    If there’s one thing that’s needed today it’s a sense of peace. All we have to do is turn on the TV and we can begin to worry about where our neighborhoods, cities, nation and world are headed. Add to that what might be happening with our job, in our families, or with our friends, and it’s no wonder we live with anxiety. Yet, Jesus said, “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart.” Jesus wants us to live with his peace; it’s a gift He’s given us. So the question is how do we do life with a deeper sense of God’s peace?

    One of the big questions we who put our trust in Jesus have to ask ourselves is: “How much of my life will I truly turn over to God and will I trust Him with every area of my life, or just parts of it?”

    Have you ever doubted your salvation or wondered “There has to be more to it than just faith?” Maybe there’s a sin or habit that you can’t seem to overcome and that causes you to doubt your salvation. You’re not alone—even the best of us sin, because none of us are perfect. Still, what is grace? What is faith? And what is the role of good works with regard to salvation?

    The promises we’ve looked at so far in this series—if we believe them and live by them—will change our present, future, and eternity. This message's promise is different. Romans 8:28 is a great promise of hope, but most people don’t turn to it unless they are going through a difficult time. It’s the kind of promise we wish we didn’t need, “that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.” Unfortunately, some people don’t see this verse as a promise of hope, but a source of disappointment, because they aren’t clear about what it’s really saying. We need to understand what this verse is saying, and what it’s not saying, if our hope is going to remain strong.

    Do you ever feel like you’re going through deep waters and difficult days? Ever feel like you’re having a hard time keeping your head above water? Most of us live with some amount of fear or a sense of being overwhelmed, and yet over 300 times the phrase “fear not” or “do not fear” is found in the Bible. Apparently our fears are a big deal to God. Today we’re going to look at a promise from the Bible that can get you through even the most fearful and overwhelming times in life.
