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Fallout: Season 1

1x08 The Beginning

Walton Goggins has played some interesting characters in the past, but The Ghoul is iconic.

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Can’t wait to rewatch this all over again, and again, and again.
I told myself years ago that I would have no expectations, that I’m just happy we’re getting a live action Fallout. Although there are some things I wish were different, I am definitely a satisfied fan. Season 2 when?

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If you read this comment, it means you liked the series too. It ended leaving many questions in my mind. I'm glad the cowboy and the girl got together and her dad was a jerk. As always, as every good thing has an end, we have come to the end of this beautiful thing. Who will wait for the second season now? It's an excellent series, I've played and watched more or less the game. The acting, the environment, the effects, everything was good. Your efforts are like health and medicine.:blush:

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CGI trying to make people look younger still sucks! Please just stop trying until it works better.

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I really liked The Ghoul’s and the little brother’s vault story coming to an epic shared conclusion. Lucy and Maximus had a really boring journey throughout, and never really seemed to grow as characters, Maximus is still a dumbass and Lucy is still clueless and gullible.

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De-aging an actor with computer generated effects is still so damn jarring. Hollywood has been doing it for over a decade (the first example that comes to mind is the movie “Sex Tape”, where Cameron Diaz was weirdly de-aged within the first ten minutes of the movie). Their mouths never look right, it’s so weird looking!

Good finale. I agree with some other commenters in that Lucy and Maximus’ stories were the least compelling of the season, it was all about Norm and The Ghoul! Moises Arias has quickly evolved from “that flippy haired kid from ‘Hannah Montana’” to just a solid adult actor.

That final setting reveal has me PUMPED for a second season.

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Great series overall, really enjoyed it. Couple of unanswered things that I don't really get...

What happened to Vault 32 for them to go all crazy and kill each other and write on the wall, feels like there was an experiment but they didn't elaborate (yet perhaps the repopulation of 32 will reactivate that experiment next season).

Also they didn't explain how Moldaver survived the bombs, presumably she somehow got in a cryo pod also? It must have been from a different vault if so, she wasn't on the registry for 31.

Lastly, this is a bit of a plot hole, who cleaned up Vault 32 in that 24 hour period before they reopened it. Initially we were led to believe the occupants of 31 went in and 'cleaned house', but that clearly wasn't the case now. Betty was hard at work!

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19:30 Who's the figure in the dark? Vault-Tec CEO?
42:11 Umm, don't T-60's all have headlamps?

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Great show, the world of fallout is identical. I recognized some places where I played.

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Someone made a comment that Moldaver kept her friend alive :joy: that shit was queer coded af.
Totally unexpected. Much like the rest of this episode! My theory about 31 was close!
What a triumph of an adaptation! Fantastic work all around. I'm not even mad about yet another 'bury your gays' coz no one gets a happy ending in the wasteland.
Does make me wonder about the chick from Vault 4 from Shady Sands though. Her long black locks very similar to Lucy and her mum...

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Ending on a high note, with the storylines coming together in a great way. A fantastic finale to a great first season. Lucy staying silent for something like 30 minutes this episode, listening to her dad and Moldaver (with scenes in between ofcourse) gave so much weight to the scene. Absolutely loved it. Can't wait for season 2.

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After what they did to the Fallout license in 2008 and after, this show has no business being even half that good.

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I just ate this series up and I'm definitely rewatching it in a couple of weeks.

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That's good conclusion for the first season. By the end I was like is that NV!?

And Mrs. Maclean's revelation was tragic it made me feel bad for our lead protagonist. Horrible father!

And in the end credit well they just confirm that it is NV!:star_struck:

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That was a horrible horrible episode.

I loved all the other episodes, I would give them all an 8-9, but this, what was this absolute mess of a show?

It looked grainy, first of all, as the filter used was out of place.

Next, the dialogue was completely off-putting; there was no emotion or feelings in any dialogue spoken between any character.

The acting was wooden by everyone involved.

Then the directing... This felt more like they shot random scenes with ideas from different people on how to end it and the director just said, "Fuck it, let's use em all."

Very disappointed.

