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Season 2


Shout by Huysamen Engelbrecht

Season two had a very hard act to follow. About halfway through the first episode, I was really doubting where they were aiming, but the introduction of key new characters and driving forces changed my mind very quickly. It was an engrossing watch, with some moments of bemusement, befuddlement and "yess!" moments.
A worthy successor to the first season!

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Shout by dgw

If I average out my episode ratings, I get just over an 8 for the season. But frankly, I think a 6 or 6.5 is more appropriate. This wasn't as good as the first season, somehow. It lacks the focus that permeated season one and made it absolutely compelling. Too many plot elements turn out to be more or less irrelevant this time around, instead of everything building to one climax.

It's still a good watch, and I'll round up from the high end to yield a 7 overall for this season, but there's a reason it took me nearly a year to actually watch these eight episodes. They're underwhelming compared to what preceded them.

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I felt like this season was all over the place, Niska wanting to be treated like a human, Leo looking for the few awaken synths, Mattie fixing the blond cute just for him to be insignificant to the long story, Tobis girlfriend and lets not even start and the little girls synth behaviour supposed "problem" that came and went just like that. They were trying to do a lot of things in just 8 episodes i couldnt feel a connection between each storyline. And the fact that they went global just at the snap of a finger didn't help and that what happens to a lot of shows, you can't go global just like that, it's a process...
In the end they made it come to an end, yes it all came together but I don't think this ending can justify the fail that was this season.
I loved the first season, i watched it twice, and was really excited for this second season, but it ended up being a sad and bland disappointment :(

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