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Game of Thrones 2011

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Absolutely love this series, bummer the final season will be starting soon!!

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Can't wait for final season

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Games of Thrones season 7 was the best ever, all the annoying people are gone and we can concentrate on the best one. A good series, intrigues takes time but not betrayals ! Well can't wait to see the rest !

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Great show love the suspense

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An amazing tv show, just a little to slow

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Then going to say much more than awesome I'm just sad that they're only making one more season and it's going to take almost 3 years to make it

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I know they're different genres, but I think Breaking Bad is superior to Game of Thrones. I love GOT, but they screwed up season five. Only dialogue, nothing happening.

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best to series of 20th century

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Awesome love it can’t wait for the next season watched all up to 7

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Action packed. They can’t make them fast enough

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"The North remember". Arya wins!

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Splendid. Must watch ! Nuff said

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Read the other reviews. I dont think you need another one "just to make sure". Its like wanting one more person to tell you that the earth is round.

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"Winter is comming"

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It's complicated but simple

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For this time, is my best tv show, it's awesome!!! The scenes, the plot...
The season one is excellent and the season two, well it was a quite more bad, but the second book of this saga it isn't the best book!!! For me, the scenes I cut down are the sex scenes, because one or two, ok, ten or twenty, sorry but not!
But I love this show!!!

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Brace yourself..... the new season is coming

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It is well worth sticking with, it won't take long to get used to all the characters and the story is easily one of the best I've ever read. It looks like they've knocked it out of the park with the adaptation so if it gets the backing it should, it should start knocking shows off the top of Top 10 lists pretty damn soon.

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Games of thrones is my favourite movie

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I've decided to freeze myself Cartman style, someone unthaw me on the 1st. Thanks!

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Thoughts on episode 1 back??

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the best show in the history

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Brilliant, and I didn't think I would like it

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Just fascinating

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I can tell you that Game of Thrones is phenomenal, staggering, surprising, beautiful, emotional, action-packed and thrilling rollercoaster. Prior to watching the shows I read all the books published till that time. Books>show. However, the show is superb, as the characters are so dramatic and complicated that we may love some but we love to hate some (e.a. Cersei). HUGE plot twists and turns that make the show so amazing. Literally, it is a game for the throne. More families that you can count t fight over the land of Westeros for ascending that throne. Save for the northern families, that desire their own homes and families. Furthermore, the plot doesn't end there. In the far north. a legendary military order, the Night's Watch is dedicated to defending the kingdoms from threats north of the Wall, a sctructure 700ft high. Watch it and you will be rewarded.

10/10, and Winter is Coming.

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For christ sake, more and more stuff different than in the book :/

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for those who loved to read the books of George R.R. Marin: The tvshow has the same awesomeness!!

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I want to watch the last season!!!

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This show is awesome but a little too strong.

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I just don't know why I haven't got one favourite tv show... but when I think in depth about it, GoT seems to be the right one... don't know yet tho

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One of my favorite shows!

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it is true that next season will be the last?

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Love this show hopefully they'll've many more to come, this carte be the last season...

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The best TV show I've ever seen!

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Dont know what took me so long to get here, but here I am! I watched all 4 seasons in about 2 weeks lol. Cant wait for more!!! (GO SAM!!)

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Very good show!

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Another fantastic HBO show. Well written acted utterly brutal like the books

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Winter Is Coming

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Definitely one of the best dramas of all time. Surely the best fantasy drama of such huge magnitude.

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Awesome to get it back underway (pretty large gap in story tho)... Ought to be interesting to see how the show plays out, differently that is, and hoping the backstorys of characters and worldly situations come thru (and not just left to figure out or miss entirely)... The books can be quite long l, especially the UNABRIDGED versions, but now I can see why so much was put into them...

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It is a must watch show!

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how can you not like this show... I will be so sad when it will be the end

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season 3, EP 04 getting exciting now.. :D

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last season( season 4) was 'quiet', seems this one is starting off well. i'm already looking forward to the 3 powers battling for the iron-throne.

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woah... if you say so.... i find it boring !

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Loved the books so i decided to check out the series, haven't been dissapointed so far. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoyed the books and want to experience the greatness that is Game of Thrones.

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Clearly deserves the top position in every aspect among all the tv series. It's a mind boggling story and one can never expect or predict what would happen next. You can place a bet by going through facts and all but even then the story would continue to amaze you with all its plot twists and mythological environment. We all are like Mr. Snow in this series, we all know nothing in the end.
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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It's a great show. It has various characters with their own unique personalities. You can see something of yourself in almost every character. It makes it hard to pick sides or have favorites, which makes you look at the whole story. I really love it and i'm busy reading the second book at this moment.

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wow, nice sex, such wow

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This show is A M A Z I N G!! I love this show ♥

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Season 5 has been a disappointment of epic proportions. They've scarcely kept to the books.

