Me on the first half of the series: lesbians killing nazis 11/10
Me on the second half: dafuq am I watching?

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Shout by dgw

Episode rating average (season 1): 7.333…
Enjoyment: 9
Yield: 8.1666…, rounded to 8
Penalty: -1 point for over the top, out of place fanservice

Not completely solid, and not quite up to the expectations I had for it at the start of the season, but still a good show worth watching. Alternate history is always enjoyable, though I question some of the writing choices (like the slice-of-life episode in the middle that did nothing for the overall plot, or having Bergmann and Izetta both be still alive despite heavily implying that both died).

I would probably watch a second season of this, but I'd hope it had less fanservice and more solid writing (with fewer "coincidences").

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