I hope season 2 returns to what made the other episodes great.

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Decent first season, onward to New Vegas and Vault 38.

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With only one episode left, I was a little worried it wouldn't be able to wrap up the loose ends satisfyingly, but my worries were unfounded.

When I heard this was in development, I -- like a lot of other people -- kinda wrote it off as probably going down the other route of video game adaptations. Granted, I was mostly thinking about movies, and good lord is that a terrible track record, but even knowing it was going to be a show with room to grow instead of a quick 90-120 minute movie that tries to cram a bunch of lore into one story, I still wasn't all that thrilled at its chances of pulling it off.

This is something I'm gonna be rewatching a lot until season two airs. And if its anything like some of my other favorite serialized shows, I'll probably be rewatching each season before a new one airs.


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An open ending and a teaser of what may come...
Is Norm entering the capsule for real?
I was expecting something if from the father, the button thing caused me stress to see that nothing happened, until she returned to activate it....
Maximus is a lucky asshole...
The ghoul can be a great character if they develop him well...
A brain, it reminded me of futurama....
Lucy's face when they told her the truth,was very wtf....
I hope they bring out the 2nd season soon....

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Just when I thought they squeezed all the life energy out of this series, they pulled me back in with this final episode of season one

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Brilliant stories and Acting, can't wait for next seasons storylines.. Excellent all round :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Shout by ทixi৳ท
BlockedParent2024-04-21T12:17:50Z— updated 2024-04-26T22:00:47Z

This last episode of the season was powerful. There were many twists and turns. I liked the background musics. Lots of things were revealed in this episode. I'm really looking forward to season 2.

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Great series, every episode is "on point", great setting, great season finale that ties up almost all the loose ends. Someone really knows their craft.

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Flashbacks saved the season. Do not care about Stupid Lucy and stupid Maximus, both annoying as hell. We need more The Ghoul/Cooper and their story. Not people walking in the dessert. Again, a Show, not a Game.

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Was super awesome! The Ghoul is so fun. The multiple factions great. A nice ending. The world is beautiful.

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The show is beautiful
raised more questions for me than it answered at the end of it want to watch season 2

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plot twist after plot twist after plot twist. WOW

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Expect for the acting and production design everything else is total let down and borefest.

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So the ghoul knew all about lucy and decided to torture her and cut her finger off ? And the cold fusion turns on random lights in the wasteland how ? The tv series else is quite good, but I'm getting triggered by such writing stupidity.
Also the cast for Dane is ridiculous.

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Not bad but defiantly not great, as a matter of fact it moved about as fast as the Mandalorian !

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So many questions left :thinking:

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Lot of conviences in the last episode and many things don't make sense at all. Like the character deaths and reveals.

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A very good final episode of the season. We got a few answers but many questions remain.
Leaves some loose ends which set's up nicely for season 2. I thought the Ghoul was a psychopath, but his actions are perhaps for good reason, as he seems to know a lot about Vault Tec and what they did!

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Shout by ShoMok

Why does Lucy cold-bloodily shoot her "Mother"? Why is she standing there for half of the episode doing nothing while war is raging around her? Why is Moldaever (whatevershername) as old as the Vault-Tecs? Why isn’t she shown fighting/getting wounded? Why didn’t the showrunners make a scene where the Ghoul and Moldy meet each other again while the majority of the series the characters constantly do run into each other? Why? Might’ve made for an interesting conversation.. The only thing still open from a story/character-pov is the Ghoul searching for his family. Hype not confirmed, mediocre show at best.

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What rubbish! The best friend maintained her friendship even when her friend was a walking corpse. The daughter who is the protagonist, because she is the protagonist, kills her own mother. What a shitty character. Showing that her love for her mother was a shitty love. All the relationships in this series were very poorly done. Everything to seal it, to fulfill the progressive agenda of minorities. I never played the game, but if I found out that the mascot of something I liked in the games was a shitty Ghoul character. I would be very sad with the outcome they gave him.

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Next season with New Vegas is going to be awesome! My expectations for this adaptation were reasonably low, has the majority of people, but now for the next season I hope it can keep the standards if not exede.

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