I've read the entire comic and this episode had me in tears at many points. This is the best show I've ever seen in my life.

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Terrible season finale.
None of the stories are wrapped up properly.
They end on a massive cliff-hanger.
And their constant focus on Mark's internal struggle is tiring.

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I didn't expect the "Kang Dynasty" to be only a 2 episode arc.

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I thought Mark was stronger...

Great job spending over half the episode crying about killing the guy who was about to murder your family, Mark. Also, perhaps the extended "oh no I'm becoming my dad" internal struggle would have been more appropriate before the dad's redemption ark. Perhaps it would have also landed harder if there was a legitimate moral issue to struggle with.

He didn't even have the strength to tell Eve his feelings, after spending 45 minutes of the episode crying about his feelings.

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Ayyy that was pretty good. Really hyped to see where the story ends up going. I really liked the characters this season and the emotions were high. I really like Mark and how he is developing. The multiverse stuff really irks me, but it seems like its done so lesgo.

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Mark sure does love getting a black eye. They literally give him one in every fight.

I was really hoping we would have ran into cannibal mark eating other marks. Shame they didn’t animate that.

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I think I miss my wife...
- Which one?

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see ya folks in 2027. so long.

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Terrible season finale. First 30 minutes could have been a less than five second flashback. What a flat, one-dimensional villan Angstrom Levi was, specially for the season finale. Even the cameos and the fan service were sufferable

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Phenomenal episode. I wasn’t sure how or if they could come close to the heights of the season one finale, but they got close. Way closer than I would have expected. Angstrom giving Mark this much angst after he was done with is haunting. This is just something Mark has to learn to live with for the rest of his life. Something interesting I noticed is that every time it seemed like Mark was about to go berserk and lose control on Angstrom, his family was there to distract him and tame him down. Then when they were in another universe away from this, Mark had nothing to hold him back anymore. He needs that human connection that his mom and his friends give to him. I agree with him dropping out of school because of course (especially if he isn’t going to go anyway) but he definitely needs that connection with other people his age. And I hope he’s able to find that, but I’m nervous he’s going to delve deep into his viltrimite half and slowly begin to lose his humanity. I’m rooting for you, Mark.

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What If a superhero was pushed to the edge by a villain, who thought he was a savior, by torturing his/her family.

This episode gets high rating. But when Snyder did the same in a more polite and humane way in Man of Steel, fans praised while Marvel's fans jeered. This episode got praised.

That's what happened with Disney's generation brainwashing for decades. What a pity!

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Kind of really hope they will get together with Eve at some point lol

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Kinda tired with Invincible. Dude has to learn how to fight. Lame hero.

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lol I had completely forgotten about that mummy plot. This show has so many hanging threads, they should be better structured within the main story.

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I didn’t like how the sped past the Spider-Man and Batman scenes. But great episode outside of that.

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