Shouts about...

Halo: Season 2

2x06 Onyx

Beyond being legendary, I had goosebumps in every episode. I don't know if this series will be released again, but this series is very, very good. I was very curious about where it would end. Who will wait another week? Thanks for your efforts. They did a great job.

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It was better than last weeks episode. Enjoyed it for what it was, but I find myself increasingly trying to hush the part of my brain that is screaming - "Where is Chief's armour?!"

Initially, I found the idea of an out of armour chief interesting during the earlier parts of this season.

But I am tired now.

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I'm sure the Covenant will wet their pants when all those 5'11'' "Spartans" will be coming for them.
Seriously, the writing is really bad. There are some rare moments every now and then where I think this is picking up. But it's smoke and mirrors. The whole side plot with Soren and Laera is boring and seems to have no purpose. And what's the deal between Cortana and Parangosky? The Admiral promised her something in return for what she did which is what exactly ? Sending her back to spy more until she "dies" ?
I get the feeling this will be another show that dangels the promise of something huge before your eyes only to fail miserably when it is time to deliver.

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I agree. Where is master chief armor. Probably wants to show his face to get the next acting job.

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where is the fucking master chief armor !?

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At this point I'm mostly watching to see just how frustratingly dumb this could possibly get.

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A full season of filler episodes

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This season has to be made by Hollywoke. This show has gotten so boring and stupid.

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Turned this episode off halfway through, and not sure if I'll go back to it. I actually had some fun with this show in Season 1, but the writing has gotten so bad now that I genuinely don't know what they were thinking.

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great balance of story and action I thought :thought_balloon:

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Great progression from the previous episode!

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