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Can't understAnd people that hate this show because there's nudity scenes. The Americas didn't learned about this in history but in the era of the show women here treated this way and men only cared about fighting and fucking. I've read the books and I've watched all the episodes and it's a must see show

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This show is awesome. The story line, background and characters are phenomenal. love it

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The night is dark and full of terrorists

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At one point in time there was no Game of Thrones. Shudder.

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best season until now! much great wow

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second season isn't as good as the first one I feel like it getting worse...

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Shout by Will

Getting worse (the good kind) every episode. :D

Loving it and yea who says sex does not sell. ;)

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Best show ever!

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Winter is coming..... in less than 24 hours :D

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Can't wait for Season 3 to start up!!!

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The best show on TV, no doubt.

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I just finished first episode :) I think I'll love it

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the most boring thing ever

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Can't wait for season 5!

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The best serie in my opinion

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I read the books first. Kudos to the makers of this series. They do the books justice. Never 10/10* but a solid 8/10* is deserved. It's rough, gritty and corny at times. I really like it. If you can't see beyond the sex and the sometimes excessive violence this is not for you. Go watch something else.

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It's an amazing show..,

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one of the best shows on tv

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Such a quality show. On paper it seems impossible to come out on top with a Fantasy series involving dragons, nudity and monsters. However, it's done, and with excellence! I picked it up because I heard it was based on books written by a Fantasy writer who hated Fantasy. That was enough for me to become intrigued (since the genre has been utterly killed in the 90s and 00s). Great acting, unexpected turns of events, a wonderful focus on politics and power games instead of mindless war scenes that the genre is otherwise infested by, and lots of warmth and complex humanity. And honestly, some of those gritty sex scenes in the first seasons...

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Great tv!

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the best!!!

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its wonderful

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Great story, but atrocious fans.

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Best show ever?

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great show

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Great show

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Easily, the best show on TV!

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I love the blonde Queen! She is always surprising and awesome!

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With already way over 300 comments I am not sure one more will matter but I make the effort anyway.

I've waited 5 years, until the show finished, to watch it in one piece. I actually managed not to know anything about the plot. But, all the time wondering: will it be worth it? From where I stand the answer is a confident "NO". Every season I was looking to convince me to continue until I finally couldn't any longer in season 4.

The production, without doubt, is probably one of the best ever done for TV. That I will like to admit. The cast is splendid. But the story could not get me excited in any way. Half of the time it was interesting while the other half is more like a highly praised soap opera (yeah, call me names but I stand behind that).

Reading how the show ended and what even the ones who love this show think about it, I guess I made the right decision. I don't know of another show that has such a drop in the avarage ratings for it's final season.

Well, there are many other things to watch now.

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Is ok

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Started reading the books about a month ago, and I am beyond hooked on the show. This is an absolute must watch. It's stunning.

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I have seen season 1,2 and 3. But I can't get myself to continue. The series is beautifully made, it really is. But I just can't seem to get into the story.

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Brilliant and unmissable show until the final season where they wrecked years of work. final season seemed rushed and botched, disappointing.

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Waiting for the season 4 to end...I am a total binge watcher...I love Game of is my one of my total favorites..

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Amazing show

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I lov this show, there are not afraid to show the audience how they adapt the book in the script to the tv show, the scriptwriters understand what is neet to be show, and in this season they proved the sacrifice that has to be made in the show to keep the audience in their toes!

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The red wedding. WTF! Did'nt see that comming.

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About as good as TV comes. And the story is not about who you think it is....

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Well done and filmed.

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A freakin' awesome show :)

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Awesome series! HBO should do fantasy and horror series. Carnivale, True Blood, and Game of Thrones are all fantastic.

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Lost my interest pretty fast.. Stopped at season 3. Couldn't make myself watch it further than that.

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Amazing show, I love it!

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This is one of the very few screen adaptations that really do the original book justice. I loved it from start to finish.

I just keep wondering how the story adds up for someone who hadn't read the book. There's just so much detail and background information in the book, that even these 10 episodes seem like just a couple of important scenes stringed together. Which is great if you had read the book before, but I can't imagine it making much sense to someone who hadn't.

Anybody here who watched the show only? What's your impression?

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Just started watching a few episodes here and there, and it's really interesting. A few just unnecessary sex scenes but I'm willing to overlook them because of the great plots and complications. Overall, great drama and acting.

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This is one of the best I've ever seen on TV!

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Found an awesome site with every episode.Watched 2 seasons in 2 days. This is a crazy good series. I see why it got picked up immediately following episode one! Getting attached to characters is killing me. The BEST people keep dying. Don't know who to root for b/c I might be jinxing them lol! Just 4 episodes left. How ever will I survive until 2013?

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