Still love that scene between Art and Mr. Reasoner!

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That was an amazing high speed pursuit at the end there.

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Shout by JasperKazai

Stealing that dollar bill was a really dumb and out-of-character decision for Winona to make, just for the plot contrivance. She's clearly had a long career in and around the law, so it makes no sense that she would do that. It also makes no sense that the guy in charge of the evidence keys would just let her have them, unsupervised. He's on the hook for anything that goes wrong. No way in hell would anyone in that position would just walk away carefree like that.

Also - the more they characterize Gary, the less sense it makes that Winona would ever go from Timothy Olyphant to him. On one hand, you have this goober who is such a fucking dumbass with money, he became indebted to the Dixie Mafia, and now he's put up an entire house as collateral for a goddamn racing horse. And on the other hand... you have Timothy Olyphant. Like, come on.

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