Eagle Brook Church

    Season 59 2017

    • 2017-02-05T14:00:00Z on YouTube
    • 45m
    • 6h (8 episodes)
    • United States

    8 episodes

    Season Premiere


    59x01 The New You - Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ

    Season Premiere

    59x01 The New You - Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ

    • 2017-02-05T14:00:00Z45m

    When we put our faith in Christ, we are made new and are freed from the power of sin. But if the old life is gone, why do we still struggle with sin? What does it look like to live like a new person? In the message, Pastor John Alexander wrestles with these questions and unpacks what it takes to live as a new you—dead to sin, and alive in Christ.

    59x02 The New You - Raised To Life

    • 2017-02-12T14:00:00Z45m

    From the moment we accept Christ, our old life is gone and our new life begins. When we’re baptized, we symbolically and publicly identify with Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection—and celebrate that we have been raised to life with Jesus! In this message, Pastor Jason Strand teaches about what baptism is and why it’s such a significant step in our walk with Christ.


    59x03 The New You - Set Free

    59x03 The New You - Set Free

    • 2017-02-19T14:00:00Z45m

    When we make the decision to follow Christ, that’s just the beginning of learning how to live a new life. We’ve been set free from sin, but we still face the tension between the old life and new life. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt discusses how, through obedience to Christ, we can weaken the grip sin holds on our lives—but we must daily decide if we’re going to pursue that life of obedience or a life of sin.

    59x04 The New You - The Struggle Is Real

    • 2017-02-26T14:00:00Z45m

    We all have areas in our lives that we struggle with again and again—anger, fear of the future, losing control of our words, addiction. We recognize the problem and how it’s hurting us, yet we can't seem to fix it. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt explores what it takes to defeat the sins that control us.

    59x05 The New You - No Condemnation

    • 2017-03-05T14:00:00Z45m

    If you’re in Christ, you’re no longer defined by what you’ve done wrong—you’re defined by what Jesus Christ did right. Because, on the cross, Jesus died to pay the penalty for sin so you don’t have to live in shame and condemnation anymore. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand unpacks how forgiveness is immediate and complete for those who choose to follow Christ and confess their sins.


    59x06 The New You - Choices

    59x06 The New You - Choices

    • 2017-03-12T13:00:00Z45m

    What is your mind set on? What dominates your thoughts? Because, according to Romans 8, whatever dominates your thoughts will determine where you go, what you do, and how you live. In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt digs into the battle of control of our minds and thoughts—a battle between sinful desires and the Holy Spirit. The outcome leads to life and peace or sin and death. And the good news is, we get to choose who wins.

    59x07 The New You - A Greater Hope

    • 2017-03-19T13:00:00Z45m

    We all have plans for our lives—for where we’d like to live, what we’d like to do for work, when we’d like to get married, and how many kids we want to have. But, oftentimes, our plans don’t line up with God’s purposes. When difficult, painful situations occur, we can’t understand how God could bring good from it. In this message, Pastor Jason Strand emphasizes that we don’t have to understand why something is happening to be able to trust God with the outcome.

    59x08 The New You - More Than Conquerors

    • 2017-03-26T13:00:00Z45m

    A lot of people go through life feeling badly about themselves and don’t even know why. Other people do know why, and they carry intense regret over choices they’ve made throughout their life. So, what will it take to be released from feelings of guilt and regret? In this message, Pastor Bob Merritt explains how, once you’ve put your trust in Jesus to forgive and save you, then God is in your corner—and no matter what life throws your way, you can rest assured that you have the ultimate victory.
