Wow, what an episode. Megan and Nathan have such beautiful chemistry, really good and fun to watch characters. I hope this won’t be the last we see of them. That ending beach scene with them had me laughing through my tears. <3

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I finally understand what happened with Megan. That was such a bad moment. I'm glad she have her happy ending with Nathan.
Yes, they had their problems, but wer mean to be together
I can't believe Nathan is gone. I'm going to miss him.
I hope we get to see more of Teddy. I want her to be back on the show.
I feel sad for Owen and Amelia but was necessary. They did not know each other. At least found their peace.
Beautiful ending.
Next week we will see our usual hospital drama.

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i liked the episode, its cool knowing how everything went down.... their relationships.
I didnt like the fact that this episodes looks happened all of the sudden, like a movie and it ended.
Last episode Hunt was going to fight for Amelia, Nathan was kinda divided with Meredith.. and this episodes begins with them moving out and Hunt leaving his sick wife... makes no sense.

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as someone whose least favourite character is owen this episode was extremely unenjoyable :weary:

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Shout by Mayra Andreina Ruíz

A happy ending for a family in this series. Amazing! Good for them.

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Shout by Evelyn

I liked this ending of the arcs, honestly. I don't feel like Mer is really available for a real relationship, and as she said - if Derek would've miraculously returned, she'd be gone with him in a bit, and she belived (rightfully so) that Riggs had to give it a go too. That was beautiful imo.
Perhaps Megan and Riggs won't make in on the long run too, but they definitely have to try.
Owen is an ass for meddling, but nothing new here.
And his separation from Amelia was really logical to me, because their whole story was weird and rushed overall, so the tumor was a good way to explain everything irrational Emilia did (including leaving her awesome fiancée from the "Private Practice" setting). I just hope they'll go through with it. I realize that getting him together with Teddy is too obvious, but she's the only one who can be strong and flexible when need to keep up with him. He's not good with any of the really stubborn ones (I.e Cristina and Amelia both).

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Shout by Evelyn

I liked this ending of the arcs, honestly. I don't feel like Mer is really available for a real relationship, and as she said - if Derek would've miraculously returned, she'd be gone with him in a bit, and she belived (rightfully so) that Riggs had to give it a go too. That was beautiful imo.
Perhaps Megan and Riggs won't make in on the long run too, but they definitely have to try.
Owen is an ass for meddling, but nothing new here.
And his separation from Amelia was really logical to me, because their whole story was weird and rushed overall, so the tumor was a good way to explain everything irrational Emilia did (including leaving her awesome fiancée from the "Private Practice" setting). I just hope they'll go through with it. I realize that getting him together with Teddy is too obvious, but she's the only one who can be strong and flexible when need to keep up with him. He's not good with any of the really stubborn ones (I.e Cristina and Amelia both).

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Amelia and Owen did not even try. "We don‘t know each other“ yeah well you keep avoiding each other since the day you married!!?!? Wtf

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I feel bad that almost every single one of the couples are breaking up.

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Shout by Fábio Ribeiro

Idk how people could like of this episode. I mean, we saw Meredith getting feelings about Nathan and Nathan getting feelings about Mer. Then suddenly Owen's sister arrives from dead and they got back together? Come on! One of the worst episodes that I ever saw. Of course I was a MerDer fan and I was really sad when Derek died, but we were seeing Meredith getting a happy ending after that. And don't let me star talking about Owen and Amelia. They got back together in the final of the last episode, and then he remembered that maybe she was right and he married a tumor? I hope Owen, his sister and Nathan drown in a wave in front of their house in the season finale

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